Chapter 551: Michael meets Don II

Soaring through the darkness towards the light, Michael heard the monster's shriek behind him. Michael looked over his shoulder to only a blur behind.         


contemporary romance

At that same time, a farm field was littered with destruction, blood, and shells. Red, pink and blue were the new colors of what was once a stunning farm field, which had now become the stage of a disastrous fight.     

The air, which would typically carry the delicate scents of flowers and fruits, was now thick with the scent of death and decay, enough to destroy whatever courage was left in the survivors.     

The dead soldiers were abundant and lay in heaps around the farm field. The remaining soldiers shivered to take a step forward, frantically looking at the sky as if they were expecting something.     

The remaining soldiers lost all their courage to fight. Many had already succumbed to hysteria and could no longer move, let alone defend themselves. In contrast, others could only think of home and what they had left behind.     

The toll on both nature and humanity was devastating. It would likely take decades before this farm field will have recovered. The broken siege engines, rubble, and blood had taken the place of flowers, shrubs, and bushes.     

Some of the soldiers, frantically looking at the sky for breakfast, noticed a black dot suddenly appear in the cloudy sky above. Though soon, the black dot grew in size to the point they all realized that it wasn't a black dot but a man falling from the sky.     

When they saw the man's black robes, they immediately dropped their weapons and fell to the ground.      


Some of the soldiers completely lost their minds. Michael was trying to balance himself in the sky and shouting at the system. Unlike before, when he traveled to Etheria and Hunter's universe, Michael was pulled into the current universe with his body. In other words, he was not in his soul form.     

Michael felt no arch energy or celestial energy around him. Hence, he couldn't stop free falling and start flying. Fortunately, Michael saw a broken trebuchet in the battle.      

"Fuck you system," Michael cursed the system as he flapped his arms like a bird to change his trajectory towards the trebuchet,     

He was falling from such a height that the wind brushing against his face hurt his skin. If he didn't stop free falling, Michael doubted one could scrape his body from the ground completely after he became a human omelet.     

Fortunately, Michael still wore the Mark 3 grappling hook around his wrist. So when he was approximately fifty meters away from the trebuchet, Michael reached for the trebuchet, aimed at its top, and fired the grappling hook.     


The grappling hook soared through the air and coiled around the top,     


Due to his speed being suddenly stopped by the grappling hook attached to his arm, the backlash force dislocated Michael's shoulder. He growled in sharp pain. He gritted his teeth and released the hook.      


Finally, Michael hit the ground, holding his shoulder. Thanks to his quick thinking and the trebuchet, Michael survived the fall with only a dislocated shoulder,     

"Could have been worse," Michael looked around his unfamiliar surroundings. But unfortunately, his vision was still blurry because of the pain and dizziness of traveling through the shadow realm to another realm.     

As soon as his vision cleared, he cautiously noticed the blue armored soldiers surrounding him.      

"It's not him,"     

"Who the fuck is he?"     

"Where did he come from?"     

"Let's capture him before the white death appears,"         


The soldiers slowly stepped toward Michael, tightly clenching their weapons,     

"Whoa, guys slow down," Michael stepped backward, holding his shoulder,     

He was startled by how powerful these soldiers were. Each of them could fight a Soul Refining stage level 5 warrior from Michael's universe.     

At least sixty soldiers were surrounding him. Despite his shock, Michael kept a calm face,     

"System, it's not the right time to go silence," Michael growled in his mind.     

However, no matter how many times he summoned the system in his mind, it didn't respond to him.     

"Look at the way he's dressed. All black. What if he's related to him?" Michael saw a soldier stutter,     

"Exactly. If he's related to him, we can take him hostage and bring him to his majesty,"     

"Guys don't do anything you will regret in the future," Michael calmly warned the soldiers as they quickly took a step back from him,     


As they were reluctantly staring at Michael, whether they should approach him or not, Michael saw two warships soaring through the sky from north and south. The warships were no different than the frigates in Michael's universe, except these two ships were flying in the sky.     

"The ships are here!" suddenly, the soldiers screamed in joy as Michael noticed several of them cry out loud,     

Most of them dashed away from Michael, shooting towards the ship from the ground like rockets. Meanwhile, some soldiers still stared at Michael without moving an inch.     

"What are you waiting for?! Come!" some soldiers shouted at those surrounding Michael. They cared for their lives more than capturing Michael. After all, they came with a thousand strong, and only fifty or sixty of them survived the onslaught.     

The white death single-handedly wiped out the majority of them. White death would have killed all thousand if it weren't for their mage.     

"I'm catching this guy and avenging my brothers,"     

"Slow down guys," Michael squeezed his shoulder, preparing himself to fix his shoulder as he saw no way out without fighting.     

The soldiers who landed on the airships quickly threw out ropes for those who couldn't fly to climb up. Then, the ships hovered in the sky, waiting to pick up the survivors.     

"Let's go!"     

One soldier shouted at another one,     

"Let's get the fuck out of here before they come!"     

"No, these ships are built to last against them. They cant destroy them!"     

Michael had zero clues about what they were talking about. However, one thing was sure, those who slaughtered the soldiers can't damage the ships. Atleast that is what Michael heard from the soldiers.     

However, the sound of thunderclaps suddenly swept through the area as the sky grew darker and darker. The wind howled like a wolf as flashes of lightning flashed across their eyes.     

"Shit shit shit…he's here!"         


The soldiers who tried to capture Michael courageously lost their willpower completely.      


When another thunderclap reverberated throughout the battlefield, they dropped the swords and spears in their hands,     

Michael looked above to see clouds dark as his robes were gathering in the sky. Their surroundings turned ominous darker, with lightning flashing across the area.     


Suddenly when the soldiers were about to turn around and run, a thick dark bolt of lightning hit the ground between the two ships. Everyone, including Michael couldn't help closing their eyes due to the bright flash.     

When they opened their eyes, Michael saw the young man adorned in dashing black armor, covering his head with a cloak standing at the place where the lightning bolt hit.     

Without a doubt, Michael knew he was the same young man he saw in the engravings and in the sky as a silhouette in the shadow realm.     

"IT'S HIM!"     


"NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!"     

The soldiers were thrown into pure chaos when he appeared and the soldiers surrounded him just collapsed to the ground in utter fear.     


The moment the soldiers atop the ships saw him, they screamed as the two ships began to move. After that, they did not bother to wait for the soldiers on the ground anymore.     

However, the black-robed young man grabbed the ropes with each hand.      

The ships trembled as they slowly moved away on opposite sides while the young man coiled the ropes around his fist and began to pull them closer.     

Seeing the scene, Michael raised his brows.      


Since the soldiers were focused on the man, Michael gritted his teeth and jerked his shoulder, fixing his dislocated shoulder which released a sickening crushing sound before setting in right.     

After setting his shoulder, Michael grabbed a soldier by his collar and picked him up from the ground,     

"Who is he?" Michael shook the terrified soldier,     

"Do….Do….Don," the soldier stuttered,     

"So he is Don," Michael let the shoulder go as he turned his gaze back at Don.     

When he was in the shadow realm, the demonic voice screamed the name 'Don'     

The thunderclouds rumbled as Don pulled the ropes closer and closer. Michael's muscles ached just by seeing Don pulling two ships together with his raw strength.         


Don's arms trembled as he moved his head upwards. Only then did the cloak covering his head slide down, revealing his face to Michael.      

(Don is the MC of Rise Of The Legendary Emperor)     

His raven black hair was just long enough to touch his lower neck and fluttered in the wind. He had a stubble beard a few inches thicker than Michael's, and despite the monstrous task he was performing, his face showed no signs of pain.     

Michael could see Don's biceps screaming to tear out his black armor, which seemed to have been made of a material resembling kevlar. Don wasn't the most handsome but rather looked no different than the next-door guy. However, he had a certain indescribable aura that made him stand out.     

Inch by inch, Don pulled the two ships together while the soldiers atop the ships tried to cut off the ropes. Atleast that's what the soldiers tried to do before Don yanked the robes, shaking two ships.     


Michael finally heard Don speak, and his voice sounded more dominant and hard as steel than it did in the shadow realm.     


Don pulled the ships closer,     


Michael noticed the ships getting closer to each other inch by inch, as well as the smoke coming through the ships.     

"NO WHERE!"     


Finally, the ships gave off as they suddenly clashed with each other and exploded into pieces. The explosion lit the gloomy farm field like a mini sun and the explosion force swept across the field, blasting away the corpses, the broken siege machines, and everything on the ground.
