Chapter 1087  Kingdom of Durran II

Exiting the portal felt like a whirlwind of colors and sensations, and when Michael landed on the other side, he found himself in a spacious, dimly lit room. The room was eerily empty, with stone walls and an imposing iron door at one end. It wasn't quite what Ayag had expected.

"I've exited the portal," Michael whispered to Pink, who was still in his earpiece.

Pink's voice came through, calm and composed. "Good. Now, head out through that iron door, and remember to change your robes to green."

With a thought, Michael's black robes transformed into green ones. He then opened the imposing iron door and stepped into a massive, marble-floored hall. Several orcs roamed around, some engaged in conversation, while others appeared busy with various tasks.

Amidst the bustling scene, a female orc with vibrant green skin and a welcoming smile on her face rushed toward him. She extended her hand in a friendly gesture and said, "Welcome to Durran, honored guest. I'm Glirna. Are you here for the upcoming harvest festival?"

Michael was taken aback by the warm welcome but quickly regained his composure. "Yes, I am," he replied with a friendly smile. "I've heard it's a grand celebration. Could you tell me more about it?"

Glirna's eyes sparkled with excitement as she began to explain the festivities and handed him a map of the kingdom of Durran. "It's going to be wonderful. Here's a map to help you navigate the festivities and explore our beautiful kingdom."

Michael graciously accepted the map, thanking Glirna for her assistance. With the map in hand, he exited the building, now ready to navigate the orc kingdom of Durran and continue his mission.

Stepping out of the building, Michael was greeted by a breathtaking sight. Before him stretched the elegant kingdom of the orcs, adorned with vibrant decorations for the upcoming harvest festival. Colorful banners fluttered in the gentle breeze, and strings of lanterns cast a warm and inviting glow.

The architecture of Durran was a captivating blend of grandeur and nature. Towering stone structures were entwined with lush greenery, creating a harmonious atmosphere. Orcs bustled about, their laughter and chatter filling the air as they prepared for the festival.

Pink's voice chimed in his earpiece. "Welcome to Durran, Ghost. Enjoy the festivities, but remember, we have a mission to complete."

As Michael strolled through the lively streets of Durran, Pink's voice guided him with precision.

"Alright, Ghost, head west from your current location. You should see a large oak tree. Take a right there, and you'll be on Amber Street," Pink directed.

Following her instructions, Michael navigated through the bustling orc city, the map in his hand and his earpiece securely in place. The streets were alive with festivities, and the orc inhabitants seemed to be in high spirits.

Pink continued to provide directions. "Good, now make a left onto Amber Street, and keep going straight. You'll come to a crossroads, and that's where you'll find Gilrut's rune workshop."

Michael appreciated the clarity of Pink's guidance, and as he reached the indicated crossroads, he paused. "I'm curious, how exactly did you manage to get this orc, Gilrut, to owe you a favor?"

Ayag, perched on Michael's shoulder, seemed equally curious. "Yeah, Pink, what did you do?"

There was a brief pause, and Pink's voice carried a hint of somberness. "It's not something I like to talk about, but I'll tell you. Gal, the orc we were talking about earlier, he didn't just harass Lani. He hurt someone close to Gilrut. When I took care of Gal, Gilrut felt a sense of gratitude. You know, for delivering some well-deserved justice."

Michael nodded, understanding the unspoken meaning behind Pink's words. Sometimes, the bonds of friendship and gratitude could be stronger than any written contract.

As Michael followed Pink's guidance through the vibrant streets of Durran, his ears caught the sounds of a commotion up ahead. He saw a gathering of orcs, elves, and dwarves, all standing before a building with a glowing sign that read "Rideon Funds." The crowd was agitated, and a tall orc in jade-green armor was shouting at the building.

"Come out before the innocents inside the building get hurt!" the orc bellowed.

Curiosity got the better of Michael, and he decided to investigate the situation. He relayed the events to Pink, his voice low. "Pink, something's happening here. It looks like there's some kind of commotion outside the Rideon Funds building."

Pink's voice crackled in his earpiece, concern evident. "This could be the work of the Vilnius gang, causing trouble as usual." contemporary romance

Michael frowned. "Vilnius gang? Who are they?"

Pink explained, "They're a local gang made up of rowdy orcs who live outside the kingdom. They've been a thorn in the kingdom's side for a while."

Ayag, perched on Michael's shoulder, chimed in, "This isn't our business, Ghost. Let's keep moving."

Michael considered Ayag's words but continued to walk toward the commotion, curiosity gnawing at him. However, he didn't have to go far before he overheard a hushed conversation among some orcs in the crowd.

"Did you hear? Even Runemaster Gilrut is stuck inside the building, held hostage!"

Those words stopped Michael in his tracks. His eyes widened, and he exchanged a quick glance with Ayag. Gilrut, the runemaster who was supposed to help them, was in danger.

Michael turned back to the commotion with a newfound resolve. "Pink, it seems like Runemaster Gilrut is in trouble inside that building. I can't just walk away from this."

Pink's voice crackled with frustration and concern in Michael's earpiece as she urgently whispered, "Ghost, you don't understand. The Vilnius gang is ruthless. They don't care about killing innocents."

Michael could feel the weight of the situation intensifying. Pink continued, "The orcs here, they follow rules and procedures. They'll take their time to strategize. If they lead this rescue mission, it might end in disaster. You have to do something to get Gilrut out."

Michael understood the gravity of the situation. He had to act fast and decisively. Pink's voice grew even more urgent as she advised, "You'll have to improvise, Ghost. Find a way to rescue the hostages and Gilrut. But be cautious, and don't underestimate the Vilnius gang."

As Michael merged into the growing crowd, the tension in the air was palpable. Shouts emanated from inside the building, capturing everyone's attention. A gang member within, his voice seething with menace, addressed an orc outside, referring to him as Officer Barug.

The gang member's threats sliced through the air like a blade, chilling the crowd to silence. He declared, "Officer Barug, you listen up! We've got twenty-five hostages in here, including your renowned Runemaster, and we won't hesitate to slit their throats."

Barug, struggling to maintain his composure, inquired with a trembling voice, "What are your demands?"

The gang member's reply was resolute, "We need a flying ship, and it better be loaded with enough rune energy to take us straight to the next divine portal outside this kingdom."

A collective gasp rippled through the crowd. The gang member's ultimatum hung heavily in the air. He didn't stop there; his threat intensified as he added, "If our demands aren't met within the next three hours, we will start killing the hostages one by one, starting with your precious Gilrut."

Officer Barug, attempting to buy some time, negotiated with the gang member. He explained, "Listen, it's the Harvest Festival, and most of the flying ships are currently in use. It'll take time to arrange one for you."

The gang member, however, responded with a cynical laugh. "Time, huh? We're not very patient folks, you see," he sneered.

With an ominous tone, he issued a chilling threat, "To help you pick up the pace, how about I cut off one of these hostages' hands and send it out to you? That should remind you of the ticking clock."

Barug's face paled, and he hastily pleaded, "No, no, don't do anything like that. I promise I'll do my best to get you what you want."

The gang member's lips curled into a malicious grin as he gave his final order, "Alright then, Officer Barug. Close off the street, and I don't want to see any of your stupid soldiers anywhere near this building."

Officer Barug, trying to ensure the safety of the hostages and buy more time, proposed, "According to our laws, we need to send someone inside the building to verify the condition of the hostages."

The gang member, clearly uninterested in following any rules, scoffed, "I'm not letting any stupid orc soldier inside."

Barug, determined to uphold the law, argued, "It's the law, and we must abide by it."

With a mocking grin, the gang member retorted, "Law-abiding citizens? Do we look like we care about laws? Tell you what, I might consider letting a civilian inside too, someone who's not from your military."

Barug was taken aback by the suggestion. He knew civilians without military training wouldn't willingly step into such a perilous situation. Anxious, he replied, "No civilian without military training would agree to this."

The gang member chuckled wickedly, replying, "Well, then, Officer Barug, looks like you're out of luck."

The situation grew tenser by the moment, and the fate of the hostages hung in the balance.

Officer Barug, his fists clenched and frustration evident on his face, muttered curses under his breath as he tried to navigate this precarious situation.

Suddenly, a voice broke through the tension. It was Michael who stepped forward and offered a surprising solution. "I can go inside if you don't have anyone else," he calmly stated.

Barug, as well as the crowd, was startled by this unexpected offer. He questioned, "Who are you, human?"

Michael maintained a reassuring smile as he responded, "Just a concerned citizen who is willing to help. From the looks of it, you desperately need assistance."

Barug hesitated, torn between the urgency of the situation and his duty to follow protocol. "I can't let a civilian without proper training inside," he argued.

Michael, still composed, calmly countered, "The longer we waste time, the more dangerous the situation will become for the hostages. I'm volunteering for this. I'll do my best to talk some sense into the gang members."

Barug let out a heavy sigh, realizing the urgency of the situation. He turned to Michael and said, "You'll need to be very careful when you go inside." He retrieved a parchment from his pocket and handed it to Michael, saying, "This is a consent form. It states that you've agreed to volunteer for this mission."

Michael chuckled slightly, deciding to use a different name for this particular endeavor. He quickly jotted down "John" on the parchment and handed it back to Barug.

Barug, now holding the parchment with "John's" agreement, raised his voice and shouted at the building, "I'm sending a civilian inside. Do not harm the hostages!"

From within the building, the gang member's voice echoed back, "Who is that fool?"

Unbeknownst to the gang members, they were about to unwittingly allow a wolf in sheep's clothing into their midst.
