Linda would not say something like that usually. The staff of the Swann Corporation had always felt she was stern and
She had always been serious and would follow the rules whenever she did something. Even Leonel, who had been working with
her for years, was taken aback to hear that. He chuckled.
“Linda, Miss Swann doesn’t have any superpowers. She has greater foresight than us and considers more. With Erick in the
Winfreds, this troublesome matter is solved.”
They both were senior staff of the Swann Corporation, and Vicente trusted them.
Before Vicente passed away, he trusted the company to them.
If Korbin ruined the company, they would be embarrassed as they failed to do what they had promised Vicente.
Fortunately, Catherine was brilliant and good at making strategies.
Linda realized what she said did not match her usual behavior.
But her reaction was because she was shocked.
Catherine was amazing to think of something like this.
Linda had been working with Korbin for at least a decade. He was the eldest son of the Swanns and the only heir.
Everyone thought Vicente would pass down the company to him after he retired. Linda disliked Korbin’s way of doing things. She
had planned to resign and enjoy her retirement life after Korbin took over the company.
Vicente had been generous with her salary. The money she earned working in the Swann Corporation was enough to live happily
without working for the rest of her life.
No one had expected Vicente to change his will at the last minute before he passed away, making his granddaughter, who had
been dumped to live in the countryside, inherit the company.
When everyone looked down upon this girl from the countryside, her every move and strategy shocked them, changing their
perception of her.

Catherine’s expression turned gentle as she looked at the two quipping.
“I’ll leave since this matter is settled.”
“Miss Swann, please wait.” Linda stopped Catherine from leaving. She placed a pile of documents before Catherine.
“Miss Swann, we need you to sign these documents to get some of the projects started.”
Catherine was a student and had to attend classes. So, most of the documents were kept aside until she visited the company.
Then, she would sign it all in one go.
Catherine did not say anything. She knew Linda would not trouble her if someone else could sign these documents on her
She flipped the pages of the documents and read them quickly before signing on the places that needed to be signed. Her
actions were swift and decisive. Her signature was also simple and quick.
Linda noticed Catherine’s quick action and glanced at Leonel.
Leonel smiled and said nothing.
Catherine was just like Vicente when he was young.
She was firm, mature, and decisive, like a true leader. They trusted the men they employed and would never keep anyone who
betrayed them. After signing those documents, Catherine pushed them to Linda and looked at her.
“Do you have any more documents I have to sign?”
The beautiful face before her mesmerized her, making her forget to answer.
Just as Linda was startled, Catherine had already gotten up and left the office. When Linda was astonished, Catherine was not in
the office anymore.
Leonel stood beside her and lifted his eyebrow.
“Hey, do you want to have a drink together?”
“Let’s go!” Linda smiled in response.

She had never drunk alcoholic drinks during her working hours, afraid of neglecting her work. However, with a capable boss like
Catherine, she had no worries and could relax.
When Catherine was at the Swann Corporation’s lobby, the two security guards bowed and shouted, “Miss Swann!”
Their voices were so loud that it was thundering to the ear.
Everyone nearby looked at them, and Catherine immediately became the limelight in the crowd. Catherine frowned and walked
ahead without reacting.
When she walked out the door, she saw red isolation belts had already surrounded the bike Ronin lent her. It looked like an
exhibition to those who did not know this was her bike.
It stood in the middle of the Swann Corporation’s entrance with the isolation belt, which was hilarious. The two security guards
took off the isolation belt immediately.
“Miss Swann, your bike!”
Catherine stopped walking and looked at the security guard, helping her to hold onto the bike. It made her wonder if he was
worried she could not get onto the bike or if it might be too heavy for her. Catherine picked her eyebrow squinted her eyes, and
looked at them.
The security guard stepped back subconsciously because Catherine’s gaze was scary. Although she did not show much
expression, a gaze from her was enough to make them nervous for no reason.
After the security guard backed away, Catherine got onto the bike in a swift and handsome posture. The Harley-Davidson bike
that looked heavy and big was like an obedient toy in Catherine’s hands.
She rode it without any fear.
The engine roared, and Catherine slid down the sunblock glasses on her helmet. She let go of the brake, and the Harley-
Davidson shot out like a bullet.
The security guards looked at Catherine leaving and muttered, “Miss Swann is so cool!”

Another security guard said confidently, “I’m sure Miss Swann has practiced martial arts before. Even I could feel the weight of
the bike when I held it.
“Look at how easily Miss Swann had rode it!”
Catherine headed to the Swanns’ after leaving the Swann Corporation on the Harley-Davidson. She had received a call from
Korbin asking for her presence in the Swanns’.
She knew she had to face it sooner or later. So, Catherine did not intend to avoid it. When Catherine entered the house, she felt
the tense atmosphere in it.
A faint smile appeared on her delicate face. Something seemed to have amused her. Hearing the footsteps, Korbin put down the
documents and looked at Catherine. When his eyes feel on Catherine, his face was ashen.
“How dare you come back?”
Everyone could hear the anger in his voice. The maids in the living room quickly left upon sensing his anger, afraid Korbin might
throw his rage at them.
Catherine looked at Korbin expressionlessly.
“Looks like I must have misunderstood your meaning in that call.
“Well, then. I’ll leave now.”
Looking at Catherine who was about to leave, Korbin was so pissed off and he glared at Catherine.
“Stand there!”
