Valen's meeting with Gllelus was intense, with both men exchanging information about the Dark Lord. Valen revealed that his family had learned that the Dark Lord was responsible for slaughtering hundreds of soldiers during his war with Itholan, leaving Gllelus feeling uneasy about the task ahead.

After their conversation, Valen made his way back to the empire of Arctic Hall. Just like the City of Serpent Hall, Arctic Hall was a glistening underwater city that sparkled like a diamond in the depths of the sea. The city was composed of towering spires and elegant domed buildings that rose out of the ocean floor, each one more exquisite than the last.

As Valen made his way back to the city, the energy shield surrounding it slowly began to dim, revealing the bustling metropolis within. The streets were alive with the sounds of wraiths, the primary residents of Arctic Hall, as they went about their daily business.

The glow of the city's lights cast a warm, inviting glow across the ocean floor, drawing Valen ever closer to his destination. The architecture of Arctic Hall was breathtaking, with each building more impressive than the last. The Wraiths who lived there had created a city that was truly awe-inspiring in its beauty and majesty.contemporary romance

As Valen passed through the city shield, he was greeted by the sight of Wraiths bustling about their daily routines. Some of them floated effortlessly above the ground, their shimmering forms almost ethereal in the glow of the city's lights, while others walked upright on two feet, their skin bearing a translucent quality that shone in the light.

Despite the impressive surroundings, Valen's thoughts remained on the task ahead. He knew that the Dark Lord posed a grave threat to the peace and prosperity of their world and that they needed to act quickly to prevent any further damage. As he made his way back to the compound of the House of Halrid, Valen's mind was racing, trying to formulate a plan of action that would allow them to apprehend the Dark Lord before it was too late.

The grand compound of the House of Halrid was a sprawling estate that spanned a vast expanse of the ocean floor. The compound was built on a series of elevated platforms, connected by a network of walkways and bridges that arced gracefully over the shimmering waters below. Each platform was adorned with elegant towers, grand halls, and intricate gardens that added to the estate's grandeur.

As one approached the compound, the first thing that caught the eye was the massive gate that guarded the entrance. The gate was composed of gleaming silver metal and was emblazoned with the sigil of the Halrids - a fierce dragon with wings outstretched, ready to take flight.

Beyond the gate lay a grand courtyard, framed by soaring archways and lined with lush gardens. The courtyard was alive with activity, with servants hurrying to and fro, carrying out their duties with swift efficiency. The sound of fountains and waterfalls filled the air, adding to the tranquil atmosphere that pervaded the estate. The manor at the center of the House of Halrid's compound was a grand and imposing structure that stood tall and proud amidst the surrounding gardens and courtyards. It was a magnificent edifice, made of polished white stone and embellished with intricate carvings and delicate filigree work that adorned every surface. The manor's architecture was a blend of different styles, with some elements harkening back to traditional styles of the Sea Realm and others incorporating modern innovations and influences from other cultures.

The manor was surrounded by a wide moat, which was filled with crystal-clear water and teeming with colorful fish and aquatic life. A large drawbridge spanned the moat, providing access to the manor's main entrance, which was flanked by two towering statues of mythical sea creatures.

As Valen and his companions made their way through the gates of the manor, the guards stationed there immediately bowed in respect.

Valen turned to Mutrad and spoke firmly, "Mutrad, you have been to the Dark Lord's realm, and we are counting on you to work closely with the Gladwraths to come up with a solid plan to capture him. We cannot afford to fail in this mission,"

While Valen spoke, Mutrad stood silently, nodding his head in agreement but keeping his thoughts to himself. Unlike Valen, Mutrad knew exactly why the Dark Lord was in their world and what was at stake. He understood the gravity of the situation and knew that failing to capture the Dark Lord could mean the end of their world as they knew it.

However, Mutrad also knew he could not reveal any of this information to Valen or the others. They might suspect that he was working for the Dark Lord, which could potentially ruin any chances of success. It was a risk that Mutrad was willing to take, knowing that the fate of their world hung in the balance.

Despite the concern and fear that gnawed at his heart, Mutrad remained stoic and silent, determined to do whatever it took to save their world from becoming another Itholan.

Valen strode confidently towards the main hall, with Mutrad following closely behind. The path leading to the hall was guarded by two imposing Wraiths, each standing at seven feet tall and fully armored. They bowed respectfully as Valen approached, opening the doors to reveal the grand main hall. Mutrad couldn't help but marvel at the sight before him. The hall was grandiose, decorated with tapestries, and adorned with chandeliers that illuminated the room with a warm glow.

But Mutrad's awe was quickly replaced by shock as he saw the room was filled with the House elders and guards, all with panicked expressions etched on their faces. Valen's presence seemed to bring some relief to their anxiety as they all quickly stood up, and bowed respectfully.

"My Lord," they said in unison, their voices echoing across the grand hall.

Valen nodded in acknowledgement and turned to Mutrad. "I sense something is amiss," he said in a low voice, prompting Mutrad to tense up.

"Yes, my Lord," Mutrad replied hesitantly, his gaze scanning the room for any signs of danger. He couldn't help but feel a knot forming in his stomach. Something was not right, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something dire had happened.

Upon Valen's entry into the main hall, the elders rushed towards him with fear etched on their faces. Mutrad's heart sank, sensing that something was terribly wrong.

"My Lord..." one of the gray-haired Wraith with pointy ears stuttered, catching Valen's attention.

"What happened?" he demanded, sensing the panic in the room.

A moment of silence followed, and Mutrad could see the elders looking at each other nervously and sweating. Valen's impatience grew, and he could feel the anger starting to boil within him.

The pointy-eared elder finally found the courage to answer. "My Lord... the emerald scepter... it's gone," the elder stuttered.

Mutrad couldn't believe what he had just heard. He watched as Valen's anger quickly turned to shock, and he darted towards the elder. He grabbed him by the neck, and a powerful aura shot out of him, almost knocking everyone down to the ground.

The elder managed to stutter out, "It's... gone... my lord," sweat dripping down his forehead.

Mutrad watched in horror as Valen's grip tightened around the elder's neck. He knew that the emerald scepter was an artifact that the House of Halrid had been protecting for centuries. It was said to possess immense power and was one of the most valuable items in their possession.

Finally, Valen let go of the elder, who gasped for air, and turned to face the other elders. "How could this happen?" he demanded, his voice laced with disbelief and anger.

The elders looked at each other, their expressions a mix of fear and shame. "We don't know, my lord," one of them finally spoke up. "It was there one moment, and the next, it was gone."

The atmosphere in the grand hall was thick with tension and disbelief as the news of the emerald scepter's disappearance sank in, with everyone standing in stunned silence, their faces etched with shock and disbelief. The emerald scepter was not just any artifact, it was one of three artifacts that had been forged when the Arctic Hall was created. Each of the three houses - the House of Halrid, the House of Gladwrath, and the House of Bigmag - had been entrusted with one artifact, making them an integral part of the Arctic Hall.

But now, with the emerald scepter missing, the House of Halrid's position in the Arctic Hall was in jeopardy. If they were unable to recover the artifact, they could face exile and the wrath of the higher elders of the Arctic Hall. The consequences of their failure were dire, and everyone in the room knew it.

The weight of the situation hung heavy in the air as Valen looked around the room, his expression a mix of disbelief and anger. He had always known the importance of the emerald scepter, but now the gravity of its loss was sinking in.

"How could this happen?" Valen demanded, his voice laced with frustration and disbelief.

No one had an answer. The elders looked at each other nervously, their faces paling at the thought of the repercussions of their failure. Mutrad couldn't help but feel a sense of despair wash over him. They needed to find the artifact and quickly, or the House of Halrid and the Arctic Hall would be in jeopardy.

The atmosphere in the grand hall was thick with tension and disbelief as the news of the emerald scepter's disappearance sank in. The artifact was not only a powerful item that the House of Halrid had been safeguarding for generations, but it was also an integral part of Arctic Hall's existence. Mutrad knew the gravity of the situation as he watched the elders and guards exchange glances of shock and horror.

The emerald scepter was one of three artifacts that were forged when Arctic Hall was created. Each of the three ruling houses - House of Halrid, House of Gladwrath, and House of Bigmag - was entrusted with one artifact, and together they symbolized the unbreakable bond between the three houses that made up the great underwater city. Losing the emerald scepter not only meant losing a valuable and powerful artifact, but it also meant jeopardizing the House of Halrid's place in the Arctic Hall.

The thought of being exiled from Arctic Hall and facing the wrath of the higher elders was enough to make Mutrad's blood run cold. The loss of the emerald scepter was a grave matter that required immediate action. He could see Valen's mind racing as he tried to figure out what had happened and who could have taken it. Mutrad knew that finding the artifact was crucial not only for the House of Halrid but for the entire Arctic Hall.

Valen's voice was still fragile as he spoke. "I need to see it with my own eyes."

He walked through the crowd of stunned elders and guards, making his way to the end of the grand hall. There, he faced a wall of glass that looked out into an empty ocean void of any life forms. Valen placed his hand on the glass, and magical runes glowed as a golden bubble appeared in the empty ocean.

As he stared at the empty bubble, Valen couldn't help but shiver. The bubble was supposed to contain the emerald scepter, one of the most powerful artifacts the House of Halrid had been protecting for centuries. It was hard to believe that it was gone.

Valen examined the area around the bubble, and his eyes widened in shock. Powerful arrays and runes were placed all around the bubble, and a giant was guarding it. How could someone have stolen the emerald scepter with all of these protections in place?

Valen turned to face the elders, his voice laced with anger and disbelief. "How could this happen? Who is responsible for this?" he demanded.

The elders looked at each other, their expressions filled with fear and uncertainty. None of them could provide an answer. The emerald scepter was not only a valuable artifact, but it was also a symbol of their connection to the Arctic Hall. Losing it could mean being exiled from the hall and facing the wrath of the higher elders.

Valen's shock was quickly replaced by an overwhelming fury, and he slammed his fist into the glass with a force that nearly shattered it into pieces. The room was filled with a deafening crack, and everyone could feel the vibrations pulsating through the air.

The elders were frozen in fear, not daring to move as Valen's murderous aura engulfed the room. The air was thick with tension, and even breathing felt like a difficult task under the weight of his anger.

As Valen turned to face the elders, his eyes blazed with fury, and his voice was low and menacing. "Whoever is responsible for this will face the full wrath of the House of Halrid," he growled, his words like a death sentence.

The elders trembled, many of them dropping to their knees as if an invisible mountain had just fallen on their shoulders. They knew that Valen's wrath was not to be taken lightly, and the consequences of losing the emerald scepter could be dire for them all.

The silence in the hall was finally broken by one of the elders. "My must be the Dark Lord," he said, his voice quivering with fear.

The others nodded in agreement, their faces filled with dread. Before Valen had arrived, they had all come to the conclusion that the Dark Lord was responsible for taking the scepter. After all, he was known for his desire for power and his disregard for the lives of others.

But to Mutrad, it didn't add up. He couldn't shake the feeling that this was not the work of the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord was here to find the Spirit child and had no reason to take their artifact. He had no interest in the power the scepter held.

"My Lord," Mutrad spoke up, drawing Valen's attention. "With all due respect, I don't think it was the Dark Lord," Mutrad had to speak up and stop the elders and Valen from pursuing the Dark Lord. Mutrad felt a sense of urgency as he watched Valen and the elders jump to the conclusion that the Dark Lord was responsible for the theft of the emerald scepter. Despite Valen's order to work with the Gladwrath to find the Dark Lord, Mutrad knew that revealing the Dark Lord's true mission could have disastrous consequences. If the entire House of Halrid believed that the Dark Lord was the culprit and pursued him without investigating the actual thief, it would lead to chaos and destruction. Mutrad knew he had to speak up and stop them from making a costly mistake.

The other elders looked at Mutrad with surprise and disbelief. "What do you mean?" one of them asked.

Without paying heed to the panicking elder, Mutrad held Valen's gaze firmly.

"My lord, consider this," he began, his voice low and measured. "The Dark Lord left a message in blood, indicating that he's here to search for someone. If that's the case, why would he risk stealing the scepter without even knowing if it's the item he needs? Moreover, the location of the scepter was only known to a handful of people, including us. It simply doesn't make sense."

Valen's expression softened slightly as he pondered over Mutrad's words. It was true that the Dark Lord's actions seemed inconsistent with his goal. But who else could have taken the scepter?
