Led by the crimson-haired merman general, Michael entered the castle through its grand entrance. Inside, chaos reigned as maids and soldiers scurried about in a state of panic, their movements resembling headless chickens. As their eyes fell upon their general accompanying the infamous Dark Lord, some froze in their tracks. Whispers spread among the maids, servants, and soldiers, as those who did not recognize Michael sought answers from those who did.

"Who is that man?" one maid asked with wide eyes, her voice quivering.

"That's the Dark Lord!" another maid stuttered, fear evident in her voice. "I-I've seen him before!"

Some people in the vicinity sensed the immense power emanating from Michael, his Half-Celestial stage cultivation leaving them in awe and shock. The hushed conversations continued, filled with curiosity and uncertainty.

"What is the general doing, escorting the Dark Lord into the castle?" a soldier wondered aloud, his voice tinged with confusion.

"I don't know, but it can't be good," another soldier replied, his voice filled with trepidation. "We should stay out of their way and let the elders handle this."

Amidst the commotion, the presence of the Dark Lord within the castle walls had sent shivers down their spines, leaving the maids, servants, and soldiers questioning the implications of his presence and the intentions behind their general's actions.

The grand throne hall stretched before Michael, its vastness emphasized by the high ceilings and elaborate decorations adorning the walls. The throne, positioned on an elevated platform accessed by a grand staircase, stood as the focal point of the room. It was an imposing sight, intricately carved and adorned with symbols that represented the power and authority of the Serpent King.

As Michael entered the hall, he observed the elders gathered on the marble floor, engaged in a heated discussion. They were aged men and women, their faces marked with the wisdom and experience of many years. Some had long white beards, while others had deep lines etched on their foreheads. They wore ceremonial robes, signifying their esteemed positions within the Sea Serpent Hall.

"Have any of you seen the Serpent King? Where could he have gone?" one elder inquired, his brow furrowed with worry.

One elder, with a voice filled with concern, addressed the rest of the group. "We have found the bodies of several soldiers within the Serpent King's chambers. They were slain, and their deaths remain a mystery. This is a grave matter that requires our immediate attention."

Another elder, their voice tinged with confusion, responded, "But how could this happen? The Serpent King's room is heavily guarded, and the security is tight. Who could have breached our defenses and carried out such an act?"

The elders exchanged worried glances, searching for answers to the puzzling situation. Little did they know that it was Michael who had infiltrated the Serpent King's chambers and eliminated the soldiers as part of his own plans.

"We must investigate this matter thoroughly," another elder suggested, their voice tinged with determination. "We cannot afford any breaches in our security, especially during these uncertain times."

As the conversation carried on, the elders suddenly fell silent, their eyes widening and their actions freezing in place. Michael had entered the throne hall, accompanied by the red-haired general. Fear and shock rippled through the elders' expressions as they laid their eyes upon the infamous Dark Lord.

A hushed whisper escaped one elder's lips as he trembled, "It's the Dark Lord..."

Another elder, a woman with a stern gaze and silver hair, clasped her hands tightly together, unable to hide her unease. The elders exchanged nervous glances, unsure of what this unexpected visit from the Dark Lord would bring.

Their initial discussion forgotten, the elders now found themselves face to face with the embodiment of their deepest fears. The grandeur of the throne hall paled in comparison to the aura of power and darkness that emanated from Michael.

"Cillian, what the hall have you done? You betrayed us?!" Elder Mercia, the  silver-haired elder stammered with a mix of shock and accusation, mistakenly believing that Cillian had betrayed them and led the Dark Lord to their presence.

"Elder Mercia, please understand that I did not betray us," Cillian defended himself, his voice filled with urgency. He knew the seriousness of the situation and the elder's mistrust was a blow to his loyalty.I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com

Cillian continued, his eyes searching for understanding among the elders. "The Dark Lord requested a meeting with all of you. In exchange, he promised that no more blood would be spilled in our city."

Elder Mercia, with her silver hair shimmering under the light, stuttered in disbelief, her voice filled with shock. "Cillian, how could you trust the Dark Lord? Have you forgotten the atrocities he has committed?"

Cillian held his ground, his voice firm and determined. "Elders, I bring grave news, conveyed to me by the Dark Lord himself." He clenched his fist, preparing to deliver the news of the Serpent King's demise.

Standing beside Cillian, Michael remained silent, allowing Cillian to be the messenger of the Dark Lord's words. Michael intentionally withheld the information that merely destroying the vessel would not be enough to kill a god like the Serpent King truly. The truth was that specific god-killing weapons were required, weapons that even Michael did not possess.

"The Dark Lord claims that Serpent King was slain by Evan, a subordinate of Queen Salesi of Nagaland," Cillian announced, causing the elders to gasp in disbelief. While some found it difficult to fathom, given the recent claims of the Serpent King attaining godhood, others began to question the invincibility of their king.

"It cannot be true," one elder murmured, their voice tinged with doubt. "Our Serpent King said he had become a god, invincible and everlasting."

"It is true. I witnessed their battle in Window's Down. Evan, a fallen god himself, fought your king and emerged victorious," Michael affirmed, his words shocking the elders even further. He intentionally withheld the fact that merely destroying the physical vessel of a fallen god would not truly vanquish them. It required specialized weapons, like the god killing arrows forged by Qin Jiu and her friends, to sever the soul of a god and prevent their return.

The atmosphere in the throne hall grew tense as the elders tried to process this unsettling information. The implications of their king's demise at the hands of another god created a sense of uncertainty and vulnerability. They had relied on the Serpent King's power and authority for so long, believing him to be unstoppable. Now, faced with the truth, they had to confront the harsh reality that their kingdom stood exposed to new threats.

"I cannot fathom this. Our mighty Serpent King, defeated by someone named Evan? We have never even heard of this Evan before. Our Serpent King is not this fallen god but a true god," spoke a white-bearded elder, his knowledge of gods limited. In truth, none of the elders possessed a deep understanding of the gods and their classifications.

The elder believed that the term "fallen" denoted weakness, unaware of its true meaning in the realm of gods. In the realm of gods, fallen gods referred to those who had their graces stripped away by the previous Dark Lord or rebelled against the pantheon, or were trapped in the mortal realm. In essence, they were gods who could no longer access the realm of gods.

pandasnovel.com However, the elders mistakenly interpreted the term as a sign of weakness.

Evan, who had been infused with grace through a contraption by Salesi, fell into this category as a fallen god. Stuck in the mortal realm, he was unable to return to the realm of gods. Similarly, Dagen, the ruler of Hell, was also a fallen god for rebelling against the pantheon and being banished. However, Michael and Noah were not fallen gods. They were born as gods in the mortal realm. However, in a previous timeline, Noah had his divine grace stripped away by the previous Dark Lord and locked away, only to have it later when Dagon released the graces.

It was essential to clarify these distinctions, as the term "fallen god" carried different implications depending on one's understanding. The elders' limited knowledge made it difficult for them to grasp the complexities of godhood and the significance of Evan's actions.contemporary romance

"Believe it or don't believe it. I don't care. The Serpent King made a deal with me to give you all his last words in exchange for half of the powerful artifacts and a quarter of your wealth," calmly stated Michael, leaving the elders in a state of profound shock.

Despite having the power to seize the treasury and eliminate the elders, Michael refrained from doing so. He desired a realm where order and stability reigned. If he were to dismantle major powers like the Serpent Hall, it would create a void that numerous factions would scramble to fill. This would inevitably lead to widespread chaos and instability.

Michael understood the importance of maintaining a balance of power. By sparing the elders and preserving their authority, he aimed to prevent the rise of countless smaller factions vying for control. This strategic approach would help maintain order and prevent the realm from descending into anarchy.

While he could have easily taken what he desired by force, Michael recognized the long-term consequences of such actions. He sought a realm where power was distributed more evenly, ensuring a more stable and controlled environment.

Besides, Michael had a grander plan in mind, envisioning a peaceful retirement on a private island alongside Gaya, their children, and their closest friends and family. He aimed for a world where Nithroel would govern, allowing Michael to enjoy a life of tranquility. He understood that chaos and wars raging beyond his private island would disrupt his desired peace. Furthermore, as he ventured into the realm of gods, he anticipated his subordinates fighting against Salesi's forces in the mortal realm. He realized that he may not be able to travel freely between realms, as he would be embroiled in a greater war with the gods. Therefore, he deemed it crucial to retain powerful allies, such as the Sea Serpent Hall. It was this rationale that led Michael to abstain from completely depleting their treasury or exterminating them all.

