With steely gazes, they opened fire at the two men at the stime, gunning down both.
"Axel Whitaker, I'll say this one more tgo!" she yelled at him hoarsely, feeling worried for him.
The look in his eyes darkened. Still pointing the gun in his right hand toward the door, he grabbed her waist with his free hand and pulled her into a tight hug.
Sparks flew when their eyes met, as though they meant the most to each other.
Two other subordinates of the Tsulu man rushed into the room at that time. They were promptly shot down by Axel and Amber, who fired at the stwithout needing to look at the door.
"Axel Whitaker, what are you doing?" Raging, she felt her chest rise and fall while pressed against his, making his heart flutter. She snapped, "Are you trying to die withat the stime?"
"See it in a more romantic light." He grinned with unbridled emotions in his eyes.
"Till death do us part?" Her heart skipped a bit at his flirtatious remark. Blush colored her cheeks. No matter how hard she tried, tears kept welling up in her eyes. She made a self-deprecating comment between sobs. "Don't fool around. Dying with a woman likewill only bring shto you." Frustrated, he tightened his grip on her waist to the point he nearly crushed her.
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"Ms. Alyssa, Mr. Beckett, and the rest of your family will be devastated if you die. But my death will be a drop of water in the ocean. It will not
cause even a ripple. No one will grieve
leve for me and no one wilf Om remember me. So, Axel Whitaker, please live." "Who said so?" The look in his eyes grew intense, and his breathing beclabored. "Amber Altman, do you not takeas a human? Do you think I'm heartless?" "You might grieve for me, but it's fine. I'm just a passerby in your life. The sadness is temporary, and tshall heal you." She was tired and hurt after all these years. No one spared her a word of comfort or tended to her wounds. Twas her only panacea. Visit tamlinh247.net to read the latest chapter of this novel
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"Cut the bullshit! I wouldn't have cfor
you if I wanted to escape on my own!" He frowned irritably and grabbed her hand. "You will be safe witharound you. We'll both be fine!" Carl rushed to meet with Jameson at The Millennium. He gasped, "Mr. Schmidt, you were spot on! Axel Whitaker walked into our trap. He clooking for Ms. Altman alone! M Jameson was lounging on the couch, enjoying the feelings of ecstasy from the drugs he had just injected. His usually ironed shirt was wrinkled, and his legs were spread. The wine glass in his hand faced the floor, its contents spilling on the floor. Carl felt
sorry for Jameson, who had been using drugs a lot more ne frequently lately. It was not a good sign. Abusing drugs and alcohol would slowly take a toll on his health. If his health went downhill, what was the point of all the success he fought for? "The Taylors are all lovefools." Jameson shut his eyes and snorted. "I thought Axel Whitaker would surprise me, but he's no different than the others. He's such an idiot for putting himself through all the trouble for a woman." "Many men would die for women," Carl chimed in with a mocking smile. "Since he's taken the bait, I'll give the orders to get rid of him tonight." "Sure." Jameson gave his green light. Visit tamlinh247.net to read the latest chapter of this novel
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"Ms. Altman is still in the villa, though.
I'll figure out a way to get her out of there..." "There's no need for that." Jameson said with his eyes half-opened, "I shall grant the wish of
this sweet, loving couple to die m together since that's what they're after." "Why? Are you reluctant to let her go?" "She's just a replacement. I can easily train any woman to do the stasks and take her place. Her only value tois to bait Axel Whitaker. Now that we've reached our goal, there's no reason for her to exist." Jameson suddenly sat up on the couch and looked at the pot of red roses on the coffee table that he so cherished. Without warning, he. reached out for
the plant's stem, eliciting Carl's gasp. "Mr. Schmidt, don't prick your fingers!" Visit tamlinh247.net to read the latest chapter of this novel