As Gaya continued to fight, she drew her bow with unmatched grace and precision. Every arrow that she fired was a masterpiece, imbued with a powerful energy that only the Dark Lord could bestow. Each arrow had a distinct aura and power, ranging from ice, fire, and even poison. As the arrows whizzed through the air, they left a trail of destruction in their wake, striking their targets with deadly accuracy.

Xanali watched in horror as the soldiers of Nagaland fell one by one, their bodies tumbling from the sky with a sickening thud. She knew that Gaya was not to be underestimated, but even she was stunned by the level of destruction that Gaya was capable of. The air was thick with the metallic scent of blood, and the ground was littered with the bodies of the fallen soldiers.

Despite the number of soldiers fighting against her, Gaya continued to fight with a fierce determination, her eyes burning with an intensity that Xanali had never seen before. With each arrow that she fired, she seemed to grow stronger, her power pulsing through the air like a raging inferno. Xanali knew that this battle was far from over and that the fate of Nagaland hung in the balance. Although the soldiers were powerful, they were no match for an Immortal stage level 2 warrior. 

As the last of the soldiers fell from the sky, Gaya's eyes burned with a murderous rage. The two royal guards beside Xanali knew they were no match for her, but they still had a duty to protect their princess. As they prepared to clash with Gaya, Xanali floated before them, shielding them from her sister's wrath.

"You still don't understand, do you?" Gaya sneered.

Xanali stood firm, refusing to be intimidated. "Stop this, Gaya. You don't have to do this. We can still talk things out."

Gaya scoffed at her sister's words. "You still don't get it, do you?" Gaya sneered. "No amount of words will stop me from reaching that monkey and ripping its throat out. This isn't some cheesy drama where a touching speech changes everything. This is real life, and in my world, blood is the only language my enemies understand,"

"And i was just buying time," the innocent, helpless look on Xanali's disappeared and she looked relieved. Gaya turned around to face Xanali, her eyes filled with rage. But as she looked beyond her sister, her expression quickly changed to one of surprise and disbelief. Hundreds of soldiers suddenly appeared between Gaya and the dome around the castle, their armor shining in the sunlight. More soldiers continued to appear out of thin air, their colored armor indicating their affiliation with the Guardian Guild or the Nagaland army.

As if that wasn't enough, a massive floating palace emerged above the castle, and flying airships bearing the Guardian Guild's symbol appeared in the sky. Gaya couldn't believe her eyes - the backup had arrived and was much bigger than she anticipated. It wasn't just the Guardian Guild but also the Council of Immortals and the army of Nagaland.

The sheer number of soldiers and their impressive appearance were enough to give Gaya pause. The floating palace was a marvel to behold. It was an immense structure made entirely out of white marble, with intricate carvings of serpents and dragons adorning its exterior. It seemed to glow with a gentle radiance, despite the stormy weather. The palace appeared to be surrounded by a golden aura, which pulsed with power and seemed to emanate from the very stones of the building itself.

As for the airships, they were impressive machines. Each ship was made of gleaming silver metal, with sharp, angular lines and a streamlined design that made them look like they were flying knives. The sails were emblazoned with the symbol of the Guardian Guild - and they were powered by strange runes that made them glide through the air with ease. Soldiers armed with bows, swords, and other weapons stood ready for battle from the ships' decks.

The army that had gathered in the sky was massive, their numbers stretching far beyond what Gaya had expected. As they floated in the air, the sheer size of the force was imposing. The soldiers were clad in shining armor, and their weapons gleamed brightly in the sunlight. The colorful banners of different kingdoms fluttered in the breeze, adding a vibrant contrast to the stark, blue sky.

The army of Nagaland itself was impressive in numbers, but now it was multiplied by the forces of the Guardian Guild and the Council of Immortals. Flying airships with the symbol of the Guardian Guild emblazoned on their sails were dotted throughout the sky, adding a technological edge to the otherwise medieval appearance of the army.

Gaya stood tall and proud in the face of the overwhelming army that surrounded her in the air. Despite the hundreds of soldiers and the imposing figures that flew out from the floating palace of the Council of Immortals, she showed no signs of fear. Her eyes glinted with a cold determination, her jaw set in a firm line.

"If you want to reach Noah, you have to go through this army," Xanali's voice rang out, full of warning.

Gaya simply sneered in response, her hand flexing around her bow. She knew that the only way to reach Noah was through the army before her, but she was not afraid. As the army rapidly closed in around her, Gaya braced herself for battle, her eyes scanning the mass of soldiers for any weaknesses or openings. 

The sheer size and power of the army were daunting, but Gaya was determined to reach her target. She knew that the only way to end this once and for all was to face the army head-on, and she was ready to do whatever it took to achieve that goal.

Gaya's eyes blazed with an intense light as she raised her hand toward the sky. Suddenly, the space around her started to distort, sending ripples across the air. The sky began to darken, and thunder rumbled in the distance. A fierce storm appeared out of nowhere, with winds howling and the ocean surrounding Nagaland Island churning violently.

The soldiers of Nagaland watched in awe and fear as they witnessed the display of Gaya's power. Even the Council of Immortals, who had seen much in their long lives, were taken aback by the ferocity of the storm that Gaya had conjured.

As the wind picked up, Gaya raised her head and said, "You are not the only one with an army,"

Her words were carried by the wind and echoed across the battlefield. The soldiers of Nagaland braced themselves for the worst, knowing that they were facing a formidable foe. 

The sky trembled and the air around them grew dense and heavy. Suddenly, a portal ripped open, spilling forth a torrent of hundreds of soldiers completely covered in black armor. Each of them had an eerie aura about them, and their movements were stiff and mechanical. These were not living soldiers, but the Dark Lord's undead army. As they emerged from the portal, they encircled the army that surrounded Gaya. Their sheer size and ominous appearance made them a force to be reckoned with. The soldiers of Nagaland and the Council of Immortals looked on in shock and horror as the army of the undead kept coming out of the portal without slowing down.

Unexpectedly, another portal appeared in the sky, and a group of dark robed figures emerged from it. Their eyes glowed with a haunting intensity, and their skin was deathly pale. As they flew closer, their hissing grew louder, sending chills down the spines of those nearby. It was the Vampire army, led by none other than Elder Vampire Saber. The army's sheer size and strength were imposing, and they quickly positioned themselves next to Gaya's army of undead soldiers. Together, the two armies created an unstoppable force, ready to take on anyone who dared to stand in their way.

As Xanali and others were staring at the two armies, another portal opened, and through it emerged several imposing figures robed in a unique way. These were the members of the Vampire Death Squad, and their presence alone was enough to make even the bravest of warriors tremble.

Leading the charge was Bear, a towering behemoth of a man who wielded two massive axes with ease. He was clad head to toe in black armor, and his eyes glowed with a feral intensity. Next to him was Snake, a wiry figure who moved with a serpentine grace. He wore a hooded cloak that hid his face from view, but the sickly green glow of his eyes was unmistakable.

Behind them was the deadly duo of Gray Wolf and White Wolf. The former was a dwarf with a wild mane of hair and a thick beard. He was covered in scars, and his eyes burned with fierce determination. The latter was an elf with striking golden hair and a chiseled jawline. His movements were graceful and fluid, and his eyes held a cold, detached cruelty.

Bringing up the rear was Spider, a half-elf woman whose beauty was matched only by her deadly skills. She wore a form-fitting suit of black leather that hugged her curves in all the right places. Her hair was a flowing cascade of blonde waves, and her eyes sparkled with deadly intelligence.

Together, the Vampire Death Squad looked like an unstoppable force of nature, and anyone foolish enough to cross them would surely meet a gruesome end.

As the Dark Lord's army descended upon them, the army of Xanali grew increasingly fearful. They watched in awe as hundreds of undead warriors, all clad in black armor, emerged from the portal. Some of the soldiers began to back away, unsure of how to react to this sudden appearance.

"This can't be happening," one of the soldiers murmured, his voice shaking with fear.

"They're the Dark Lord's army," another whispered, his eyes wide with terror. "We can't defeat them,"

When the soldiers of Xanali's army looked at the vampire death squad and the rest of the Dark Lord's army, fear crept into their hearts. They were afraid, but they were also resolute not to back down easily.

One soldier whispered to his comrade, "Have you ever seen such a terrifying army before?"

His comrade nodded in agreement, "Not in all my years of service have I seen such a dark and fearsome army."

Some soldiers looked at each other, determined to fight until the end. They may have been afraid, but they knew that running away or admitting defeat was not an option.

"We will not back down! We will fight until our last breath!" a soldier shouted, his voice echoing across the battlefield.

When Xanali's army stared in shock at the appearance of the Dark Lord's army, they thought they had seen the worst of it. But then, another portal opened, and out of it emerged a figure that left them breathless. It was a young man in his late teens, wearing a black coat and trousers, and a white shirt. But what was most striking about him were his bat-like wings and his glowing crimson eyes that seemed to pierce through their souls. He had pointed ears that indicated he was a half-elf.

The air around them seemed to grow heavier, and many in Xanali's army felt their hearts race with fear. They knew, without a doubt, that this was no ordinary man. They could sense the immense power radiating from him, and it made their breathing difficult. They looked at each other with wide eyes, wondering what kind of creature they were facing.

Xanali herself was frozen, staring at the young man in awe and fear. She knew who he was - Azazel, the infamous demon butler of the Dark Lord. She had heard stories of his powers and knew that facing him would be a death sentence for many in her army.

As Azazel slowly descended down, he looked around with a cold gaze, sizing up Xanali's army. His wings fluttered gracefully, and he seemed to move with otherworldly grace. The soldiers of Xanali's army felt a chill run down their spines as they watched him.contemporary romance

"He's...he's Azazel," one of the guardians whispered, his voice shaking with fear.

"He's the demon butler of the Dark Lord," another added, his voice barely above a whisper.

Whispers spread through the ranks, and every soldier felt a shiver down their spine. They had all heard tales of the demon butler Azazel, but no one knew the true extent of his power. All they knew was that his presence alone was enough to make breathing difficult, and many couldn't help but tremble in fear.
