The Fusion Stage vampire had slanted obsidian eyes with slitted pupils that could extend on stalks. His mouth had prominent fangs as the red hair was more a set of spines than anything else. Unlike the rest of the tall, thin as stick vampires, he had a graceful build.

"You killed our brethren," the vampire came closer to Michael and licked the blood coming off of Michael's forehead.

As soon he tasted Michael's blood, he jolted.

"This blood…wow…" The vampire looked speechless.

"I have never tasted such powerful blood. This must be why you are so over the top in cultivation,"

Each vampire wanted a taste of Michael's blood. But fortunately, the leader decided to beat up Michael to near death before drinking his blood.

"Nightwalker? Cowards suit you better," Michael growled.


The vampire behind Michael banged Michael's head against the wall yet again.

"Leave…him…alone…" Sabrina reached out for Ghost, only to get her hands crushed by the Fusion Stage vampire.

"Why don't we properly introduce ourselves huh?" the vampire's cold voice echoed through the gloomy dungeon.

"I am Zarathor. One of the many elders,"

Zarathor punched Michael the moment he finished introducing himself and raised Michael off the ground by his neck.

"And you are Ghost, the human who killed one of us,"


Zarathor punched Michael in the face, instantly breaking Michael's nose.

At that time, Sabrina struggled to get herself up. But, unfortunately, Zarathor turned his gaze towards Sabrina.

"The rune bearer," Zarathor picked Sabrina from the ground by her glowing hand.

"You have one last task to perform," Zarathor slapped Sabrina, almost making her lose consciousness.

He dragged her to the wall before them and placed her glowing hand on the wall. The wall pulled her hand like a magnet. With his blurry vision, Michael saw the wall trembling violently.

Michael was still looking for a way to escape without revealing his other identity. He wasn't sure if he could kill all of them in his Dark Lord form. In case a vampire escaped the place alive, he would be in a heap of trouble. At that time, the entire Skyhall and the Guardians would be at his doorsteps.


But he saw no other way than turning into a Dark Lord. The vampires were simply too strong to fight as Ghost.

Several moments later, the wall slowly crumbled down, revealing an empty hollow.

"Where is the key?" Zarathor creased his brows. He put his hand inside the hollow to search for the key but found nothing.

Just like everyone else, Michael was startled by the twist too. After dealing with everything, he learned that the key had already been taken by someone else.

Hunter's face came before Michael's eyes. But after recalling Hunter's words, Michael didn't think Hunter had taken the key.

"Where is the key?" Zarathor turned his gaze towards Sabrina.

Zarathor grabbed Sabrina's neck, starting to squeeze her neck. Her face slowly turned purple as she twitched violently for air. Looking at Sabrina slowly dying, the images of the first time they met, their journey, and how she blanketed him with a smile flashed across Michael's eyes.

"System, take a loan and break the strings,"

[Even if the host took the maxim amount of loan, you would still lack points to break the strings]

Taking a loan was Michael's last line of defense. He clenched his fist after hearing the system's words.

"I know where the key is," Michael stuttered.

As soon as Zarathor heard Michael, he took his gaze away from Sabrina.

"Where?" asked Zarathor.

"Leave her alone and I will tell you,"

"If you don't, I will snap her neck,"

Instead of letting Sabrina go, Zarathor lifted her higher,

"You can't get the key without her," Michael could barely utter these words due to the intense pain in his head.

Finally, Zarathor released his grip around Sabrina's neck. She frantically gasped for air on the ground.

"Now tell us,"

"System, can you teleport us out of here?"

[The system cant teleport with the cursed chains around you]


Yet again the system let Michael down. Only by one, every plan Michael came up with failed because of the cursed chains around him.

"Tell him," the vampire behind Michael lost his patience. As a result, he kicked Michael in the knee.

"Argh!" Michael growled in pain and to be honest, he wanted to scream out loud. His knee was shattered by the vampire with a single kick. The pain was simply too much.

However, the vampire did not stop with breaking his knees. Instead, the vampire kicked him on the back as Michael hit the ground with enough force to crack his jaw.

"Where is the key?" Zarathor placed his boot on Michael's face, pressing his face against the floor.

"Let him go," Sabrina struggled to pick herself up, and she did by mustering every bit of strength left in her body.

"Look at these two. Playing games," Zarathor burst into a peal of evil laughter.

"She has a rune and he has sweet heavenly blood. I am confused about which one to kill you first. Why do I feel like you both have no idea about the key?" Zarathor frowned.

"I said," Sabrina wiped off the blood from the corner of her mouth,

"LET HIM GO!" No one expected Sabrina to suddenly leap at Zarathor except Zarathor. He reacted just in time and grabbed Sabrina by her neck. At that time, Michael was under his boot and Sabrina was in his hand, fighting for her life. But no matter how hard she hit Zarathor's hand, he did not let her go.

As Zarathor was crushing Michael with his boots, another vampire appeared out of thin air and came rushing to Zarathor. Michael noticed the vampire whispering something into Zarathor's ear.

"The order directly came from the above?" Zarathor questioned the vampire as the dark figure nodded. The latter didn't even notice Michael and Sabrina.

"What a pity," Zarathor sighed.

"Well, an order is an order. I am not good at choosing though," Zarathor looked at both Sabrina and Michael for a moment. Then when he stepped back, another vampire lifted Michael off the ground by his neck.

"So I am in a dilemma," Zarathor put his hand behind his snack and began to walk left and right,

"I have good and bad news. Good news first. Luckily, my superiors want me to leave one of you alive so you would go outside and tell the world not to fuck with Nightwalkers," Zarathor exclaimed.

"Which brings me to the bad news. Leaving one of you alive means one of you has to die. Here's why I am in a bind,"

Zarathor pointed his finger at Michael.

"You have a delicious sweet blood I have never tasted in my life,"

Then he pointed his finger at Sabrina,

"You have the rune, which is probably something we might need in the future,"


Zarathor rubbed his chin, pretending to be conflicted.

"So, who should I let live?"

"Ghost," As Zarathor was rubbing his chin, Sabrina turned to look at Ghost. The blood running across his eyes still blurred his vision yet he could vaguely see Sabrina's tears. Despite the situation, she managed to smile warmly.

"Thank you, thank you for everything," seeing Sabrina suddenly smiling and talking to Ghost, Zarathor, and all the vampires locked their gazes with Sabrina.

"It's my fault. I am sorry I put you through all of this," She spoke, fighting through the lump in her throat.

Her tears gushed out like a flood breaking out of the dam.

"Tell my family I didn't die a coward,"

"Sab…Sabia," Michael couldn't even pronounce her name correctly because of his broken jaw. At that time, Michael had a cracked frontal lobe, a shattered knee, and a broken jaw. Even if he broke the strings, he wouldn't be able to fight without chugging several healing potions.

"When I prayed for my brother to rescue me, you appeared before me,"

Without Michael's control, tears rolled out of his eyes.

He clenched his fist, knowing what she was about to do. It was obvious she plans to kill herself so the vampires would let him live. However, how could anyone believe the vampires?

Michael had never felt so powerless like this ever before in his life. If he transformed himself into Dark Lord, Sabrina would learn the truth about him. If he didn't, she would die for him.

"Why?" Michael really wondered why Sabrina wanted to sacrifice herself for him. He wasn't Noah or her family. Instead, he was a stranger to her. They practically spend a few hours together. Yet, Sabrina prepared to kill herself so Michael could live.

The vampires, on the other hand, looked at her pain with joyful grins on their faces. They enjoyed Sabrina's suffering.contemporary romance

"Noah, that brat would kill me if he knew," Sabrina let out a miserable smile. The images of her childhood, the time she spent with her family and her happy memories flashed across her eyes.

"But thank you for being the greatest big brother to me in the last moments of my life," Sabrina softly said to Michael. When she was helpless and desperate, Ghost was the only one who came to her help. In a short amount of time, he took care of her like she was his little sister. She didn't care what the others thought of him. To her, he was a great mentor and a brother. She just wished she could spend a little more time with him.

Michael frantically squirmed but giving him a gentle smile, she stomped the ground, caught the sword, and stabbed herself with it. After stabbing herself through the chest, she slowly collapsed to the ground. Everything around Michael paused. He couldn't take his eyes off of her smiling face.

Michael's legs gave up as he dropped to his knees.

"Goodbye," Sabrina whispered before closing her eyes, embracing the darkness.

"Damn!" Zarathor shouted, clapping and laughing.

"That was epic. She sacrificed herself for him. I thought that stuff only happens in human stories," Michael heard Zarathor laughing.

"It's dark," Zarathor's laugh echoed through the walls as Michael stared at Sabrina's dead body.
