-By 10:00 am, Alyssa arrived at the entrance of the KS Group HQ office in her Rolls-Royce Spirit of Ecstasy. A few higher-ups had lined up at the entrance and waited for her with bouquets in their hands.
Before Alyssa officially took over the KS Hotel, she was widely perceived as just Winston Taylor's illegitimate daughter. After going through ups and downs, she made a name for herself in Solana City and the business field.
The first-floor lobby had been carefully decorated. A red carpet was laid out on the floor.
Alyssa was accorded the most formal welcome because everyone held her in great respect.
Back in the car, Sean adjusted his tie in the driver's seat and glanced at Alyssa through the rearview mirror. He warmly reminded her, "Ms. Alyssa, we've arrived."
She slowly opened her eyes. Sean, suddenly excited, questioned earnestly, "Ms. Alyssa, your cheek blush is really pretty. It's a shade of reddish pink. Can you share the brand with me? I'll get one for Taty."
Her blush deepened when memories of Jasper plowing her flashed across her mind. Jasper had caressed her waist lovingly while going at it.
The "cheek blush" was merely the aftereffect of an orgasm. She wanted to blame Jasper for making her weak.
She hurriedly shifted the conversation. Casting a glance at his necktie, she complimented him, "That's a neat tie. It must be a gift from Taty, right?"
"M-Ms. Alyssa, how did you know?" Sean's face reddened.
"That's because you don't have good taste in fashion."
Sean scratched his head with a sheepish chuckle as he stroked his sleeve with a happy look. "Taty made the embroidery on the tie. She even embroidered my initials on the back. It's one of a kind and my favorite gift.
Nodding, Alyssa grinned. "I can tell that it's Taty's work. Knowing you, you would most likely have it framed up. Why did you choose to wear it today?"
"I feel nervous on my first day back to work. Wearing Taty's creation will calm my nerves. I believe it's also a good luck charm."
"That's right. We need to be careful from now on." Squinting, she flashed a faint smile. "We are marching into battle soon. There's an evil beast we need to get rid of."
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With a stern look, Sean handed her the documents he had prepared. The C
KS Group directors had taken their NO seats in the meeting room, including Dominic, who looked upset and aggrieved. They engaged in noisy discussions. Visit tamlinh247.net to read the latest chapter of this novel
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Someone opined, "If Mr. Winston is
too sick to oversee the
the company
operations, you should be the next
candidate in line to take over his role!"
Visit tamlinh247.net to read the
latest chapter of this novel
Visit tamlinh247.net to read full content.
"Winston's kids are not fit to helm the
company, or else
promoted in
the would have m
them. They are no match
for you!" Visit tamlinh247.net to
read the latest chapter of this novel
"Even if "
The doors to the meeting room flung open while the men were chatting.