(New AHSS chapters are out. Please read them and let me know your thoughts in the comments)

As Michael and Gaya entered the meeting hall, a hushed silence fell upon their subordinates who were gathered around the large, dark chamber. The room exuded an air of mystery, with dimly lit torches casting flickering shadows on the stone walls. A round stone table dominated the center of the hall, its surface adorned with intricate engravings depicting a colossal skull. The table served as a solemn centerpiece, symbolizing the gravity of the discussions that took place within these walls.

The subordinates, their faces etched with astonishment and disbelief, occupied their seats around the table. The thrones, crafted from the bones and skulls of long-forgotten creatures, stood as eerie reminders of the power and authority that resided within this chamber. Each throne was meticulously placed, awaiting the arrival of their leaders, the Dark Lord and the Dark Queen.

As their gazes fixed upon Michael and Gaya, a mixture of shock, disbelief, and relief swept through the room. The subordinates had endured a year filled with uncertainty, believing their Dark Lord and Dark Queen had perished in Nagaland under the devastating assault of a mysterious ship's energy beam. Yet, here they stood, alive and resolute, defying the expectations of the world that presumed them lost.

Aria, the Queen of Shadows, scanned the room with her piercing eyes, her demeanor reflecting a blend of determination and loyalty. Maxine, the Queen of Power, wore a resolute expression, ready to unleash her talents in service of their cause. Tiberius, the King of War, sat tall and formidable, embodying strength and unwavering resolve. Dular, the King of the Undead, exuded an aura of darkness and mystery, his undead minions lurking in the shadows. Sadie, the Queen of Whispers, observed the scene with a calculating gaze, aware of the secrets she held and the power they conferred.

The remaining subordinates, Ricky, Titus, Optimus, Corey, Gibson, Saber, and Trista, each bore their own emotions—shock, gratitude, curiosity, and a renewed sense of purpose. They had weathered the storm of uncertainty in their leaders' absence, uncertain of what the future held. And now, as they witnessed Michael and Gaya's return, a glimmer of hope ignited within their hearts.  The absence of Caius and Adelia did not dampen the significance of the moment, for the presence of their esteemed leaders alone ignited a renewed sense of purpose and hope within their hearts.

The air crackled with anticipation, and the room filled with palpable energy. The subordinates were keenly aware that this moment marked a turning point—a chance to rebuild, establish order, and fulfill their roles in the grand design orchestrated by the Dark Lord and the Dark Queen.

Michael scanned the room and saw the countless question each subordinate had and their shocked looks. But what made Michael feel unease was the absence of Adelia and Caius. He approached his throne as Azazel took a step forward and stood behind Michael and Gaya's thrones as they sat down. Once Michael took his throne, he locked his gaze with his subordinates.

Michael's gaze swept across the room, taking in the multitude of questioning eyes and stunned expressions on the faces of his subordinates. The air crackled with an undercurrent of unease, amplified by the absence of Adelia and Caius. A sense of foreboding settled over him, intensifying his determination to uncover the truth.

Stepping forward, he approached his throne with Azazel, his loyal demon butler, standing firmly behind, offering unwavering support to their rulers. As Michael settled onto his throne, the weight of his gaze bore into the subordinates, demanding an answer.

"Where is Adelia and Caius?" Michael asked.

The weight of the silence pressed upon them, as if each subordinate hesitated to answer the pressing question regarding Adelia and Caius. It was an uncomfortable pause, brimming with unspoken truths. Unable to bear the silence any longer, Gaya's voice pierced the air like an icy blade, her tone cold and commanding. The resounding thud of her hand slamming against the stone table jolted the room, capturing the attention of everyone present.

"Where is my mother?" Gaya coldly growled. 

The subordinates flinched, their bodies involuntarily reacting to the sudden display of authority. Gaya's question reverberated through the room, each word dripping with determination and concern for her missing mother. A sense of urgency underscored her cold growl, fueling the tension that hung heavy in the air.

Finally, Azazel, ever faithful and observant, mustered the courage to respond. His voice carried a hint of reluctance as he relayed the troubling information.

"My lady, she left the castle without warning last week," Azazel spoke, his voice filled with a mix of respect and unease. "Despite my efforts to dissuade her, she remained resolute, even going so far as to remove her Spyder necklace."

The revelation hung heavily in the air, casting a shadow of uncertainty over the room. The significance of Adelia's sudden departure and her deliberate act of severing ties with the order left an unsettling void. Michael's mind raced with questions, his thoughts intertwined with a sense of urgency and worry. The absence of Adelia, Gaya's mother and a vital member of their collective, only added to the complexities they faced.

"She can take care of herself," Michael reassured Gaya

Despite Gaya's inherent knowledge of her mother's strength, Michael's reassurance brought her a sense of solace. Adelia, being a Half Immortal on the cusp of reaching the Immortal stage, possessed a power that few could match. Gaya's anxiety began to dissipate as she absorbed Michael's unwavering confidence. With a brief exchange of glances, their unspoken understanding was reaffirmed, and Michael redirected his attention to the gathered subordinates.

As his gaze traversed the room, Michael's piercing eyes locked onto Sadie, his trusted source of information.

"Sadie, where is Caius?" The weight of his inquiry hung in the air, the silence echoing with anticipation. Sadie, visibly trembling, summoned her courage and took a deep breath before delivering her response.

"The Skyhall... they hanged him alive, my lord. Caius is no longer among us," Sadie's voice carried a somber weight, her words piercing the heavy silence that had enveloped the room.

Gaya's reaction was immediate, her features contorted with a mix of shock and fury. The room seemed to shudder in response as if reflecting her emotions. The torches lining the walls flickered, casting eerie shadows that danced upon the stone surfaces. At that moment, ominous darkness seemed to envelop the chamber, amplifying the gravity of the news.

The realization of Caius's demise, a loyal member of their ranks, ignited a flame of fury within Gaya, its intensity threatening to consume her.

Yet, amidst the storm of emotions, Michael remained resolute, his countenance betraying little of the turmoil that churned within. His gaze held an eerie stillness, a mask of detached composure. And as the torches flickered and momentary darkness shrouded the room, a sense of foreboding descended, an intangible darkness that mirrored the anguish that seeped into their collective consciousness.

In that instant, the subordinates witnessed the contrasting reactions of their leaders. Gaya's anger, palpable and unrestrained, collided with Michael's cold detachment.

Michael's piercing gaze swept across the room. His voice laced with an icy calmness as he addressed his subordinates. The weight of their presence and the gravity of the news hung heavy in the air, demanding answers.contemporary romance

"Tell me, what else happened in our absence?" Michael's words cut through the lingering silence, his tone brooking no resistance.

Maxine, with her keen knowledge of the world's affairs, was the first to speak up. Her voice trembled slightly as she relayed the disconcerting events that unfolded during their absence.

"The Skyhall, my Lord, accused Caius of collaborating with you, serving as your ally. In response, they dispatched a specialized execution team that hanged Caius and the senators of Kingdom Gisel and Maven," Maxine's voice carried a mixture of grief and anger, the loss of a trusted comrade weighing heavily upon her words.

After Maxine, Sadie spoke up. Her eyes shimmered with a hint of darkness. She added to the growing list of unsettling changes that had occurred.

"Not only that, my Lord, but the Skyhall also dismantled all the sects across the realm. They forced the disciples to attend academies in the Akilan realm, including Mazeroth, for further cultivation and training. The prestigious Sunrise sect, where you were once a student, was not spared," 

"Fortunately, we were able to bring Sect Leader Claire to the castle before the Skyhall could arrest her. But the elders and Claire's grandfather Christopher was not so lucky," said Sadie.

As the words hung in the air, Michael's face remained stoic, betraying no hint of emotion. Yet, deep within his eyes, a storm brewed. The news of Skyhall's actions, particularly the dismantling of the sects, struck a raw nerve within him. The darkness that surrounded them seemed to grow denser, almost palpable, mirroring the weight of his thoughts.

His grip tightened on the armrest of his throne, his fingers digging into the cold, unforgiving bone. The room, already shrouded in darkness, seemed to absorb the news, amplifying the sense of foreboding that filled the air. It was as if the shadows themselves were drawn closer, seeking solace in their master's unyielding presence.

"Fortunately, we managed to bring Sect Leader Claire to the safety of the castle before the Skyhall could apprehend her. However, the elders and Claire's grandfather, Christopher, were not as fortunate," Sadie informed Michael, her voice tinged with a mix of relief and sorrow.

Upon hearing the news, a wave of relief washed over Michael. Sect Leader Claire held a special place in his heart, having been like a caring older sister to him during his time in the Sunrise sect. Knowing that she was safe brought a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness that loomed over them.

In the depths of his being, Michael silently vowed to himself that he would not rest until he rescued the captured elders and Christopher from the clutches of the Skyhall. Their unjust fate ignited a fire within him, fueling his determination to dismantle the oppressive power that sought to control and suppress.

"What else?" Michael coldly asked as Tiberius continued. His gaze was steady and resolute as he addressed the shattered kingdoms under the Senate's rule.

"The Senate's kingdoms have been divided and handed over to the Three Kings of the Southern Continent. Their power has increased, and the balance of authority has shifted," Tiberius' voice resonated with authority, his role as a warrior and leader lending weight to his words.

As Michael absorbed the weight of the devastating news, his expression remained eerily calm, unyielding to the torrent of emotions that raged within his subordinates. The room fell into a hushed silence, each member of the Order fixated on their leader with incredulous eyes. They had expected rage, despair, or even a flicker of anguish to mar his composed facade, but instead, they were met with a stoic resolve.

The shock and astonishment were palpable, hanging heavy in the air like an oppressive fog. Whispers were exchanged among the subordinates. Their voices were hushed with a mix of disbelief and awe. How could the Dark Lord remain so composed, so unfazed by the dire circumstances that had befallen their world? It seemed unfathomable to witness such a display of unwavering composure in the face of overwhelming adversity.

Finally, Michael inquired about Noah and his family. 

"What happened to Noah and his family?" Michael's voice carried a hint of trepidation as he inquired about Noah and his family. The subordinates exchanged uneasy glances, well aware of the complex history that had unfolded a year ago in Nagaland. It had been revealed that Noah Winston, the Supreme Guardian entrusted with the task of vanquishing the Dark Lord, was, in fact, Michael's long-lost brother. The revelation had shaken their world to its core, and the truth had come to light through Diana, who had unveiled herself as Michael's mother.

However, the aftermath of this revelation was fraught with tension and unresolved emotions. Michael had steadfastly refused to acknowledge the Winstons as his family, unable to forgive Diana for the decision she had made, casting him aside and sending him to Earth when he was just an infant. This refusal to accept them as his kin hung heavily in the air, casting a shadow over any discussion involving Noah and his family.

The subordinates hesitated, their expressions mirroring the delicate nature of the topic at hand. It was a tightrope they navigated, torn between loyalty to their leader and the intricate web of familial ties that had been unveiled. Eyes darted back and forth, seeking guidance or permission to speak on the matter, yet apprehension lingered in the room like an unwelcome guest.

After a tense pause, it was Sadie who mustered the courage to address Michael's query, her voice laced with caution. "My lord," Sadie began, her voice tinged with trepidation, 

"Noah and his family... The elders and the alpha guardians have relieved Noah of his duties as the Supreme Guardian. The Skyhall's execution team has apprehended Ethan Winston and the others, but their current whereabouts remain unknown. Rowena Winston, regrettably, has been missing since the events in Nagaland. Rumors circulate that Sabrina Winston has been taken to Mazeroth, and as for Diana Winston, her fate remains a mystery."

The words hung in the air, each syllable laden with uncertainty and a sense of foreboding. The room seemed to grow darker, the torchlight flickering as if mirroring the clouded fate of Noah and his family. The subordinates, their expressions a mix of concern and sympathy, awaited Michael's reaction, unsure of how he would process this troubling information.

Gaya turned her gaze towards Sadie, her voice laced with concern. "Sadie, do you have any information regarding Noah's whereabouts?"

Sadie hesitated for a moment, her eyes reflecting the weight of uncertainty. "I'm afraid we don't have any concrete information, my lady. There are rumors circulating that the Skyhall's execution team has been actively searching for both Rowena Winston and Noah Winston."

Without a flicker of remorse or pity, Michael calmly responded to Saber's inquiry about Quintus and the missing armor pieces. His gaze remained steady and unwavering as he addressed his subordinate.

"Regrettably, I was unable to retrieve Quintus or the pieces of my armor. Have you gathered any information regarding his whereabouts and the status of the armor pieces?" Michael's voice held a tone of detached curiosity.

Saber, the elder vampire, met Michael's gaze and relayed the disheartening news. "My lord, it appears that Quintus has aligned himself with the Skyhall's execution team. With their assistance, he has managed to integrate the two armor pieces into his own armor. He subsequently led an assault against the armies of Gisel and Maven. We were unable to intervene due to the overwhelming presence of the Skyhall fleet. Engaging them would have resulted in significant casualties among our forces,"

"So the rat has come out of its hole and joined the Skyhall," A sinister smile crept across Michael's face as he absorbed the revelation of Quintus's alliance with the Skyhall. It was as if a rat had finally emerged from its hiding place, only to align itself with the very entity that sought to oppose him. The news stirred a mix of emotions within him, a concoction of triumph and excitement.

Thoughts raced through Michael's mind, each one a thread in the tapestry of his intricate plans. He felt a surge of confidence, a sense of being back in control, and the looming presence of the Skyhall no longer held sway over his determination. His status as a Half Celestial, a being of immense power, bolstered his assurance and emboldened his resolve.

For the first time in what felt like an eternity, Michael stood at the pinnacle of his game. The challenges that lay before him no longer held the same fear they once did. He knew that his every action would be strategic and calculated, guided by his unwavering conviction and his unwavering commitment to his ultimate goal. The Skyhall may have thought they had gained an advantage, but little did they know that they had only provoked the wrath of a Half Celestial who would stop at nothing to reclaim what was rightfully his.

The devilish grin on Michael's face hinted at the darkness that resided within him, a force that had been dormant for far too long. The time for vengeance and retribution was drawing near, and Michael was prepared to seize the opportunity with unwavering determination. The rat had emerged from its hole, unaware of the predator lurking in the shadows, ready to strike at the opportune moment.

