As Michael and Gaya continued their innovative ascent on the makeshift skateboard, soaring through the blizzard with a speed that left many of their fellow adventurers behind, the desperation among some of them reached a fever pitch. "We've got to beat them to the top!" one shouted, determination lacing his voice as he prepared to cast a spell.

"Fuck waiting, I'm flying up there!" another declared, throwing caution to the wind. The air around them crackled with celestial energy as several adventurers began to launch themselves into the sky, their spells illuminating the icy mist with bursts of light.

From the sidelines, Lysandra and Elrion watched the reckless gambit unfold. "Look at them, so desperate for treasure they're willing to risk becoming spider food," Elrion commented, shaking his head at the sight.

"They're just making it easier for that ancient beast to pick them off. Haven't they been paying attention?" Lysandra sighed, her breath forming a cloud in the frigid air. As if on cue, the giant spider, lurking within the storm, sensed the surge of celestial energy and sprang into action. With terrifying precision, it shot webs into the sky, snagging the flying adventurers and pulling them down into the blizzard, where they disappeared from sight.

"Shit, did you see that?!" one of the onlookers exclaimed, horror evident in his voice as he witnessed the spider's swift attack.

"Those idiots... they're gone, just like that," another muttered, a mix of fear and disbelief coloring his words.

From within the blizzard, the muffled screams of the captured adventurers echoed, a chilling reminder of the danger that the ancient spider posed. "Help me, for fuck's sake!" one of the victims managed to shout before being silenced, his plea lost in the howling wind.

Meanwhile, as they maneuvered through the storm, Gaya couldn't help but watch the spider's hunts with a mixture of shock, amusement, and relief. "Holy shit, did you see that?!" she exclaimed, witnessing another adventurer caught by the spider's web. "Glad we're not part of that buffet."

However, Michael kept his gaze fixed ahead, where the silhouette of a red flag began to materialize through the icy mist. "We're getting close to the top," he stated, his voice steady, betraying none of the excitement or worry that such a moment might warrant.

Pulling her attention away from the chaos behind them, Gaya couldn't shake off the unease that clung to her. "I've still got a fucking bad feeling about this," she admitted, turning to face the path ahead once more.

"In this realm of gods, everything's meant to give us a bad feeling," Michael glanced at her briefly before focusing back on their destination. Finally reaching the summit, Michael deftly kicked the base of the skateboard, catching it with a practiced ease as it bounced back into his hand. The icy peak was desolate, save for the red flag that fluttered weakly in the cold wind. Michael and Gaya approached the flag, their breaths visible in the frigid air.

Gaya, ever vigilant, paced casually around the area, her grip on the God Slayer tight and ready. "Better not let our guard down. Who knows what kind of fucked-up surprise Silvaris has left for us here," she said, her eyes scanning the snowy expanse for any signs of trouble.

Shifting his focus back to Jin, Michael asked, "What's your grand plan here, Jin?" as he casually cracked his knuckles, a sign of his readiness to end this standoff one way or another.

In response to Michael's question, Jin revealed his trump card with a hint of desperation in his voice. "This dagger, it's not ordinary. It was given to me by someone... special. If I cut her throat with it, her body will wither away. And you," he said, locking eyes with Michael. "You'll have a hell of a time trying to snatch her soul and put it in a new body that won't even look like her."

Michael's attention was now fully on the dagger. He focused intently on it, prompting the system to analyze the weapon. [The Dagger of Death: A one-time-use-only item, capable of inflicting mortal wounds on divine beings] the system detailed within Michael's mind.

Then, attempting to diffuse the tension with a hint of bravado, Michael cracked his neck and suggested. "How about we settle this the old-fashioned way?" His posture relaxed, yet his eyes remained sharp, ready for any outcome.contemporary romance

However, Jin was not fooled or swayed by Michael's suggestion. He let out a cold chuckle, shaking his head dismissively. "Oh no, I'm not delusional enough to think I can take on a god in combat, especially not the God of Darkness," he retorted, his grip on the dagger not wavering.

"Yeah, 'cause he'd wipe the floor with your ass," Gaya said, her voice dripping with scorn.

"Enough with the games, God of Darkness. Give me the map, or be prepared to watch her bleed out," he demanded as his patience wore thin.

"Why the hell are you even entertaining this asshole? Just get rid of him already. I'm tired of his sneaky bullshit," she urged Michael, clearly unafraid of the threat Jin posed.

Michael, inwardly conflicted, knew that outright killing Jin could complicate his future plans. As someone who intended to infiltrate and eventually align with the assassins' guild, making an enemy of one of its members was not a wise move. Thus, he opted for a different approach, one that would allow him to maintain his strategic advantage.

With a resigned sigh, Michael feigned defeat and tossed the map towards Jin. "Fine, take it," he said, his voice devoid of any real surrender.

Gaya's frown deepened at the exchange, but as she caught Michael's glance, she understood his play. Michael had likely memorized the map's details, and by handing it over to Jin, they weren't losing much. Furthermore, Jin's reliance on the map and its activation through celestial energy would only draw the ancient beast's attention to him, further endangering himself without them having to lift a finger.

On the other hand, Jin's reflexes were quick as he caught the map with one hand, and in a swift, unexpected move, he pushed Gaya towards Michael and acrobatically leaped off the mountain top, disappearing into the icy mist below. The suddenness of his escape left a momentary silence in its wake.

Michael caught Gaya with ease, steadying her before she could stumble. Watching Jin's disappearing figure, Michael called out into the void with a promise. "We will meet again, Jin. Sooner than you think."
