(The last chapter 909 happened 5 days before Nightmare's death)

As soon as Mutrad pledged his loyalty to Michael, he followed him to the sacred area where the trial by combat was to take place. They journeyed through treacherous terrain, the path leading them farther and farther away from the Arctic Hall empire. The murky depths of the ocean surrounded them, and Michael could feel the weight of the water pressing against his skin. The only light came from glowing fish darting in and out of sight. It was an eerie and unsettling journey, but Michael was determined to see it through.

When Michael followed Mutrad into the unknown depths of the ocean, the darkness enveloped him like a heavy cloak, making his heart race with anticipation. With each step he took, the pressure increased, and the temperature dropped, signaling that they were venturing into an uncharted territory that was forbidden to outsiders.

After what seemed like an eternity, they finally arrived at a majestic palace glistening in the darkness like a beacon of hope. Its towering walls and grand arches were unlike anything Michael had ever seen, and he couldn't help but feel awestruck by its sheer grandeur.

But there was no time for admiration, for the area was heavily guarded by earthens and wraiths, clad in full armor, ready to strike down any intruders without mercy. Their sharp eyes scanned every inch of the area, making it clear that they would not hesitate to attack if provoked.

While Michael followed Mutrad through the murky depths of the ocean, he felt a sense of awe wash over him. The palace that came into view was unlike anything he had ever seen. The structure was made entirely of coral and glimmered with an ethereal beauty under the water's light. It was a grand palace with multiple levels and grand pillars that supported a massive dome-like roof that allowed the light from the dome to filter in, casting a warm glow over the palace.

The palace's entrance was guarded by earthens and wraiths, each standing at attention in full armor, their eyes alert and focused. Michael could feel their unwavering loyalty to their cause, and he couldn't help but admire their dedication.

As they approached the palace's entrance, a grand door made of mother-of-pearl opened, revealing the grandeur of the interior. The floors were made of marble, and the walls were adorned with intricate carvings that glowed softly in the light.

The guards stationed at the entrance of the palace didn't bother asking questions as they recognized Mutrad and knew why they were there. Michael's identity as the Dark Lord remained hidden from them, but they granted them passage with a simple gesture. Their armor gleamed in the soft light, and their weapons were at the ready, a constant reminder of the danger lurking within the palace's walls.

contemporary romance

Michael followed Mutrad through the grand entrance, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation as he stepped inside. The palace's interior was even more breathtaking than the exterior, with towering marble pillars and intricate carvings adorning the walls. The marble floors gleamed underfoot, reflecting the warm glow of the dome's rays that filtered in.

As Michael and Mutrad continued through the palace, they entered a vast hall that stretched out before them. The hall was deserted, and the only sound was the soft gurgle of water flowing through an unseen passage. At the end of the hall, a raised platform held several thrones, their ornate designs hinting at the power of the individuals who would sit upon them. Behind the thrones, a massive glass door opened onto the ocean floor, revealing the murky depths that lay beyond. Michael couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as he gazed out into the dark abyss, wondering what lay hidden in its depths.

"The elders will be here soon," said Mutrad.

Michael nodded and walked around the hall to familiarize himself with the palace. A while later, Michael sensed the space around him distort. When he turned around, he saw a tall man with a sharp jawline and piercing blue eyes. His posture is rigid, and his expression is often inscrutable, betraying little emotion. He wore luxurious robes embroidered with intricate designs and radiated a powerful aura, making it clear that he was the leader of the group behind them.

"My Lord," When Valen arrived, Mutrad dropped to one knee and greeted him with full respect. But Valen's gaze was fixed on Michael, and there was an unmistakable flicker of fear and uncertainty in his eyes. It was clear to Michael that Valen had only agreed to seek his help because he had no other choice.

Michael couldn't help but find the situation somewhat ironic. He found it amusing that when people were in a state of helplessness, they were willing to overlook any prophecies or beliefs and turn to the Dark Lord himself for aid. But now that Valen was standing before him, he seemed no longer sure what to believe.

Valen, a man with sharp features and piercing blue eyes, seemed to be sizing Michael up as he approached. Michael, who had seen his fair share of rulers and leaders, was not intimidated by Valen's presence. However, he was acutely aware of the fear that Valen was struggling to conceal. The tension in the room was palpable, and Michael could sense the unease that lingered in the air. He knew that Valen's fear was not unfounded, as the situation they faced was a grave one. The Dark Lord's power and influence were vast, and his wrath could be unleashed at any moment.

"It's quite ironic, don't you think?" Michael said with a chuckle, his eyes fixed on Valen. "You sent your servant Mutrad to capture me, all because of some prophecy that portrayed me as the evil Dark Lord. And now, here you are, overlooking that very same prophecy and asking for my help."

Valen shifted uncomfortably, his eyes flickering with a mix of fear and uncertainty. He knew he had no choice but to seek Michael's help, but the thought of relying on the one prophesied to bring destruction to their world was unnerving.

"I had no other choice," Valen replied, his voice laced with apprehension. "The situation is dire, and we need all the help we can get."

Michael's gaze hardened, his expression turning serious. "I understand the gravity of the situation. But let me make one thing clear. I am not doing this for you or for anyone. I am doing this because House Bigmag has something that could help me find someone," said Michael.

Valen and his family were uneasy about asking for the Dark Lord's help but were desperate to find their lost artifact. They had exhausted all other options and had nowhere else to turn. The Dark Lord's power was well-known, and his reputation as an evil and ruthless being preceded him. But Valen knew he had to put aside his fears and seek the one who could help them.

It was in this state of desperation that they turned to the one person they had sworn to never ask for help: the Dark Lord himself. Valen and his family had always viewed the Dark Lord with a mixture of fear and revulsion. His reputation as a ruthless and powerful ruler had made him a figure to be feared and avoided at all costs. But at that moment, it was either asking for the Dark Lord's help or being exiled from the Arctic hall forever.

When Michael was confronting the members of Houe Halrid, the space around him suddenly seemed to warp and distort, and a vortex appeared in the center of the room. Several figures stepped out of the portal, their imposing presence filling the room.

At the group's forefront was a man towering over seven feet, with muscles bulging beneath his loose golden robes. His head was completely bald, and his face was devoid of any hair. Each of his companions was similarly bald, tall, and intimidating. As they entered the room, their footsteps echoed loudly on the floor, sending chills down the spines of those present. Michael immediately recognized them as members of House Bigmag, and it was clear why they had earned their name.

The leader of House Bigmag, a man known as Gormak, stepped forward with an air of confidence and authority. His eyes roamed over the assembled group, sizing them up with a quick, practiced glance.

The air grew thick with tension, and each member felt a chill run down their spine as they gazed upon the Dark Lord. His very presence seemed to fill the room, and his piercing gaze made them feel as though he could see straight through their souls. But after the members of House Bigmag stepped through the portal, the atmosphere grew even tenser. These were not men to be trifled with. Towering over seven feet tall and covered in golden robes, they exuded a sense of raw power and strength that made the members of House Halrid feel small and insignificant in comparison.

The room fell silent as the members of House Bigmag approached, their bald heads shining in the dim light of the tavern. Even Mutrad, who had been so confident before, looked nervous as he faced these intimidating figures.

The silence in the room was palpable, broken only by Michael's voice. "Did you address my terms to them?" he asked Mutrad, his voice laced with an underlying threat.

Mutrad swallowed hard, his eyes darting nervously around the room. He knew that this was a dangerous situation and that the fate of both families rested on Michael's shoulders.

"Yes," he replied finally, his voice barely above a whisper. "They agreed to help, but only if we help them first."

Despite their imposing appearance, the group felt a chill running down their spines as they laid eyes on Michael, the Dark Lord, in person. His aura was suffocating, his eyes piercing through them like a sharp blade. The members of House Bigmag looked at him with a mix of fear and uncertainty, realizing the magnitude of the situation they were in.

Mutrad nodded, his eyes darting nervously between Michael and the members of House Bigmag. He knew that the situation was delicate, and he had to tread carefully if he wanted to achieve his goal.

Michael had agreed to help both families retrieve their stolen artifacts. In return, Mutrad had promised him that the artifact of House Bigmag could locate Harry, the spirit child. It was a pity that House Bigmag had also lost their artifact to House Gladwrath, but the silver lining was that if they hadn't lost it, Mutrad would never have learned about its unique ability.

The tension in the room was palpable as Michael and the members of House Bigmag stared each other down. The fate of the two families rested on the success of the trial, and the stakes couldn't be higher.

"We expect nothing but success from you, Dark Lord. If you fail to retrieve the artifact, the consequences will be dire for everyone involved," Gormac's voice was deep and gruff, the perfect complement to his towering stature.

Michael's gaze narrowed, a steely determination settling in his eyes. He knew that the stakes were high and that the fate of two families rested on his success in the trial by combat. But Michael was the Dark Lord, and he knew that helping them retrieve the artifacts was the safest route to save Harry.

"I will retrieve the artifact," he said, his voice low and intense. "And when I do, you will use your artifact to locate the one I am looking for."

Gormac's eyes flickered with a hint of concern "And who is it that you are looking for, Dark Lord?"

Michael's expression remained unreadable, but his eyes burned with a fierce intensity. "That is none of your concern," he replied, his voice low and dangerous.

Valen stepped forward, his eyes fixed on Michael's. "And once you find the one you're looking for, we ask you to leave our world and never return," he said, his voice firm.

Michael's gaze flickered over to Valen, considering his words carefully. He knew that he would have no reason to remain in the Arctic hall once he found what he was looking for. But he also knew that leaving behind a trail of enemies was never a good idea.

Michael's voice was low and controlled, but there was a hint of danger in his tone. "If it weren't for someone in your world taking someone I care about, I wouldn't have even set foot in your world," he said, his eyes narrowing as he spoke.

The room fell silent as Michael's words hung heavily in the air. The members of House Bigmag and House Halrid exchanged nervous glances, realizing the gravity of the situation.

"Let me make myself clear. If House Gladwrath has taken more than just the artifact, and I have every reason to believe they have, they will face the consequences. I suggest you do not get in my way," Michael said firmly, his voice laced with a quiet but deadly intensity.

