"What are you waiting for Wulfric? Cast the spell" Andreas floated in the air before Wulfric. Andreas talked to Wulfric as though there was no one around them. He completely ignored the trio of Skyhall elders and the angels.

"We might just be pushing that child onto the path to become a Dark Lord Andreas" Wulfric sighed. He looked at the unconscious Diana once again and went on,

"Every child is innocent when it's born Andreas" ALthough Wulfric saw glimpses of a future where the world is ruled by the Dark Lord and knew he can't change the destiny, he still felt reluctant to change Diana's memories.

"Not this child, Wulfric, you know that. This is the only way, three thousand years ago, the gods wouldn't have created an entire universe with no energy to trap this child if they didn't think this child is evil beyond measures" Just reminiscing the future the gods showed the guardians made Andreas shudder in fear.

"So it's true? There's a prison for the Dark Lord" hearing Andreas and Wulfric from the sidelines, the lady in white light asked,

"It is true" Wulfric sighed,

"Only the gods themselves can travel into the black universe. Prison Earth is not a place we mortals could venture to" The mere name Earth sent a chill running through Wulfric's spine.

He was there when the gods created an entire universe with no energy at all. They put the world named Earth in the middle of the universe. It was a prison created to hold the Dark Lord. Even after three thousand years, Andreas didn't know why the gods could simply kill the Dark Lord. He refused to believe that the Dark Lord is stronger than the gods.

"As long as she has a bond with the Dark Lord, he can't leave this world Wulfric. We must severe the bond between the Dark Lord and her" Andreas floated to look Wulfric in the eyes,

"As I said before, the Forbidden spell will only suppress her motherly love for a short amount of time, Andreas. A mother's love is the most powerful spell"

"It's enough for us to complete the ritual Wulfric"

Wulfric sighed before nodding. Andreas was preparing for this ritual for three thousand years with the Skyhall. He sacrificed his body three thousand years ago to perform the ritual. Wulfric didn't want his sacrifice to be in vain.

After Wulfric nodded, Emelda saw Andreas's eyes lock onto her.

"Bring her to us, we need her to perform the forbidden spell," Andreas said,

"Erael, wake her up, we have to start casting the spell before the twins are born," Andreas said looking at the lady in white. He wanted to send the Dark Lord away but wanted to keep Diana and her family safe from the Skyhall. After all, they were innocent and the other twin might be the only person alive to stop the Dark Lord if the Dark Lord somehow finds his way back to this world.

"Remember Andreas, Darkness doesn't always mean evil, just as light doesn't equate to good" Wulfric's words sounded more like a warning to Andreas. If it was up to Wulfric, he would have let the child stay with its family. After all, he believed the family and the child's mother's love would change his destiny.

The following thirty days were hell to Emelda. She saw the spell making her sister go crazy. Even after giving birth to the twins, they only let Diana care for Noah. They kept the other one who Diana named Dean away from her. The Supreme Guardian and Wulfric spent thirty days casting the spell on Diana. They failed the first 29 days, Diana never let go of Dean, every single day she fought the angels to reach Dean. Emelda's heart bled every time she tended to her sister's broken bones and life-threatening wounds.

Emelda's role in the spell was to help Wulfric alter Diana's memories. Since Diana trusted Emelda with her life, they used Emelda to alter her memories and mess with her mind. No matter how many glimpses of a horrible future lies ahead they showed Diana, she refused to let go of Dean.

After the 10th day, Wulfric gave Dean to Diana so she could breastfeed him. The Guardians or the Skyhall didn't know about that. It was the only time Diana had with Dean.

On the 30th day, the spell finally took hold of Diana's mind. They changed her memories and mind as she was the one who chose to leave Dean in the middle of the forest. Regardless of the hellish pain they put her through, Emelda saw her sister smile whenever she held her sons in her arms. Skyhall wanted to erase their actions in her life but Wulfric didn't wipe off the memories she had of Skyhall. He just deleted Andreas, Emelda, and his involvement in her mind-altering forbidden spell.

However, what Wulfric didn't expect was how strong Diana's love towards Dean was. Her love broke the ritual that was supposed to send the Dark Lord completely to his prison, Earth. But Wolfric hid the truth that the ritual failed due to Diana's motherly love from everyone. THe Skyhall had no idea that the child's soul split into two; one soul piece was sent to earth as they planned but the other piece remained in the child's body and Wolfric teleported the child near the Cosmic river. The soul piece that went to Earth was Michael and the other was Abras but both of them were the same person.

Unlike Michael was thinking, Abras never died and gave his body to Michael. Abras and Michael joined together, becoming whole once again.

Regardless of everyone's efforts, the Dark Lord came back to the universe he belongs from his prison and it was his mother's true love that saved him.

If it wasn't for Harriet's love, the Dark Lord would have lived, died, and reincarnated for eternity without any powers.


(The Present Day)

Gaya was sitting on the floor of an empty room in Hell's city. Except for the four wooden walls, round table, and two chairs, there was not a thing in the room. There was not even a window, the room had few holes to let the airflow in and out of the room.

Ayag waited so long to speak these words. Since Noah was with them, she couldn't yell at Gaya but now Noah went outside to bring them something to eat and Gaya was alone with them.

"You bitch, what the fuck is wrong with you?" Vedora stood on Gaya's lap. Ayag bit Gaya's legs as strong as she could, contemporary romance

"Ouch" Gaya flicked Ayag on the head,

"What did I do now?" Gaya asked, rubbing the skin above her knee.

"What did you do? You just fucking agreed to give what you need from the five-headed serpent to Noah. And he's gonna use that to save your lowlife father who crippled you, threw you in jail, and gave your throne to another bitch"

Gaya's veins on her forehead bulged out as she slammed the wooden floor beneath her. A fist-shaped bump immediately appeared after she slapped the wooden floor.

"You really think I forgot about everything and turned into a filial daughter all of a sudden?" Ayag frowned as Sarba looked at Gaya with a surprised face,

"I don't want someone else to kill that bastard before me. I want to drag his ass off the throne, cripple him with my own hands throw him in the same fucking jail cell he put me in" Vedora could clearly see the cold killing intent in her eyes. She was not kidding around.

"How could I let that old fucker die without making him pay for what he did time? There is not even a shred of compassion for him in me" Gaya clenched her fist thinking about her father,

"Every fucking day, I dream about making him pay. I'm not gonna let him die before he pays his fucking debt" Hearing Gaya's words somewhat calmed down Ayag. Her sudden 180 turn in her personality pissed off Ayag except now she realized that Gaya wasn't being a filial daughter all of a sudden but planning to make her father suffer more. Her cold words were calmed down Ayag, they even brought a small smile on Ayag's face.

"What about this Noah asshole? Why are we working with him? I feel like he's using us" Ayag said to Gaya. After listening to Ayag's complaint, Gaya snickered,

"Humph, this Noah fucker rubs me in the wrong way. I can tell that even if I don't work together with him, he has a plan to defeat the five-headed serpent without my help. If he managed to defeat that thing first without our help, we'll lose everything. This way, I'll get most of what I want, since he's a righteous asshole who's addicted to saving damsels in distress, he'll be our protective shield. Two birds one stone"

"But-" Ayag wanted to say something but Cain knocked her on the head with his head,

"We have to work with him, he knows about us and her real identity. IF he wants, he could make our lives a whole lot worse. Ghost is not here to protect us and I don't think even he could protect us if Noah opened his mouth to the Guardians" Cain explained calmly without showing a shred of panic in his voice or face.

"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer," Gaya said looking at Ayag,

"Dang you talk more and more like Ghost" Ayag rolled her eyes. Hearing Ghost's name, Gaya started to think about him. She wanted to see him, hug him, and kiss him so badly. The distance between them surprisingly brought them together closer.

"Where are you and what are you doing human?" Gaya closed her eyes, recalling his smiling face in her mind.


Michael chapter next!!!!!


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