"What is that thing?" Vedora stared at the beast from top to bottom in wonder. They searched through the knowledge they inherited from Gaya and Michael to find something or anything about the beast.


While they were focusing on finding about the beast, Gaya released a golden arrow aiming at the beast's head. The moment the arrow met the beast's head, blood splashed everywhere, the monster's head exploded into a mess.

Gaya felt a bit of pity for the monster. A moment ago, it was minding its own business. Fate played a game in the monster's life by opening the portal right above its head. Otherwise, she wouldn't have landed on the beast, making it mad

"Do you think it's edible?"

"What is wrong with you?" Gaya felt a sudden feeling of nausea hit her core when Ayag asked. She flicked Ayag on the head couple of times,

"Ouch bitch that hurts"

Aya cursed Gaya while trying to bite her finger.

Cain ignored their bickering, "A Body Refining stage beast. I can sense its cultivation stage, so that means the hydra's scream didn't affect this realm"

"Are we in a different world?" Sarba asked. Finally, Gaya stopped fighting with Ayag to answer Sarba,

"No, this is one of the many realms between our world and the space outside. Some realms are above the world while some realms are inside our world" After explaining, she started to walk away from the dead bodies as it might attract various other beasts to their location.

"Why does this damn abyss feel so ghastly? Gray fog everywhere. I hope this fog can't hurt us"

Gaya's expression became serious, she looked around as well.

"Did you come here before?" Sarba asked,

"No, but I learned what's little out there about this place"

"Humph, never pegged you for a learning type" Ayag snickered,

The other two heads expected a snarky comeback from Gaya yet she kept walking without uttering a word.

"Alright, this place looks boring as it is and now you decided to go into silence mode" Ayag moved her head towards Gaya's thumb to chew it.

She wanted to bring Gaya back from her deep train of thoughts.

"Aw," Gaya suddenly felt a sharp pain in her thumb. She looked down to see Ayag chewing her thumb viciously.

"What's on your mind?" Sarba asked before gently knocking away Ayag from Gaya's thumb.

"Isn't it obvious, she's thinking about Ghost," Ayag said.

"You should have brought him with us"

"No Cain, he has enough problems as it is. I want to do this alone. If he was with me, he'd be worrying about my safety more than getting what I need here. I need to prove it to myself that I'm worthy of him"

Vedora understood Gaya's feeling. They unanimously decided not to ponder into her feelings too much.IF she was focusing on her feelings, her fighting intent would be lessened, they didn't want that to happen.

Gaya learned about this place yet she did not expect it to be such a nefarious environment.

"Look another one" Ayag noticed another beast looking exactly the same as the one Gaya killed roaming around the land almost a hundred meters in front of them.

Gaya wanted to go past the beast without killing it but even from hundred meters away, the beast found them. It turned its one eye staring at them as puffs of smoke came out of its nostril.

"What is this monster? There's something different about these beasts"

As Sarba was letting the others know what was in his mind, Gaya fired an arrow lightning fast. The arrow soared through the air.


Just like before, when the arrow hit the beast, its head exploded.

"The energy coming from it was not Arch energy, it's different"

Getting closer to the dead body, Gaya carefully examined the monster.

Indeed she had learned about these beasts called the fire demons, but she had never seen them with her own eyes until now

"I think the energy coming from them is some kind of First energy. Human talked about various energies other than Arch and Celestial. Since this is not celestial, it must be First energy, at least a variant of it"

She paused for a second before going on,

"According to the legends, these fire demons have a really strong body and incredible muscles, and its most powerful weapon is its vertical eye which can unleash a powerful light that can cause damage directly to one's soul. These beasts only exist in ancient realms like this one. We need to be careful here, I don't think there are only Body Refining beasts here"

Gaya sighed inwardly.

The ancient scripts she had read about ancient realms told her that the Fire Realm had suddenly appeared three thousand years ago. It was the same time the Guardians completed a ritual that made the gods lock the Dark Lord's seed in a universe with no magical energy, a void universe.

"Since we're so close to this beast, we should get the monster core" Gaya put her hand inside the bloody mess on the ground. She searched for a few moments before grabbing the monster core of the beast. Vedora saw her pull a hand-sized black orb from the bloody mess. She quickly put the core inside her space ring.

"You're right! I, the master dog, have a copper head and iron bones! Even if the ancestor of this Fire Demon was here, it wouldn't be able to withstand a single head slam from this master dog!"

"I can sense strong energy radiation from this thing. I wonder if you can absorb this energy?" asked Cain as Gaya shook her head,

"I can't but I bet my freaky human can" speaking about Michael put a smile on her face.

Not all beasts contained monster cores but if a monster core contained Arch energy, any individual being from any race could absorb the energy. Nevertheless, monster cores that contained anything other than Arch energy or Celestial energy couldn't be absorbed by a being as they contained too much impure energy.? Absorbing it by force would seriously impact the person's cultivation, and it could even make them enter a state of coma. Usually, monster cores above the Body Strengthening stage were extremely rare because any beast that reached Core Formation would choose to live in places hidden from the hunters. Most of the time, these beasts would form a pack to keep themselves safe from hunters and get rare herbs that let them cultivate faster.

After putting the monster core in her space ring, she shot out a ball of flames and burned the body to ashes.


Right at this moment, a loud roar sounded out from somewhere not far away from where they stood. It sounded deep, and a little hoarse, which made it extremely terrifying. They immediately turned around to look in the direction. In an instant, they saw a monster which was glowing brightly appearing not far away from them, it was slowly walking towards them.

Although she burned the body, it was too late as the monster was attracted by the smell of blood long before she burned the body.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Vedora was startled. The monster wasn't tall, it was just a little bit taller than an average human. The body didn't look very muscular either, but it gave them an overbearing impression. This monster had a transparent body that looked like a crystal, also it didn't have any facial figures. No nose, no ears, and no mouth. Right in the middle of its face, there was a crystal eye, which kept staring at Gaya.


The monster roared out once again. It didn't have a mouth, but it could still roar loudly. The roar sounded like it came from its body, it was enough to send shivers down most people's spines. If any ordinary girl saw this strange monster, she would definitely be scared to the point she screamed as loud as she could.

But Gaya didn't move at all. Since the Hydra's scream didn't affect this realm, she could easily find out the cultivation level of this monster; it was only a Core Formation level 1. Although it was considered pretty strong, it couldn't pose any threat to her. Unlike the two beasts she killed before, the beast approaching her looked nothing like the two beasts. This beast was transparent like a crystal and had only one eye, no other facial features.

" Lucky us, another ugly thing came to greet us" Ayag rolled her eyes.

"I once read a book called 'Ancient Beings'. It recorded all sorts of monsters and beings. By the look of this beast, it must be Glass Wraith"

"You seemed to have read an awful lot of books for an orphan" Ayag frowned. Not only Ayag but also Sarba and Cain felt surprised by her knowledge about this world. They even saw Ghost ask her for information and he was a freak of nature who could do anything in their minds.

In the short amount of time they followed Gaya, it felt like there was nothing that she didn't know.

"If I told you I am a princess, would you believe me?" Gaya looked at Vedora with a small smile on her face.

"You? A princess? Hahaha" Ayag burst into laughter after hearing Gaya.

"Stop playing around and kill that beast"


The Glasswraith roared out once again. Somewhat Cain had a feeling that the beast wasn't surprised to see the human in front of it. To Cain, it seemed like Gaya didn't tell them the whole story about this place.

The Glasswraith carried an extreme killing intention as it quickly sprinted towards her.

"Since this ugly fucker is tired of living, we should send him to hell"

Ayag was laughing out loudly in excitement as Gaya nocked a fire arrow on her bowstring, preparing to shoot the moment the beast come into her target area.

************************************** contemporary romance

One more chapter about Gaya's adventure and we can finally start the tournament.


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