Big Novel

Chapter 466
There was a ringing in Betty’s ears that consumed her senses entirely.
“Mom, save me! Mom!” she shrieked as the police dragged her away.
Sophia couldn’t bother to keep herself composed anymore. She dived at the policemen, trying to grab
onto her daughter.
“My Betty was framed! She’s framed! How could you arrest her on the basis of a lie? What kind of law
enforcement are you?”
Landon stared coldly as Sophia and Betty wailed their lungs out. He just wanted the police to take them away as soon as
possible so that he could finally have some peace.
“Please let go, Mrs. Beckett, or else we’ll take you in for interfering with police duty!”
“But sir, my daughter is innocent! She is the one who framed her-Zoe Harper. She is standing right there!”
Sophia glared at Zoe.
“This has nothing to do with me! Even if I did commission that counterfeit, I could just pay some fines. I have nothing to do with
that information stealing whatsoever. Your daughter is the one who bit more than
she could chew and put herself in this shithole!”
Zoe quickly cupped her mouth upon realizing she had spoken too much.
She panicked and began muttering curses under her breath. She had revealed the counterfeit
commission out of accident in the heat of the moment!
Suddenly, Zoe felt two sharp pairs of eyes bore into her back, as if stabbing right into her heart.
When she slowly turned around, all she could see was the conflicting emotions in Landon’s gaze-
outrage, shock, moroseness, and last but not least, disappointment.

“Your sister is not the innocent young woman she puts herself out to be! She’s utterly rotten and filled
with pus, I tell you! She has lied to all of us!” Betty shrieked, her voice ringing throughout the hall like
some banshee.
Betty continued, “How could you use me like this, Zoe? I’ll never forgive you-never! Just you wait what I’ll
do to you!”
“Zoe, come here!” Penelope cried, wanting to defend her daughter.
“Mommy!” Zoe was about to run into her mother’s arms when Landon grabbed her wrist.
“Why did you do this, Zoe... Is it all just to get revenge on Alyssa?” Landon asked hoarsely, trembling with
“That’s a lie! Betty’s making that up!”
“You’re still lying to me!” Landon roared, his grip tightening around his sister’s wrist. It made Zoe flinch
and try to break free from his grasp.
“Ouch! You’re hurting me! Mom! Help me!”
“Let go of your sister right now. Are you actually going to hurt her?” Penelope ran over, trying to pull her
daughter away from Landon. “Why can’t we just sit down and talk things out?”
“Talk things out? I gave her her chance to talk, but what talk has she done?”
Landon glared at her sister even as she began to cry. His heart ached so much right now.
Landon continued, “Nothing but filthy, putrid lies come out of her mouth every time she’s given a chance
to tell the truth! She’s even colluding with Betty to harm Alyssa.

“What wrong has Alyssa done to deserve this? All because she was Jasper’s ex-wife? Are you some petty
little child?”
“That’s enough, Landon! You’ve known your sister since she was a child. You know just how kind and
sweet she is!” said Penelope.
Penelope loved her daughter more than anything else in the world.
She added, “Even if she made a mistake this time, that’s only because Betty made her do it! You can’t
frame your sister like this. Who knows what damage it would do to her reputation?”
“I asked Zoe where she was going when she got on a private jet to travel overseas a month or so ago, and
she told me she was attending a fashion show in Furancia.
“When I told Angelina to investigate her whereabouts, she had secretly flown to Yoarkley. Why would she
lie about her flight plans if she had nothing to hide?” Landon’s voice thundered furiously.
“You heard yourself when Betty was being dragged away. You confessed about making the counterfeit, so
why won’t you just tell the truth? Dad would turn in his grave if he knew just what kind of person you’ve
“Landon! Don’t talk about your sister like that!” Penelope cried, feeling conflicted at the mention of her
late husband.
“You asshole!” Zoe cried, her voice filled with fear and anger.
Zoe pressed on, “Alyssa ernbarrassed me so many times in public, yet you never once came to my defense! What’s so wrong
about getting back at her for that? How could you stand up for her now? Why do you stil! like that used ragdoll? Am I nothing to
