As Michael and Gaya materialized in the new location, he could feel his skin crawl as he took in the barren, desolate landscape before him. It looked like the Fire Realm he had been to before, but this place was much darker and more ominous. The air was thick with the stench of sulfur, ash, and decay, and the ground beneath his feet was jagged and treacherous.

When he looked around, Michael could see that the sky was a foreboding black, with swirling clouds and bolts of lightning flashing in every direction. There was no sun or moon, no natural light to guide his way. Instead, the only illumination came from the flickering flames that rose up from the molten lava rivers that ran through the realm. The flames cast eerie shadows across the desolate landscape, and Michael could feel the heat from the lava even at this distance.

The place seemed like the embodiment of evil and death, and Michael could feel it in his bones. The screams of the damned could be heard echoing through the darkness, and he could sense the presence of malevolent beings lurking in the shadows, eager to inflict pain and suffering on anyone who dared to enter this realm. It was a place of eternal suffering, where the tormented souls were trapped forever, unable to find peace or rest.

Gaya's voice broke through the silence that surrounded them, cutting through the thick atmosphere like a knife. "Where are we?" she asked Michael, her eyes scanning the barren, desolate landscape. Despite the absence of any visible life forms, the air was thick with the sounds of screams and cries, like a chorus of agony that echoed through the air.

Michael's eyes darted around, taking in the surroundings. He could feel the death and evil in the air, pressing down on him like a heavy weight. His Environment Scanning showed no signs of life forms, but his instincts told him otherwise. He knew they needed to find a higher vantage point to figure out where they were and where they needed to go.

He turned his gaze toward the mountain in the distance, an ominous and foreboding sight that rose up from the bleak landscape. It was a volcanic mountain, with jagged edges and peaks that looked as if some great force had torn them apart. The lava rivers that ran through the realm flowed toward the mountain, feeding the fiery pit at its center. The air was thick with the stench of sulfur and ash, and the only light came from the flickering flames that rose up from the molten lava.

"I'm not sure where we are, but we need to get to that mountain. It might give us a better view of our surroundings," 

When Michael took a step toward the ominous volcanic mountain, Gaya pulled him back by his sleeves, causing him to turn around and face her. Her face was etched with concern as she spoke, "I don't think I can use my cultivation here. Something's interrupting my energy flow."

Sensing her distress, Michael immediately suggested, "Try the Olympus." Gaya nodded in agreement and attempted to access her space ring to retrieve some arch energy crystals. However, to her surprise, she found that she couldn't even access her space ring. It was as if something in this strange realm was preventing her from using her cultivation power and accessing her resources.

As Michael watched Gaya struggle to retrieve the arch energy crystals, he realized that this strange realm had rendered her powerless. In contrast to Gaya, he felt stronger in this strange realm.

Despite the system being offline, Michael was able to access the storage and retrieve the necessary weapons for their journey through the strange realm. He handed over a sword sheath, a sword, a quiver full of arrows, and a bow to Gaya, who quickly strapped them to her armor.

As Gaya prepared for their journey, Michael retrieved a sparkling arch energy crystal and handed it to her. "Try this," he said, hoping that it would somehow help her use her cultivation energy in this strange realm.

Gaya nodded and inserted the crystal into the olympus on her wrist. The device absorbed the energy from the crystal, but Gaya felt no energy coursing through her veins. Disappointed, she shook her head. "It's the same," she said, realizing that something in this realm was preventing her from using her cultivation energy.

Without a word, Michael's strong arm encircled Gaya's waist and pulled her close to him. As they took to the air, Gaya felt a strange mix of emotions. She wanted to ask Michael how he was feeling, after learning that Diana was his mother and Noah was his brother. But she couldn't find the words, and Michael's expression was unreadable, cold, and distant.

As they soared toward the mountain, the desolation of the realm was all around them. Gaya could feel the weight of despair and darkness pressing down on her. But she was grateful for Michael's presence, which gave her a sense of security and comfort.

Finally, they landed atop the mountain, and the sight that greeted them left them both stunned. In the distance, they could see a lone castle rising up from the horizon. It's black walls and twisted spires seemed to mock the very concept of hope.

As Gaya stood on top of the mountain and gazed at the horizon, she saw nothing but desolation and darkness. The landscape was barren, devoid of any signs of life, and covered in a thick layer of ash and dust. The air was thick with the stench of sulfur and decay, and the sound of screams and cries echoed through the darkness, creating an eerie and unsettling atmosphere.

But her attention was drawn to the lone castle in the distance. It was massive, foreboding, and surrounded by jagged peaks and a moat of boiling lava. The castle was built with black stones, and the gates were adorned with twisted demonic faces, exuding an ominous and malevolent aura. Gaya couldn't help but feel a shiver run down her spine as she gazed upon the castle. She knew that whatever lay within its walls was nothing but pain and torment, a place of eternal darkness and despair. She had never felt such darkness and malevolence before, and the thought of entering the castle sent a chill down her spine

Her heart sank at the sight of the castle. She knew that whatever lay within those walls would be unspeakably evil and dangerous. But with Michael by her side, she felt a sense of determination and courage.

Michael typically took a methodical approach when exploring unknown territories, often surveying the area before making a move. However, his anger overpowered his usual caution and he had no patience for strategizing. As a result, he had no intention of lingering on top of the mountain for an extended period of time.

Driven by rage and determination, Michael's sole focus was on finding a way out of this accursed realm and exacting revenge on the Great Eight Clan and everyone who stood against him. As the Dark Lord, he was determined to show them the extent of his power and what would happen to those who dared to cross him.

He was done playing it safe and wanted nothing more than to charge in and take out anyone who dared cross him. As Michael was about to move forward towards the castle, Gaya's grip on his hand brought him to a sudden halt. His eyes remained fixed on the castle in the distance, his mind filled with a burning desire to wreak havoc on those who had caused him and his loved ones so much pain.

But Gaya's soft voice brought him back to reality. "Michael, we need to talk," she said with a gentle yet firm tone, hoping to reach him through the thick fog of his anger and pain.

Michael didn't turn around. His gaze still locked onto the castle in the distance. But her words managed to penetrate his mind, if only for a moment.

Gaya took a deep breath, steeling herself for what she knew would be a difficult conversation. "Please, whatever is inside that fucked up looking castle,"," she pointed towards the ominous castle in the distance, "it can wait. We need to take a moment to regroup, to figure out our next move."

Gaya's voice was soft and gentle, but it carried a weight of emotion that Michael could feel. He slowly turned to face her, his eyes meeting hers. For a moment, they stood there in silence, the only sound the howling wind that whipped around them. Gaya reached out and gently cupped Michael's face, guiding his gaze toward her. As she looked into his eyes, she could see the pain and anger simmering within him. With a deep breath, she leaned in and touched her forehead to his, hoping to find some way to calm him down.

But as soon as their foreheads touched, a wave of grief washed over her. The memory of losing her beloved little lizard, Nightmare, came rushing back, and tears started streaming down her cheeks. She tried to hold back the sobs that threatened to escape her, but the pain was too much to bear.

Feeling her body shake with emotion, Michael wrapped his arms around her and held her close, offering comfort in the only way he knew how. Together, they stood on the mountain, holding onto each other as they grieved for what they had lost and braced themselves for what lay ahead.

As Michael thought about Diana being his mother, a wave of emotions hit him like a ton of bricks. Anger, sadness, and betrayal all churned inside him, making it difficult for him to think straight. He couldn't believe that the woman who had abandoned him and left him to fend for himself was his own mother. It felt like a cruel joke.

He wondered how Diana could have raised Noah, her other son, with all her love and care while he had to struggle and grow up as an orphan. The thought of it made his blood boil, and he couldn't shake off the feeling of being betrayed.

But as he stood there, his heart heavy with these emotions, he was also consumed by another pain - the loss of his beloved dragon, Nightmare. The memories of their time together flashed through his mind, and he felt an overwhelming sense of grief and regret. He had never expected to lose Nightmare so soon, and the pain was almost too much to bear.contemporary romance

Torn between these two sources of pain, Michael struggled to find a way to move forward.

Michael stood there in silence, his eyes focused on the ground. His emotions were all over the place - anger, sadness, and a sense of betrayal.

"How could she do this to me?" he muttered to himself. "How could she abandon me like that?"

Gaya could sense the pain in his voice and leaned in closer to him. "I know it hurts, Michael," she said softly, "But try to see things from her perspective. Maybe there's more to the story than we know. The Skyhall has always been capable of manipulating people and situations to their advantage. Maybe there's more to the forbidden spell they cast to send you to Earth when you were born. It's possible that Diana had no choice but to leave you behind,"

Michael's voice was barely audible as he spoke, "But don't you remember what Elidyr said? In order for that forbidden spell to work, my mother had to sever her maternal bond with me willingly. It wouldn't have worked otherwise," he paused for a moment, the pain of abandonment still raw and fresh.

Despite the pain of losing Nightmare still weighing heavily on her heart, Gaya knew that her duty as Michael's partner was to comfort him and ease his pain. She pushed aside her own grief and focused solely on tending to Michael's needs, for that was what true love meant to her. At that moment, Michael's pain became her top priority, and she was determined to be there for him in any way she could.

Even though Gaya loved Michael deeply and wanted to help him heal from the pain of being abandoned by his mother, she also wanted to approach the situation objectively. She didn't want to fuel his anger by blindly supporting his emotions. Gaya knew that there had to be a reason for Diana's actions, and she wanted Michael to consider the possibility that there was more to the story. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was a bigger picture that they were missing. Gaya wanted to understand Diana's perspective and help Michael see things from a different angle.

Michael, I know this is difficult for you, but please try to see things from your mother's perspective," she said, her voice filled with empathy. "Think about it. The Skyhall was afraid of the prophecy and the chaos it could bring. Diana had to make a difficult decision, one that no mother should have to make. The Skyhall, with all its power and influence, would have done anything to prevent that from happening. Even if Diana had wanted to keep you, they would have threatened her family and their safety. So, what would you have done if you were in her position? Would you have risked the lives of your entire family to save one child? Or would you have sacrificed one child to save your family?"

She paused for a moment to let her words sink in. "I'm not saying what she did was right or fair, but sometimes, people are put in impossible situations and have to make tough choices. It doesn't mean they don't love you or care about you. It just means they had to do what they thought was best in a difficult situation."

Gaya looked at Michael with compassion, hoping her words would help ease his pain and anger toward his mother.

"The damage has already been done, Gaya. It's not that easy to forgive and forget, especially when it comes to something as big as this. I don't think I can suddenly accept her as my mother just because she had no choice. It's like a broken mirror that can never be fixed, and even if we did try to fix it, the cracks would always be there," Michael said, his voice laced with pain and bitterness.
