A sense of unease pervaded the hall as the elders contemplated the Dark Lord's chilling warning. They knew that they were no match for his power, and their limited options left them feeling vulnerable and exposed.

The three great halls of the Water God, Sea Serpent, and Arctic were known for their peaceful ways, which kept them strong and united. They despised war and conflict, knowing that any disturbance in their realm would have far-reaching consequences. And yet, if the Dark Lord were to attack them, they would have no choice but to defend themselves.

They knew that if they managed to defeat the Dark Lord, it would come at a great cost to their power and influence. But if they didn't fight, they would be seen as weak and vulnerable, and other factions might take advantage of their perceived weakness.

The elders exchanged uneasy glances, each silently acknowledging the gravity of the situation. They were treading on dangerous ground, and the outcome was uncertain. Yet, they had no choice but to stand up to the Dark Lord and defend their honor and their people.

As the tension in the hall mounted, the elders steeled themselves for the inevitable confrontation, bracing for the worst yet hoping for the best. The fate of their world hung in the balance, and they knew that they could not afford to fail.

"Impatience flickered in Michael's eyes as he awaited the elders to explain the rules and laws of the trial by combat. He was anxious to retrieve Harry and use the artifact of House Bigmag to locate him.

The elders exchanged worried glances before the mermon elder cleared his throat and began. "Following are the rules of this trial by combat. The House of Gladwrath has placed their artifact in the ocean behind us," he gestured towards the shimmering waters behind them, separated by a glass wall.

"To win the trial and retrieve the lost artifacts, the challenged - the Dark Lord - must move through the sea and take the artifact of the House of Gladwrath. However, the challenged is restricted to using only three spells: one for speed, one for defense, and one for attack," the elder finished, watching the faces of the participants.

Valen, Mutrad, and House Bigmag looked surprised as they had not anticipated such limitations for the challenged. Michael remained composed, understanding that the restriction on spells was not a significant obstacle for him.contemporary romance

"The rules are clear, and the elders can dictate the battlefield and the challenged," the mermon elder spoke with finality, silencing any objections.

The Wraith elder stepped forward to add, "Once you move into the waters, the cultivation level of all beings in the water will be suppressed to the Half Immortal stage." It was a standard rule, but Michael was not affected. He had faith in his powers and knew that three spells were enough to defeat any opponent.

Valen and the others exchanged apprehensive glances. They knew the elders had punished them by making the trial even more difficult, but they could not question the decision. The consequences of doing so were dire.

Michael's eyes glinted with determination as he stepped toward the glass wall separating him from the ocean. "Let's get this over with. I don't have much patience," he spoke with a hint of annoyance, eager to retrieve Harry.

The elders nodded in agreement and simultaneously raised their hands in the air. In that moment, a vortex appeared before the glass wall, and Michael knew it was time to make his move. With a swift motion, he willed the APD to inject a pill that would enable him to breathe underwater directly into his bloodstream.

As the tingling sensation spread throughout his body, Michael's back began to feel like it was on fire. Suddenly, gills appeared behind his ears, and skin grew between his fingers, enabling him to move through the water with the grace and speed of a fish.

The sight was nothing short of awe-inspiring, as Michael's form seemed to blur as he dived into the vortex and into the deep blue sea beyond. The elders watched in silent awe, knowing that they had just sent one of the most dangerous beings in their realm into a battle that would surely test his limits.

After Michael disappeared into the swirling waters, the elders turned to each other with tense expressions. When  Michael swam deeper into the ocean, the pressure increased, and his ears started ringing. It was like the ocean was trying to crush him with its immense weight. However, he refused to let the pressure get the best of him. His gills worked like a charm, and he was able to breathe without any trouble.

He noticed that the water was devoid of any signs of life as he swam further. It was as if the ocean had been stripped of its inhabitants. The eerie silence was broken only by the sound of his heartbeat. The anticipation in the hall was palpable as everyone watched Michael's progress with bated breath. The mermon elder whispered to the other elders, "Do you think the Dark Lord will succeed?"

Michael continued to swim further and further, scanning his surroundings for any signs of the artifact. The ocean was vast, and he knew that he had a long way to go. The thought of Harry's fate drove him forward.

As Michael approached the shimmering artifact, he noticed a group of Half Immortals lurking in the shadows, waiting to ambush him. Using his environmental scanning ability, Michael identified the presence of twenty Half Immortals and something far more powerful than them lurking in the dark waters around the artifact.

Upon getting closer to the artifact, Michael observed it was in the shape of a triangle with a golden sun built inside, pulsating with powerful energy. However, his attention was swiftly drawn to the entity lurking in the shadows, which he sensed was the guardian of the artifact, the one Mutrad had warned him about.

Despite the danger, Michael remained composed and prepared to face whatever lay ahead. His X-ray vision allowed him to see through the darkness and anticipate the attacks of the Half Immortals.

Michael halted in his tracks and unsheathed his dark swords. The blades crackled with red lightning, illuminating the surrounding water with an eerie glow. Without any warning, Michael dashed towards a lurking Half Immortal with lightning-fast speed, using his Lightning Dash technique. His figure blurred as he moved through the water like a bolt of lightning.

The Half Immortal was caught off guard and paid the ultimate price, losing its head to Michael's swift strike. The water around them turned from a serene blue to a violent red, stained with the Half Immortal's blood. The other Half Immortals lurking in the shadows quickly realized that Michael had sensed their ambush and was prepared to defend himself.

Feeling the weight of their guardian's protection, the Half Immortals summoned their cultivation techniques, each unleashing their own unique powers. Despite the overwhelming odds, Michael remained calm and focused, his eyes locked on the pulsating artifact. He knew that the guardian was still lurking in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. But first, he had to take out these pesky Half immortals.

Michael could feel the water around him churning as the Half Immortals began to unleash their spells. The first one shot a powerful water blast towards Michael, who managed to dodge it by quickly moving to the side. As he did so, the water around him rippled, creating a whirlpool.

Another Half Immortal created a bubble around Michael, trapping him inside only to see Michael cut the bubble like it was nothing using his dark swords..

Meanwhile, the third Half Immortal casts a spell that created a powerful gust of wind, pushing Michael back. Michael managed to keep his footing, but the wind was so strong that it almost knocked him off balance for a moment.

The fourth Half Immortal shot a beam of light towards Michael, which he barely managed to block with his dark swords. The light was blinding, and Michael had to close his eyes for a moment.

Michael could feel the pressure building up around him as more and more Half Immortals joined the battle.

The Half Immortals were relentless in their attacks, but Michael remained focused and prepared to strike back. His eyes turned pitch black, and dark energy began to emanate from his body. Suddenly, dark beams shot out from his eyes, penetrating through the chest of a Half Immortal and leaving a gaping hole. The half-immortal with a gaping hole in his chest writhed in agony as Michael's attack spell hit him. He tried to react, but Michael dashed at him before he could, his dark sword cutting through the water like a hot knife through butter. In one swift motion, Michael cleaved the half immortal's head clean off his shoulders. Blood spurted out in all directions, turning the water around them into a crimson red.

The other Half Immortals paused their attacks for a moment and looked at Michael in awe and fear. His devilish grin and the way he crushed the head with his bare hand to a pulp sent shivers down their spines. They knew then that they were facing a truly formidable opponent, one who had no qualms about taking their lives.

But the battle was far from over. The remaining Half Immortals, emboldened by their numbers, launched a coordinated attack on Michael. Spells of lightning and fire shot toward him, but Michael was too quick for them. He deflected them with his dark swords, sending them back at his attackers.

The water around them churned and boiled with the intensity of the battle, and Michael's eyes burned with a fierce determination. Michael increased his speed after taking out the Half Immortal and pushed himself to the limit. The other Half Immortals could barely see him as he moved like a blur through the water. They continued to bombard him with spells, but Michael's responsive shield absorbed the attacks and his godly body protected him from any direct hits.

Although some spells managed to graze Michael, they were nowhere close to slowing him down. His eyes glinted with excitement as he darted between the Half Immortals, his dark swords flashing in the water. The Half Immortals grew more and more desperate, realizing that their spells were no match for Michael's power.

But Michael knew that he could not let his guard down. One wrong move could mean his demise. He remained alert and focused, anticipating their attacks and dodging with lightning-fast reflexes. The water around them turned red with the blood of the fallen Half Immortals, a testament to Michael's power and skill in battle.

Michael was aware that the Half Immortals were weaker than him, but he refused to underestimate them. His seemingly calm and careless demeanor hid the fact that he was completely focused on the battle. Michael moved through the water, shooting dark beams out of his eyes and swinging his dark swords with deadly precision. He anticipated their spells and moved like a bolt of lightning before the spells could hit him, cleaving their heads off one by one.

Despite his strength, Michael didn't let his guard down. He knew that even the weakest Half Immortal could be deadly if given the opportunity. He was like a shark in a feeding frenzy, moving through the water with deadly grace and speed. The water around them turned red with the blood of the Half Immortals as Michael continued his assault. He seemed unstoppable, taking out one after the other with ease. But even as the battle raged on, Michael remained focused, never once letting his guard down.

Valen and the others were watching the battle from the glass wall with bated breath. They gasped and murmured among themselves as they saw Michael take out one Half Immortal after another.

Gormak was equally shocked but also impressed. "He's much more powerful than we anticipated," he said, his voice filled with admiration.

Valen nodded in agreement. "He's like a force of nature," he said, his eyes fixed on Michael's figure as he moved through the water with deadly precision.

The elders looked on with mixed emotions, impressed by Michael's power but also concerned about the repercussions of the trial. "This trial may have consequences beyond what we anticipated," said the mermon elder with a furrowed brow.

But Michael continued his onslaught, determined to retrieve the artifact and find Harry. His dark swords glinted in the water as he moved, a blur of power and precision. The Half Immortals had no chance against him.

