Michael dived into the sea instead of flying toward the warship. He soared through the water faster than any fish in the ocean, leaving a bubbly white trail. No one noticed Michael as they were all focused on the smoking debris on the ocean and the dragon in the sky. Everything was dark blue around Michael. Light barely managed to peek through the water. After a while, Michael noticed a giant shadow darkening the water. The closer he got to the warship, the brighter the rune on his palm glowed. Michael almost forgot about this rune. When he infiltrated Tanulia's flying warship in the southern continent, Elidyr gave him this rune to avoid the defensive runes on the ship's surface. With this rune, he was able to get onto her ship without triggering any defensive arrays.

When Michael appeared right under the man o war, he grabbed the ship's bottom and hung onto it like a gecko on a wall. Thanks to his wind mastery, he formed a bubble around his head, enabling him to breathe underwater. The ship sailed slowly. Michael took a Spyder from the system storage and let it climb up the ship. He wanted to see what was happening on the surface before making his move.

"Michael," Michael heard Gaya's voice in his head.

"We safely reached King Gunner's castle. How's it looking at your end?"

"Can't talk. Underwater,"

"Don't get yourself killed out there," Gaya playfully chuckled.

The Spyder crawled toward the ship's upper deck. The corner of his vision showed him what the Spyder was looking at. He noticed a tall, golden-haired man walking proudly on the upper deck with his hands behind his back. He looked as though the entire world belonged to him. He grinned at the sinking pirate ships on the horizon.

"Captain, we found these two sneaking around the port,"

The man slowly turned around to see the thusian soldiers dragging two men. The two of them were dressed like commoners. Their faces were swollen and bleeding. It was obvious the thusians roughed them up before dragging them here.

"Shit, they must be the other spies. Incompetent idiots," Michael growled. The only reason he let General Bryce, Yagnar, and Davarius pick their own spies was to make them feel they had some level of control over the offense against Thusia.contemporary romance

He wondered where the third spy was. His pondering was quickly answered when another two thusians dragged a dead body toward the ship captain.

"He tried to resist when we found him snooping near the harbor master's office, Captain,"

The golden-haired man tilted his head. He looked at the three for a few moments without uttering a single word.

"Did they tell you what they were doing?" asked the golden-haired man.

"Not a word, captain,"

"Ametuer spies," Michael was surprised by the man's intelligence. With a single question, he was able to tell they were spies. Not only that, he correctly identified them as amateurs.

The captain looked at the bewildered faces of his men.

"If they were commoners, they would have pissed their pants. If they were good spies, they would have spun a believable story. Only amateurs do neither of those," said the man.

"I wonder what they were hoping to accomplish," He slowly made his way toward the spies. He lifted one's head,

"The way I see it, you have two choices. Answer my questions, get a quick death or resist, and I can make you wish for death,"

The spy spat on the captain's face without a second thought. Before even the blob of spit could hit the floor from the captain's face, the captain punched the spy right through the chest. Blood splattered across the wooden floor. The spy coughed up blood. Michael noticed the spy's beating heart in the captain's hands. The surrounding soldiers didn't look as shocked as one would expect. Why? Because they had seen too many cruel acts of their captain, and they themselves were capable of so many ruthless things.

The captain crushed his teeth with a sickening crunch. Seeing the end of the spy, the one beside him trembled.

"So, how about you?" The captain slowly wiped off the spit from his face and the blood on his hand on the spy's shoulder.

"I…I was ordered to infiltrate the ship under Prince Davarius's orders," The spy blabbered.

"Prince Davarius was captured," The captain said as the spy frantically shook his head.

"He was rescued. Now he is with General Bryce, General Yagnar and…"

"And?" The Captain squeezed the spy's shoulder.


"The Thusian Alchemy Guild Leader?" The Captain tilted his head.

Michael witnessed the spy blabber everything from Michael's heavenly tribulation to rescuing Prince Davarius to taking over the cities conquered by the Thusians. The thusians soldiers listened to his story, uttering no word. They all trembled in anger. Judging by the looks on their faces, if Michael appeared before them, they would fight to the death.

"What was your plan? Tell us in great detail please, and I will let you live," the spy's face brightened. A delighted smile emerged on his face. However, before he could open his mouth, the thusians saw the spy tremble violently. A white form spurted out of his mouth. Blood seeped through every pore in his body. The thusians were startled.

The spy kept twitching until his body finally gave up.

"He's dead, but how?" the captain rubbed his chin. None of them knew Michael used the Spyder to inject the spy with poison before he could blabber the plan.

"Activate the rune. We have to report this to General Booth," said the Captain.

The mere mention of the name made Michael's blood boil. That was the bastard who led the attack on the sanctuary, slaughtered everyone, and injured Abras's soul piece. Michael restrained his anger. Finally, the soldiers ran into the captain's cabin. Realizing something was about to happen, Michael held onto the bottom tight. A few seconds later, the ship trembled. Michael sensed the space around him distorting. Soon, a golden layer of light enveloped the ship and Michael along with it.

Since Michael was underwater, he didn't notice any changes in his surroundings. He sent another Spyder crawling above. Only then did he see the changes. The ship was floating on an endless ocean with countless other ships. As far as Michael could see, there was no land nearby.

"So this is where you keep your ships huh? Time to get rid of them," Michael cracked his neck. He slowly swam above to reach the surface. Like an arrow, he shot out of the water, surprising the thusians.

"Captain look!'

"What the fuck?!"

"Who is that?!"


The thusians soldiers panicked because of Michael's sudden appearance. Since they were in a pocket dimension, all the soldiers were clearly able to see Michael's Half Immortal cultivation stage. The fearless thusian naval army shuddered at the sigh of a Half Immortal. The Soul Refining stage captain slowly turned around. Fear and shock glimmered in his eyes.

"Speechless?" Michael tilted his head. Surprisingly, Michael turned his back on the captain and his crew. He glanced over the ocean.

"I don't think there are fifteen hundred ships here. Maximum, seven hundred,"

Meanwhile, the soldiers fired a red orb of light into the sky. The light alerted all the other ships. Michael slowly turned around. His eyes turned pitch black as two dark beams shot out of his eyes. The two beams penetrated the Captain's head and zigzagged throughout the upper deck, killing the twelve soldiers on it.

Michael quickly bought a few crates of dynamites from the system store. They were powerful enough to destroy the ships if Michael placed them in certain places. For example, inside the cannons, and inside the lower deck. Of course, these ships were too big to make them explode. The point was to create a big enough hall, and the water would do the rest.

Michael flew straight down to the hull cannons. With a snap, sparks flew out of his finger and lit the fuse of red dynamite in his hand. Michael simply threw it into the cannon tube. He moved onto another ship and did the same before killing the soldiers on the upper deck.

"I need to get myself a new spell," Michael said to himself. His current arsenal of spells lacked a large-scale spell that could do mass destruction. It would take hours or days to destroy all these ships with dynamites.

The soldiers prepared to bombard Michael with cannonballs. But they were put at a disadvantage when Michael flew high in the air. They couldn't aim the cannons at his height. He closed his eyes as countless golden lightning bolts crackled around his body. When he opened his eyes, his eyes lit with dark flames. Michael dived down so fast that he left afterimages in the sky. The soldiers couldn't see him but only the continued explosions all around them. He substituted his lack of mass destruction spell with his speed. The soldiers opened fire, hoping it would hit Michael. Instead of Michael, they only hit the other ships.

"Idiots," Michael snickered.

He flew around, wreaking havoc among the ships until he sensed a powerful being in his Environmental Scanning. Suddenly, a red boulder hit Michael. Michael flung away in the air before finally regaining his balance. To his surprise, a monstrous red-skinned abomination with devilish wings hovered in the air several meters away from him.

"Blood prince,"

"You became stronger," The Blood Prince growled. Unlike the first time Michael had met him, he could see the blood prince clearly in broad daylight.

"You became a lackey of Maxim," responded Michael.

The Blood Prince did not say anything for a few moments.

"Tell me, where do I find more of these," The Blood Prince tossed a glass vial with a few golden drops at the bottom of it. The last time Michael met the vampires, he gave this potion to Saber. Apparently, Saber used this potion which could make the vampires survive the sun for almost an hour on a vampire. But it became obvious that Saber didn't. Otherwise, the blood prince couldn't have used the potion.

"That offer went out the window when you punched me," Michael cracked his neck.

