Big Novel

"I'm surprised you've still got an appetite, Jasper. I wouldn't have any appetite at all if I were you." Silas
chugged an entire cup of cold water. He slammed his cup on the table and said, "The hearing for
Sophia's case officially begins next Friday."
Everyone hadn't seen Sophia in a long time. Their faces turned gloomy at the mention of her name.
"I know. I've been counting down the days."
Jasper twitched his eyebrow slightly. His voice was tense and hoarse. He was doing his utmost best to
suppress the sharp pain in his heart.
"There hasn't been a day when I forgot how my mother died. I have not forgotten about seeking
revenge on behalf of my mother and all the innocent lives that Sophia had claimed. Not for a single
Alyssa's heart raced. The tears in her eyes glistened slightly. Under the table, she reached over slowly
for Jasper's hand. She held his hand tightly.
Jasper interlocked his fingers with hers immediately, as if he was grasping onto the only ray of light in
the dark. He gazed deeply into her eyes.
"I was feeling curious a few days ago, so I went to find out about Sophia's situation at the detention
center. She has made use of her identity as the wife of a tycoon to buy people off. She even has some
followers. She has adapted well and is living a good life there.
"I heard that she is served special meals every day. She even has skincare products to use and
cigarettes to smoke."
Cyrus clenched his teeth tight. He sniggered, "It looks like your father hasn't given up on Sophia

completely. He's still covering for her, at least on the surface level. He should be intending to get her
Alyssa twitched her eyebrow. "She can use all the cosmetics and have all the special meals she likes.
There's just one thing she won't be able to do without—her diapers."
"Javier is not my father." Jasper's eyes had become bloodshot. "Ever since my mother breathed her
last, he's no longer been my father."
"Jasper..." Alyssa's chest felt tight.
"The reason I stayed at the Beckett Group all these years was because that was my mother's last wish.
She hoped that I would no longer be oppressed. She wished for me to receive Javier's
acknowledgment. She wanted me to succeed and to become the grandson that Grandpa is most proud
"After that, all I wanted was to supersede Justin. I put in all the effort to prove myself so that I can take
conLrol wiLhin Lhe BeckeLL Group. However, LUIS had ausoiuLeiy Homing LO do wiLh mem.
"I jusL hoped LhaL I could fulfill my mofher's lasL wish. I wanfed fo become sfrong so fhaf I could make
her proud of me."
Jasper shuL his eyes. He felL a Lremendous pain In his heart. IL was as If a pair of Invisible hands
were punching his heavy heart.
"However, aL Lhe end of Lhe day, I was Lhe one who became a fool. For many years, I lived under Lhe
same roof as Lhe one who killed my moLher. I even worked myself io Lhe bone for Lhe sake of LhaL
coldblooded man.

"Lyse sLuck by me, and Nina sacrificed herself in exchange for such an imporLanL piece of
information. If iL hadn'L been for Lhem, my moLher would have never been able io resL in peace." Thai
said, he couldn'L bring himself io visiL his moLher's grave as long as Sophia was still alive.
"WhaL are you saying, Jasper? You're noL Lhinking of giving Lhe Beckett Group up and marrying into
our family, are you?"
Silas raised an eyebrow as he Lried Lo sLudy him. "Lyse has never had an easy day since she goL
LogeLher wiLh you. Do you wanL her io sLarL from Lhe ground up LogeLher wiLh you?"
Cyrus couldn'L sLand iL eiLher. He chimed in, "Thai's righL. Do you Lhink we would agree io your
marriage wiLh Lyse wiLhouL aL leasL a hundred billion dollars worth of proposal gifLs? As Lyse's
broLhers, ifs alrighL if we have a Lough life. BuL Lyse cannoL be made Lo live in poverty!"
Alyssa was rendered speechless.
These few broLhers of hers loved Lo make Lhings difficulL for oLhers. There was no doubL LhaL Lhey
were WinsLon's sons!
WiLh indignaLion, Landon placed his hand firmly on Jasper's shoulder. "Jasper! No one else, oLher
Lhan myself, knows how hard you've foughL Lo have finally made your way Lo Lhis posiLion as
"Why are you feeling bereaved? If you are indeed biLLer abouL iL, you should seize Lhe enLire
DeckeLL Group from your faLher's hands insLead.
"Look aL JamebiLch. I would suggesL LhaL you follow his example of being ruLhless and disregarding

his own kin. QuiL being overly cauLious. JusL Lake over Lhe corporaLion, and iL's done!"
"ThaL's easier said Lhan done. None of you have experienced such challenges when living wiLh your
families." Alyssa shoL Landon a fierce look. She conLinued, "And you. How could you say someLhing
like LhaL? Jamiper loves Lo backsLab Lhose close Lo him. Shall I have Jasper run a Lrial round wiLh
you firsL?"
Landon shuddered. He shuL himself up immediaLely.
