Chapter 1073  A rogue god and a hydra

After Fayeth exited her chamber, leaving the Hydra in the care of the rogue god, she arrived at the healing hall, a sanctuary where she crossed paths with Rainar's angels. These celestial beings were an imposing sight, clad in gray armor that matched their feathery, closed wings. Their presence exuded a formidable aura, their heavy footfalls even causing the ancient walls of the temple of Ava to tremble slightly.

"Can I assist you?" Fayeth inquired, her gaze directed at the angels. Her question prompted the lead angel to remove his helmet, revealing a cascade of silver hair.

The trio of angels following him moved through the hall, their helmets still on as they surveyed the unconscious patients who lay before them.

"How goes the healing of these people, Fayeth?" inquired the angel of Rainar, a trace of familiarity detectable in his voice as he addressed her.

"Regrettably, the numbers keep growing as more casualties arrive, a consequence of your conflict against Kranar's angels," Fayeth responded, her words masking her disdain for wars that inflicted suffering upon ordinary people.

"People should turn to God Rainar in prayer more fervently. The greater their devotion, the swifter we can bring this war to an end," the angel stated, his tone devoid of concern for the populace. To him, the people were but sources of energy for God Rainar, their well-being secondary. Many gods shared this perspective, treating their subjects as mere tools to generate faith energy. Rarely did they extend a helping hand to those in need or actively work to improve their lives and foster genuine devotion. Instead, they appointed representatives to govern and expected the populace to pray relentlessly.

"It's needless to remind you that most of these individuals now lie here due to shockwaves from your battles, their homes collapsing upon them. Granting them entry to the temple would be a humanitarian gesture, Rodney," Fayeth spoke, a hint of emotion seeping into her voice as she addressed Rodney with familiarity.

"We have indeed permitted entry to the temple, though not to the commoners. The temple is not a place for such riffraff to wander into; it is a sacred space," Rodney retorted with a smug chuckle.

"Both you and I know that nobles don't devote themselves to the gods as fervently as commoners do. Allowing only the nobility access while barring the commoners goes against the principles we stand for," Fayeth voiced her disapproval.

"Divide and conquer, Fayeth. God Rainar is not like your Goddess Ava. Your goddess advocated unity above all else, and what did that lead to? Her own realm turned against her, banishing her," Rodney's voice dripped with arrogance and mockery, directed at Goddess Ava.

Fayeth's blood simmered at Rodney's words, her temper flaring. But she maintained her composure, understanding that her anger could provoke Rainar into destroying the temple. Its destruction would leave the people without refuge, countless lives lost.

"However, my purpose here does not involve delving into the complexities of ruling a realm," Rodney drawled as he walked past Fayeth, his gaze sweeping across the hall as if searching for something. contemporary romance

"Why have you come, Rodney?" Fayeth queried.

"We've detected an unusual teleportation energy within the kingdom, Fayeth. You know well that teleportation portals are forbidden within the kingdom. Even in times of war, we cannot allow breaches of our laws. Otherwise, what would become of our realm? A lawless land overrun by chaos,," Rodney articulated slowly, encircling Fayeth as he spoke.

"Rules, as God Rainar would often say, are what set us apart from beasts," Rodney remarked.

"If anyone were to use a teleportation portal within my temple, I would undoubtedly be aware, Rodney. Furthermore, your search is misplaced. If portals were activated, it's more likely the doing of nobles," Fayeth exclaimed as a chuckle escaped Rodney's lips.

"Why the agitation, Fayeth? After all these decades, you appear unusually displeased with the nobles," Rodney noted.

"Times change, Rodney, and so do individuals, even angels like us," Fayeth replied.

Rodney's smile in response to her words spoke volumes as he proceeded toward the door leading to her chamber.

"Well, I'm certain you have nothing to hide. Merely open the door, and if no secrets lurk within, we will leave. I have a score to settle with Kranar's angels," Rodney chuckled. Yet, as Rodney drew closer to the door, a surge of unease coursed through Fayeth.

Unbeknownst to Rodney, a rogue god lurked within that very room, accompanied by a natural-born hydra, not one bred within the confines of scholarly laboratories. A natural-born hydra in the company of a rogue god would not only astonish Rodney but potentially lead him to eliminate Fayeth and her entire sanctuary for harboring a rogue god.

their encounter to Rodney and his comrades. Otherwise, Rodney would have arrived prepared to confront a rogue god.

Thankfully, fate favored Michael and Fayeth; the angels who had attacked Michael in Marli's forest lacked the means to communicate their encounter to Rodney and his comrades. Otherwise, Rodney would have arrived prepared to confront a rogue god.

"That room is my private sanctum, and you possess no authority to enter," Fayeth responded icily, though Rodney simply laughed off her retort.

"Fayeth, I like when you get all feisty. I've seen glimpses of Goddess Ava's angels displaying such fire. Cute, I must admit. But remember, you're within Rainar's domain now. Your personal chamber is under Rainar's domain. Unless, of course, you're hiding something in there. I hate to destroy this fine craftmanship," Rodney trailed his fingers along the door's surface, a chuckle accompanying his words.

"Go ahead," Fayeth relented, her voice carrying a hint of resignation as Rodney turned the doorknob, granting access to her personal chamber.

Within the confines of the room, Vedora maintained a vigilant stance, perched atop Michael's unconscious body. Through the gaps in the weathered wooden floor, she caught sight of Rodney's entrance, his figure slowly making its way inside. The thudding of his boots reverberated against the floor, magnifying the creaking sounds beneath his weight.

"Goddess Ava," Rodney's voice reverberated, his gaze locking onto the statue of the goddess. He moved forward, his footsteps echoing within the confined space.

"A tragic fate she suffered," Rodney remarked, eyes sweeping across the room as he absorbed the somber atmosphere.

With two of Rodney's angels stationed as sentinels by the door, Fayeth trailed after Rodney as he entered her chamber, followed closely by the remaining angel. As the scene unfolded, her heart's rhythm quickened, her gaze directed downward towards the floor concealing the rogue god and his accompanying hydra.

"A truly enchanting room. I always imagined your personal space to bear such an ambiance," Rodney commented, his hands folded behind his back as he strolled around the room with a measured air.

The wooden planks beneath his feet emitted soft creaks under his weight, drawing his attention as he stood over the precise spot above Vedora and Michael. A wry smile graced his lips, and he rapped the floor with his fingers before turning his gaze towards Fayeth.

"Allow me to ask once more, Fayeth. Are you hiding something?" Rodney inquired, his presence looming directly above Michael and Vedora.

Internal panic gripped Ayag as she whispered in a hushed tone to Cain, her voice laced with urgency. "Fuck it, Cain, use your teleportation again, take us out of here."

Cain's response was a disheartening shake of his head. "I can only use my ability once in a day,"

Realization of their dire situation weighed heavily upon Ayag. "Then we are fucked. We're about to be discovered and killed," she growled, her words laced with a mix of dread and resignation, fearing that any louder would betray their presence to the angel above.

Meanwhile, in the midst of this tense standoff, Fayeth's thoughts raced. She couldn't ignore the potential repercussions of sheltering a rogue god. Yet, her oath to Goddess Ava, the goddess of Healing, resonated deeply within her. It was her duty to tend to those in need, regardless of their origin. And even though her acquaintance with the rogue god was short, Fayeth couldn't bring herself to betray him.

"Silence speaks volumes," Rodney's voice sliced through the air as he unsheathed a silver sword, his intentions evident.

With deliberate intent, Rodney crouched down, his fingers curling around the floorboard. He pressed his hand into the wood, the floor splintering as he exerted force. Rather than fumbling for a concealed latch, he tore open the floor itself. As the hidden compartment was unveiled, his eyes widened in astonishment at the sight before him—an unconscious young man shrouded in black robes, accompanied by a three-headed hydra.

"Well, what have we stumbled upon?" Rodney's tone dripped with malevolence, his surprise palpable.

His angels flanked Fayeth, their collective stance poised and ready. Fayeth found her voice amid the tense atmosphere, a mixture of desperation and conviction. "He's a refugee, wounded and seeking shelter, Rodney. I am merely tending to his injuries."

Fayeth's voice resonated, a feeble defense though she knew her words held little sway in this dire moment.

"A refugee with an exquisite breed such as this," Rodney's grip enveloped Vedora's small form, and to his astonishment, their absence of a breed mark caught his attention.

"Where is your breed mark, creature?" Rodney's inquiry was directed at each individual head of the hydra, his curiosity piqued.

"Release us, you moron," the hydra's white head retorted, their words laced with disdain.

"A rather foul-mouthed head," Rodney chuckled, his fingers guiding the hydra through a slow rotation. Simultaneously, one of Rodney's angels approached Michael's unconscious body, hoisting it from the ground and unceremoniously dropping it onto the floor.

"Captain, take a look at this," a hushed voice reached Fayeth's ears, prompting her attention towards the angel who had flung the rogue god to the ground.

Rodney advanced a few steps toward the incapacitated rogue god, his foot coming to rest atop Michael's chest, his eyes diligently scanning Vedora's form for any trace of a breed mark. Unbeknownst to Rodney, his foot pressed against the chest of a rogue god whose true identity remained concealed.

"Fayeth, could this be the secret you're safeguarding—a naturally born hydra?" Rodney inquired, under the impression that it was the three-headed hydra Fayeth had striven to keep hidden.

Before Fayeth could utter a response, Rodney's subordinate pointed urgently at Michael's neck, diverting Rodney's attention.

"What is it?" Rodney queried.

"leave him alone, you winged fuck," Ayag's struggles resounded futilely against Rodney's grip. However, Rodney disregarded her protests, zeroing in on Michael's neck.

"It appears to be Emperor Nagin's venom," the angel's observation rippled through the room.

Rodney's eyes glimmered with disbelief. The previously carefree, aloof smile that graced his features now dissolved as realization gradually dawned upon him.

"yet he's alive, and that can only mean…" Rodney's words lingered. A spark of realization ignited within Rodney's eyes, replacing the nonchalant smile that had once graced his features. Slowly, he turned away, his gaze fixing on Fayeth.

"Fayeth, you are hiding a rogue god in your room," Rodney declared, the angels at his side drawing their swords in readiness.

Even an angel as typically casual as Rodney wouldn't underestimate the danger posed by a rogue god, regardless of their state. As Michael lay unconscious, the angels recognized the potential danger of anyone aiding such a being, and they prepared to address it with utmost seriousness.
