Chapter 1173 New Base Of Operation II

Pink's eyes widened in disbelief as she processed Michael's revelation. "Underground?" she echoed, her voice tinged with a mix of surprise and apprehension.

Ayag, ever the skeptic, rolled her eyes and remarked dryly, "Great, so we can be buried alive easily." Despite her sarcastic tone, there was a hint of genuine concern in her voice.

Michael, however, seemed undeterred by their concerns. He continued to scrutinize the structure of the underground mushroom with his X-ray vision. "The mushroom's cap is actually the roof of the structure," he explained, pointing out the unique architectural feature. "And there's no layer of earth directly above it, so the chances of being buried alive are minimal. We're safe."

Pink, still looking slightly dubious, posed another practical question. "That's great and all, but how do we actually get in there?"

Michael shifted his focus from the underground structure to their immediate surroundings. He scanned the area, looking for an entrance. His thermal vision revealed a faint heat signature on the stem of the towering mushroom above ground. Intrigued, he noticed it was shaped like a skull.

Pointing at the peculiar heat signature, Michael declared confidently,

"Got it." The discovery of the entrance, cleverly concealed and integrated into the natural environment.

Michael approached the heat signature, the skull shape invisible to his companions. He extended his hand towards the seemingly solid mushroom stem, and to everyone's surprise, his hand passed through it as if it were air. The stem's surface rippled like water, revealing its illusory nature.

"Come closer," Michael beckoned to Pink, sensing her hesitation. With a reassuring grip, he took her hand and together, they stepped through the now intangible mushroom stem.

On the other side, they found themselves in a long, white tube, its walls smooth and featureless. The environment felt surreal, almost otherworldly.

Suddenly, the floor beneath them shifted, causing both of them to steady themselves. The tube began to move downward, functioning like an elevator. The mechanism was silent and smooth, adding to the mystique of the place.

As they descended, the ripple effect returned, and the entrance to the tube solidified once again, sealing them inside. The reality of their descent into the underground sanctuary became even more apparent.

Pink, looking around in amazement, remarked, "It's like a lift, and we're going down." Her voice echoed slightly in the confined space, reflecting her sense of wonder.

As they continued their descent into the heart of the underground mushroom, anticipation and curiosity filled the air.

As the door before them slid open, Michael, Pink, and Vedora were greeted by the sight of their new base of operation. The interior, bathed in the dim blue light of luminescent mushrooms, exuded a serene yet sophisticated ambiance. The space was perfectly sized – spacious enough to feel open but cozy enough to retain a sense of privacy and security.

Pink's eyes sparkled with excitement as she stepped into the room, her gaze darting from one feature to another. "Wow, look at all this!" she exclaimed, rushing over to the large black screen set before a comfortable, expansive worktable. Her fingers danced across the dashboard filled with buttons, marveling at the technology.

The walls were adorned with more screens, each connected to glowing crystals that hummed softly with energy. The screens flickered to life as Pink approached them, displaying various data and images in vibrant colors.

"Check out these armor stands," Ayag called out, perched on Michael's shoulder, pointing towards the neatly arranged rows of stands that held various pieces of armor and weaponry.

Sarba, inquisitive as ever, slithered towards the other worktable, which was littered with various tools and gadgets. "This place is a treasure trove!" he hissed excitedly, inspecting each item with keen interest.

The book racks, filled with volumes and scrolls that promised a wealth of knowledge, caught Michael's attention. He made a mental note to explore them later.

"This place is amazing!" Pink continued, her voice filled with awe as she experimented with the keyboards, watching the screens respond to her inputs. "It's like a command center and a workshop all in one."

Meanwhile, Vedora explored the nooks and crannies of the room, seemingly approving of their new sanctuary.

"It's more than we could have asked for," Michael said, a hint of satisfaction in his voice as he surveyed the room. The base was a perfect blend of technology and comfort, a fitting headquarters for their endeavors.

As Michael approached the worktable with its intricate dashboard, his attention was immediately drawn to the large black screen and its accompanying smaller screens, all connected through gold wires to glowing crystals. The meticulous arrangement of the technology was nothing short of impressive.

Pink, her curiosity piqued, squatted down and gently ran her fingers over the surfaces of the crystal. "These... these look like data crystals, also known in this world as Seraphine crystals," she said, her voice laced with shock and surprise.

"Is that what I think it means?" Ayag asked, the tone of his voice reflecting the growing excitement in the air.

Pink slowly nodded, her eyes wide with the realization of the implications. "Whoever built this base of operation managed to get their hands on data crystals and blended the technology with this world's magic, creating the perfect amalgamation," she explained, her gaze shifting between the screens and the crystals.

As the reality of their discovery sank in, Pink made a connection, her voice tinged with awe. "I think it's your previous self who built this place," she said, turning to Michael with a look of realization.

The revelation hung in the air, suggesting a deeper connection and a more intricate history than they had initially thought. The base wasn't just a sanctuary; it was a legacy of Michael's past self, crafted with foresight and ingenuity, bridging the gap between worlds and technologies.

Michael absorbed this information, the pieces of the puzzle beginning to fit together in his mind. His previous self had not only left him a sanctuary but a fortress of knowledge and power.

The atmosphere in the base was electric as Pink cautiously approached the table and gently pressed a button. A slight rumble filled the room, and they watched in awe as a section of the floor slid open, revealing a chair that smoothly rose from the ground.

Pink's eyes widened in sheer excitement and disbelief. She let out a delighted squeal, her voice filled with wonder.

"I can't believe it... it looks exactly like the chair I had back on Earth!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with nostalgia and joy. contemporary romance

Michael watched her with an amused smile.

"It seems the previous Dark Lord had a knack for surprises," he remarked, his voice laced with intrigue at the thought of his past self's foresight.

Pink, unable to contain her excitement, hurried to the chair. As she sat down, a single tear of joy escaped her eye, a testament to the overwhelming emotions swirling within her. She was home, in a way she hadn't felt since leaving Earth.

With a newfound eagerness, Pink leaned forward in her chair, her fingers dancing across the keys with practiced ease. The screens remained dark for a moment before suddenly springing to life, the words 'Initiating Data Crystals' illuminating the room in a soft, ambient glow.

As the screens flickered to life, an intricate map of the realm of gods emerged on the display, its details intricate and extensive. Pink's eyes widened in amazement, her voice filled with awe as she exclaimed, "This is incredible!"

However, the marvel was short-lived as the screen suddenly turned a warning red, and a persistent beeping filled the room.

"Warning, some of the data crystals have been corrupted," the screen flashed ominously.

Michael turned to Pink, concern etched on his face.

"Can you fix it?" he asked, his tone hinting at the urgency of the situation.

Pink let out a confident chuckle, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"This is my playground," she declared proudly. Her fingers moved swiftly over the keyboard, a dance of precision and skill. In moments, she had silenced the warning and stabilized the system.

She then turned to Michael with a more serious expression.

"It seems these crystals have been sitting here, collecting dust for more than five thousand years. They'll need some fixing," she informed him, her tone now more focused and determined.

Michael nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. The data crystals held untold knowledge and secrets, and restoring them was crucial to their plans. Pink's expertise in this field was invaluable, and he trusted her abilities implicitly.

Michael gazed intently at the screen, which now displayed a myriad of images and data records about various gods. The depth of information available at their fingertips was staggering, offering insights into the realm of gods that were previously unknown to them.

Pink, with her eyes fixed on the screen, noted, "These data crystals contain an immense amount of knowledge about the realm of gods. And considering the gods don't change much over time, the data from five thousand years ago should still be largely relevant."

She paused for a moment, then added, "Still, I'd like to update the data in these crystals and fix the corrupted ones. There's so much potential here."

Her fingers moved deftly across the keyboard as she navigated through the data. Suddenly, her face lit up with a triumphant smile.

"Looks like I've managed to hack into one of Seraphen's data crystals in Sagespire," she announced proudly. The feat was no small accomplishment, given Seraphen's status as the goddess of information.

As Pink continued to explore the capabilities of the system, an idea struck her.

"It seems I can hack into some crystals and use their reflectiveness as a spy camera," she mused, her mind already racing with the possibilities this new discovery presented.

The idea of using the data crystals not just for gathering information but also for surveillance opened up a whole new realm of strategic opportunities. It meant they could keep an eye on key locations and figures within the realm of gods, giving them an unprecedented advantage in their endeavors.
