Chapter 75

-Maya's POV-

"You got f*cked,"

My head snapped up, meeting Natalia's eyes sparkling with excitement. Sarah's face mirrored her enthusiasm, while Riley, behind the bar, pretended to focus on mixing drinks, her eyes flicking towards us with interest.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I started to say, but Natalia cut me off, nearly jumping out of her seat, "Oh my Goddess, you're totally blushing! It did happen! Tell us everything!" Natalia's voice was like a bubbly explosion, impossible to ignore.

Sarah chimed in, her brow wiggling with mischief. "Was he good? How big is his... you know?" She let out a sly giggle, and Riley chuckled, shaking her head.

I kept quiet, my face burning, as Natalia grabbed my shoulders and shook me. "Tell us, tell us!"

Riley finally intervened, her voice firm but gentle. "You two, leave her alone. Let her share if she wants to, otherwise, back off."

Natalia pouted, releasing my shoulders, but her eyes still sparkled with curiosity Natalia pouted, releasing my shoulders, but her eyes still sparkled with curiosity. "Come on, Riley. She's been celibate for four years, and now she's finally gotten some action!"

Sarah chimed in, her brow still wiggling with mischief. "Come on Amaya. Don't be boring. We want all the juicy details!"

I shook my head, trying to maintain my composure. "There's no tea to spill, guys. Really, it's nothing."

Natalia's face scrunched up in disbelief. "Nothing? You're blushing like a tomato! That's not nothing! You've been married to Ivan for months now, and we know you two have been building up to this moment."

I rolled my eyes, trying to deflect. "It's not a big deal, okay?"

Natalia's eyes lit up. "Ooh, so it's a big deal!"

Riley tried to intervene again, her voice firm. "Natalia, Sarah, leave her alone. She doesn't want to talk about it."

But Sarah brushed Riley off, her voice persistent. "Just a few details, pleeease? We're your friends, and we care about you! We just want to know how you got railed."

I groaned into my hands. Of all the people I could have made friends with it just had to be these two but I could feel my resolve weakening. "Fine... it was amazing, okay? Happy now?"

Natalia squealed, her eyes sparkling "Amazing? Tell us everything!"

Sarah chimed in, her voice full of excitement. "Oh my gosh, did he use his hands? And his tongue? Did he make you scream?"

1 blushed deeper, trying to maintain my composure. "Guys, stop. It was just sex, okay? Let's drop it."

But Natalia and Sarah continued hounding me, their questions and teasing relentless until I finally relented, sharing a few minor details to satisfy their curiosity.

Chapter 75

As I spoke, my mind wandered back to that night, remembering the way Ivan's lips felt on mine, the way his hands explored my body, and the way he made me feel alive again. I couldn't stop thinking about it, and I knew I wanted more.

As the conversation finally died down, Riley shot me a sympathetic glance, "Sorry about those two. They can be a bit much sometimes."

I smiled, "I was the one who introduced you to them. I should be the one apologizing. They are...

"Chaotic." She finished for me with a huff of a laugh.

Natalia and Sarah had gotten into an argument on all the better ways to enjoy sex while Riley went to attend to another customer. Natalia had invited all out for drinks but Riley had to decline because she had work. Not one to take no, Natalia suggested we get the drinks at the Rusty Compass where we got perch by a side and still have Riley involved.

With the arguments still going on, I let my mind drift off to two nights ago, after the chess game when he had kissed me. It wasn't the first time. We kissed at the wedding but this time was just different.

I froze, trying to make sense of what was happening. My mind had gone blank, unable to process the situation but then it only took a few seconds and I was kissing him back, pulling his body to mine, our tongues dancing together. The twins could come into his study. I didn't care about anything right now. His hands went under my knees lifting me up and then placing me on his table deepening the kiss.

When we broke apart to catch our breath, he pulled away, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't- have-

I cut him off with another kiss, "I don't want you to be."

F*ck," he swore and then went into a different direction. "Are you sure?"

I nodded. We kissed again, this time without hesitation. Ivan ran his hand through my hair, making me groan against his lips.

"Come with me," he ordered and I followed him, not even questioning what was happening.

Without a word, he led me to his bedroom and placed me on top of his bed. Then, he started unbuttoning my shirt. "This has been building up for so long," he admitted, his eyes meeting mine.

"I want to take you slow, but I just can't," he confessed, and I smiled at him, knowing what he meant. There was no way I could let him go slow. I needed him now.

"Don't worry about me," I told him, running my nails over his skin, driving him crazy.

"You've got nothing to be sorry about."

I whispered, hoping to calm his nerves. "I want you," I said, leaning forward and placing a soft, gentle kiss on his lips. "Now, can we please get rid of these clothes?" I laughed, shoving his trousers down until they fell to the floor, revealing his toned legs and making my heart race even faster.

But my romantic reverie was abruptly interrupted by Sarah's snappy fingers in front of my face. "Hello, earth to Amayal" she exclaimed, her voice piercing through my daydream.

I blinked, my eyes refocusing on the present moment, and felt my face flush with embarrassment. "Sorry, what?" I stammered, trying to play it cool.

Natalia's grin grew even wider, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "It was that good, huh? You're fantasizing about it right now?" she teased, her voice dripping with amusement.


Chapter 75

My blush deepened, and I tried to protest. "What? I wasn't... I-"But my words trailed off, and I huffed, "Can we just change the subject?"

Sarah rolled her eyes, her expression playful. "We already did, and we asked you a question. But you were obviously not in the land of the conscious."

I blushed even harder, feeling my face burn with embarrassment. "I'm sorry... what were we talking about?"Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Natalia chuckled, her voice warm and friendly. "We were just discussing our plans for the weekend, trying to come up with what to do."

"Okayyy... So what do we have so far?"

Sarah leaned back in her chair, a thoughtful expression on her face. "I was thinking maybe we could hit up that new hiking trail that just opened up."

Natalia nodded, her eyes lighting up. "Oh, that sounds amazing! I've been wanting to try it out. What do you think, Amaya?"

I shrugged, considering the idea. "I don't know... I've been feeling a bit lazy lately. But maybe a hike is just what I need to get out of the house."

Riley, who had been quietly observing our conversation, spoke up. "I think that's a great idea. Fresh air and exercise can work wonders for the mind and body."

Sarah nodded in agreement. "Exactly! And we can make a day of it. Pack a picnic lunch and enjoy the scenery."

Natalia threw in her suggestion. "Or we could grab brunch at that new cafe that just opened up downtown. I've been dying to try their avocado toast."

I chuckled. "You and your avocado toast obsession, Natalia."

Natalia swatted me playfully. "Hey, it's a great way to refuel after a hike. Don't judge me, Amaya." She grinned mischievously. "So, is it a plan or what?"

"Of course," Sarah replied, checking her phone and suddenly packing up her things. "Where are you going?" the three of us asked in unison.

Sarah chuckled. "I almost forgot I have a date." Natalia raised an eyebrow. "So, you're ditching us for a guy?"

Sarah shrugged. "I wouldn't normally, but this guy is hot. He just got out of prison, and... well, one look from him made my lady parts eager.shem winked. bon't you you dare judge me, Amaya. You're married to hot Ivan." She pointed at me, then at Natalia.

"You have hot Nate, and Riley, you'll find your own hot guy someday," She waved goodbye. "But today, I have to go get my action."

I rolled my eyes at her antics.

"Don't worry, I'm not totally ditching you. I asked him to come pick me up here, and then we'll leave together." She added quickly.

As soon as the words left her mouth, outh, my wolf bristled in my head, and I turned my attention to what made her suddenly uneasy.

Our eyes clashed immediately, and I let out a groan while the tip of his lips curled up then I heard Natalia growl beside me, her eyes narrowed. "What the f*ck is Adrian doing here?"


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