Chapter 1084 A solution for Michael's problem

When Pink mentioned the possibility of having a way to kill the gods, Michael was taken aback. On Earth, Pink had been an exceptionally skilled helper, handling research and aiding him in planning assassinations to perfection. The prospect of reuniting with her and strategizing on this grand scale filled Michael with thrilling excitement.

"What do you mean?" Michael inquired eagerly.

Pink began to explain, "The Library of Durran is one of the oldest libraries in this world. The orcs cherish it even more than their own lives. Before I left the kingdom, I heard that the orcs were dead-set on acquiring a new book for their collection. They were taking it incredibly seriously, even delving into their coffers."

Cain voiced his skepticism, asking, "Do you truly believe this book might hold knowledge about killing a god? How can you be so certain?"

Pink remained focused on the matter at hand, not allowing the surreal sight of a talking three-headed serpent to distract her. "This particular book was authored by an angel of the Goddess of Wisdom, Seshat. I managed to gather that it contains information that Dagon, the fallen god and ruler of hell, is actively seeking. One of the reasons Dagon was banished from the realm of gods was his relentless quest to discover a way to kill the gods. At least, that's what I've gathered from the books and what the orcs shared."

Sarba interjected, her tone light-hearted, "You seem to have acquired quite a bit of confidential information. How did you than they should."

manage that unless you're a high-ranking orc within the kingdom?"

With a chuckle, Pink replied, "Between you and me, I'm considered quite the looker among the orcs. They tend to share more with me than they should."

Michael sought clarification, "The last I heard, Dagon couldn't enter this world, right?"

Pink nodded and continued, "That's correct, but his followers are still here, hiding in the shadows, forming cults, and carrying on their usual practices. If there's anything in that book related to what their god, Dagon, is searching for, you can bet they'll be on the hunt for it. I was fortunate to learn about the reappearance of this book."

"Securing that book is indeed a priority, but first, I must find a way to evade the Pantheon's executioner," Michael sighed, a sense of urgency in his voice.

Pink shared her astonishment, saying, "It's truly mind-boggling, isn't it? We were humans one moment on Earth, and the next, we've become something entirely different. I've transformed into an orc, and you've become a literal god. It still feels like a dream to me."

Michael reflected, "Life is full of mysteries. As much as I cherish our reunion, my immediate concern is finding a way to outsmart the angels and figuring out how to win against them. Even if I manage to defeat the angel I encountered, the Pantheon can and will dispatch someone even stronger. This won't end until I become powerful enough."

Curious, Pink inquired, "What level of god are you right now?"

"Level two, a demi-god," Michael replied, prompting Pink to thoughtfully stroke her chin.

"So, any angel serving a god above level two and beyond the second cultivation stage can absorb their god's sliver of grace and overpower you," Pink explained.

Michael nodded, acknowledging the challenge. "I'm aware of that. But raising my godhood level isn't easy or quick. I need alternative ways to take down the angels." contemporary romance

Pink offered a suggestion, "You could cultivate in this world and become a cultivator. This would enable you to face other cultivators and angels without exposing your godly powers, which is how the Pantheon can track you."

Ayag interjected, voicing a concern, "Yet, if an angel consumes a sliver of grace, they temporarily gain godly powers. In such cases, cultivation won't do shit,."

"This won't be a cakewalk. But that's precisely what makes this challenge so intriguing," Pink stated with excitement.

"Right now, your focus should be on cultivation, keeping a low profile, and only employing your godly powers when absolutely necessary. While we lie low, we'll search for the book and any information on how to kill a god. Then, we'll assassinate them, much like our old days on Earth. Once a god is eliminated, I assume the angels will lose their power source. Moreover, nobody has a clear understanding of what happens when a god dies. Some gods disappeared in ancient times, and others took their place. But I've read nothing about the actual act of killing a god. That's what makes the book authored by Seshat's angel so invaluable," Pink concluded with a grave tone.

"System, how much badass points i have?" Michale asked the system.

[Fifteen million points. This is not suffeicent amount of points to survie in this world. So the system recommends the host finding new ways to earn more points]

"Don't worry about the executioner finding you here. This is an abandoned safehouse of Agra worshippers. It's equipped with all sorts of runes to prevent other angels and the Pantheon from sensing the Agra worshippers who used to reside here, or at least who lived here," Pink reassured Michael. Finally, he heard some reassuring news.

Curious, Ayag inquired, "What happened to them?"

Pink explained, "According to the texts I used to locate this place, the Agra worshippers here tangled with some rogue cultivators who proved to be too powerful. They wiped out the Agra worshippers living here. Over time, everyone forgot about this place. But it serves as a rather shabby base of operations. It's better than nothing."

Michael had an idea, saying, "If the runes in this place can mask our energies, I might be able to modify this medallion." He retrieved the tree-shaped medallion given to him by Marli.

Ayag's tone turned deadly as he added, "And let's not forget about that traitor, Marli. She betrayed us and will pay with her life."

"Betrayed you? That sounds like a death wish," Pink remarked, fully aware of Ghost's reputation as the world's deadliest hitman. She knew better than to cross paths with him. When she heard someone had betrayed him, she assumed that person was as good as dead. If anyone could kill a god, it would undoubtedly be Ghost.

Michael contemplated, "She will pay for what she did. I pity Marli's worshippers who died in Rainar's temple. I want to know if she truly understood what transpired." Completing this quest from the system, to kill Rainar and avenge Marli's worshippers, had gained paramount importance. Once he completed the quest, the system would reveal the location of a base of operations.

Pink inquired, "Are you a runemaster by any chance?"

Michael shook his head, regret evident on his face. "I have a subordinate in the mortal realm, but I have no means of contacting him," he sighed, missing Elidyr's assistance. With Elidyr by his side, Michael could combine his blacksmith skills with Elidyr's runemastery and utilize the system's help to create something capable of concealing him from the Pantheon. Unfortunately, the system provided no aid in this matter, as he lacked the required badass points.

"So, we need to find a talented runemaster who's willing to help us. Fortunately, orcs are generally skilled in runes, and I still have a few contacts in Durran who can assist us," Pink suggested, but her voice wavered, hinting that something was troubling her.

"Is something wrong?" Michael inquired.

Ayag interjected sarcastically, "Well, you see, she just mentioned casually that she sneaked into a restricted area and spent time there. I'm sure the orcs just threw her a big 'thank you' party for that."

However, Michael sensed that there must be more to the story.

"And I accidentally killed an orc, an orc who served as an advisor to the King of Durran," Pink admitted, her voice tinged with regret. Michael could tell that even though she had spent only three years with the orcs, she had grown attached to them.

Pink sighed, her gaze distant as she recounted her past. "You see, that orc advisor, Gal, was a notorious womanizer. He used his close ties to the King to harass women throughout the kingdom." She shook her head in disgust.

"When I first woke up in this new body, Lani was the only one who befriended me. She taught me everything about this world, how to survive, and even how to adapt to this new form. Of course, I didn't reveal that I was originally a human from Earth. That would have been hard to explain."

Ayag leaned in, a knowing look on her serpent's face. "Let me guess, this Gal harassed your friend Lani, and you sought justice by killing him."

Pink's eyes turned steely. "No, he did something much worse. He killed Lani and treated her body like trash," she said with simmering anger. "In this world, just like Earth, the poor rarely get justice when the rich are involved. I had the privilege of working with the world's best hitman, and I picked up a few traits." She hesitated for a moment before continuing.

"I killed Gal by pretending to accept his advances, lured him into his own bedroom, and then I stabbed him in the neck."

Sarba raised an eyebrow. "So, you got your revenge, but what happened afterward?"

"The King's guards found me with Gal's body, and my actions led to my banishment. The orcs in my tribe managed to make the King believe I was insane," Pink explained bitterly. "In the end, justice remained elusive, just like in any world."

Pink sighed, her voice trembling as she recalled her past. "That's another reason why I searched for you in this world, and to be honest, I prayed for a chance to reunite with you. Despite our... darker professions, we made a real impact on Earth. We eliminated some truly vsick people and made the world a bit safer. Plus, we got paid handsomely. This world needs someone like us even more than Earth," Pink said with a resolute determination and a glint of satisfaction at the sight of Ghost.

Sarba chimed in with innocent curiosity, "But you won't get paid here, will you?"

Pink gave a sly grin. "Money isn't the only form of payment, my friend. Now, we need information, and men like Gal hold the key to everything we require. We may not receive payment from a client like we did on Earth, but if we loot his body after taking him down, we'll be rich as fuck,"

Sarba nodded in agreement as Pink went on, her tone firm.

"Taking down killers, assholes, and dictators does give you a satisfying feeling," Pink declared.

Michael chuckled slightly and added, "Speaking of dictators, I did cross paths with Hunter Blade. He's in a different universe, just like us, experiencing a transmigration."

Pink's reaction was immediate. She trembled, nearly toppling from her chair.

"Hunter? Please, tell me he's not in our universe... Oh, you did say he's not... Damn it, that guy... I genuinely pity the universe he's in right now. I hope we never cross paths with that murderous psycho, not now or ever," Pink concluded with a shiver of dread.


Hunter will return in DBS ( coming out of Hiatus) on 12.09.2023
