The leading butler approached Korbin with the utmost respect. “Hello, Mr. Swann. We are a professional estate management
team hired by Miss Catherine. From now on, we will handle all affairs at the Swanns’. I kindly ask you and Mrs. Rachael to leave
the Swanns’ as soon as possible.”
At that moment, Korbin couldn’t believe his ears and looked at them with a bewildered expression.
“Are you serious? Do you want me to leave the Swanns’? I am Korbin Swann, and this is the Swanns’!”
Korbin was furious and angrily berated the leading butler. He shouted, “You’d better leave now, or I’ll have the servants call the
After his stern warning, he gestured to the nearby servants and ushered them to escort the butlers out. The butlers on
Catherine’s side were no pushovers. Each of them was well- trained. The leading butler produced the relevant documents and
presented them to Korbin.
“Mr. Swann, this is the proof of ownership. The actual owner of this house you’re in right now is my employer, Miss Catherine.
“It’s your right to call the police if you wish, but please vacate this house immediately. Otherwise, we will also report the matter. I
assume you wouldn’t want this to become a public issue, would you?”
Korbin was left speechless by this statement. He fell back onto his seat, and his face turned red. Rachael rushed forward to
support her husband and unleashed a barrage of accusations against Catherine.
“You heartless ingrate! This is the Swanns’! We are your biological parents, and you dare to treat us like this? Aren’t you afraid of
your grandfather’s spirit condemning you?”
Catherine, who had been leisurely snacking on the couch, suddenly stopped upon hearing Rachael’s words.
She turned her head and stared at Rachael with her cold gaze.
“You dare to bring up my grandfather?”
Catherine’s cold attitude and piercing eyes left Rachael feeling uneasy. She had to muster her courage and maintain a fearless
demeanor while facing Catherine.
“Why wouldn’t I mention your grandfather? Will his soul find peace after he knows you’re using his estate to mistreat your own

After hearing that, Catherine let out a cold laugh.
She thought Rachael was so stubborn.
“What about you?” Catherine asked as she coldly stared at Rachael. Then she continued, “You collaborate with Pete and
willingly give up the Swanns’. Who are you being fair to?”
Rachael realized that Catherine knew what she had done. Rachael was also taken aback and joined her husband on the couch.
She hadn’t expected Catherine to be aware of these things.
The biggest real estate project of the top five conglomerates’ agent company in Chritie in the second half of the year happened
to be linked to the Swanns’.
Rachael had given up the Swanns as a gesture of gratitude to persuade the other party to get involved.
If Rachael hadn’t damaged the Swanns’ assets, Catherine wouldn’t have made this decision. Catherine had completed
everything she intended to do.
She had no intention of dragging things out any longer with this couple. Catherine stood up and glanced at the butler she had
brought with her.
The butler respectfully nodded to Catherine.
“Miss Swann, rest assured. I will take care of everything.”
After receiving the assurance, Catherine left gracefully.
Rachael realized that Catherine was about to leave and hurried to catch up with her. But she was intercepted by the people
Catherine had brought with her. She was not even given a chance to get close to Catherine.
As Catherine left the Swanns’, she breathed a sigh of relief. In the distance, she noticed the black sedan waiting at the entrance.
There was no need to guess. It must be the Branden.
Paxton, who was keeping an eye on Catherine’s exit, quickly informed the man in the back seat.
“Mr. Duncan, Miss Swann is coming out.”

Branden put down his laptop, got out of the car, and walked toward Catherine. He personally opened the car door for Catherine.
He carefully avoided her wounded arm and helped Catherine into the car.
Catherine’s right arm had just been sutured, and she needed to be extremely cautious. Once seated in the car, Catherine rested
her elbow on the window. She squinted at Branden as if asking why he had returned.
Without words, through her eyes alone, Branden understood the message in Catherine’s gaze. On his handsome face, his deep
eyes looked tender as he stared at Catherine. He spoke in an attractive voice tinged with a hint of helplessness.
He said, “It’s been four hours.”
Catherine paused for a moment and then realized what he meant.
When the doctor had sutured her wound, the doctor instructed her that because the wound was quite deep, she needed to take
an antibiotic every four hours to prevent infection and further complications.
At the time, Catherine hadn’t paid much attention to it, but Branden had taken it seriously.
When Catherine looked at him again, he had already taken out the medicine and placed it in front of Catherine with a warm cup
of water on the side.
Given that it was offered to her, Catherine didn’t want to make a fuss. She reached for the pills and swallowed them. Then
Branden handed her a piece of candy. His deep, sparkling eyes shone like stars in the sky.
“It’s a reward!”
The brightly wrapped candy exuded an irresistible charm, which made it clear that the candy must be incredibly sweet.
Catherine hadn’t expected that one day, someone would be concerned about her finding a pill bitter and would prepare a candy
in advance.
A subtle smile flashed across her beautiful eyes. Catherine unwrapped the candy and placed the pink confection in her mouth.
After savoring it for a moment, she gave her assessment.
“It’s sweet.”
On her usually aloof and composed face, a faint and radiant smile appeared. Branden, who witnessed this scene, was
momentarily stunned and found himself captivated by her breathtaking beauty.

After a long while, he regained his senses. He reached around her waist from behind and instantly shortened the distance
between them.
He had longed for her pink lips.
When it came to matters between a man and a woman, as long as the man was Branden, Catherine had no objections.
She reveled in the pleasure he brought.
When their kiss finally ended, Branden slowly released Catherine.
Branden reluctantly licked his own lips. If it weren’t for his worry about continuing like this, he would have hurt her. He couldn’t
bear to let go of this sweet touch.
After a long aftertaste, Branden also gave his assessment.
He raised his eyebrows and looked vaguely at Catherine. Then he whispered, “Indeed, it’s very sweet.”
His words held a double meaning. Whether he referred to the candy or the person, only he knew. Paxton had been waiting for a
while and finally saw a lull in the situation, so he cautiously brought up a matter.
“Mr. Duncan, Miss Swann has injured her hand, and she has a major exam the day after tomorrow. Should we make
arrangements to assist her?”
Catherine had injured her right hand, which she used for writing. With the wound being quite deep, it would likely be challenging
for her to write. This could significantly impact her performance on such an important exam.
Paxton’s reminder made Branden’s eyebrows furrow deeply. He stared at Catherine’s arm.
“How about you don’t participate?”
With the Duncans’ influence, getting Catherine into a top-notch school was a piece of cake.
As long as Catherine was happy, even having Branden personally create a world-class institution for her would be no issue.
Thinking about Catherine having to take the exam with her injury, Branden felt a pang of reluctance. However, Catherine, the
person directly involved, displayed an indifferent attitude.

She didn’t want to waste her time or brainpower on such a trivial matter.
She replied coldly, “It’s fine. Whatever.
Seeing Catherine’s nonchalant and uninterested attitude, Branden didn’t push further. Instead, he began contemplating which
school would be the best investment.
Everything else was unimportant. It had to suit Catherine’s needs.
