Married at First Sight novel (Serenity and Zachary York)

“I’m fine, Zachary. My car was smashed. That’s all.”
The thugs were bashing her car by the time Serenity got out. She and the two bodyguards quickly subdued the perpetrators, but
it was too late for the car.
Zachary glanced at the smashed car and remarked, “All that matters is that you’re safe. We can always replace the car.”
“But you gave me this car.”
“I gave you one on Valentine’s Day too. You can drive that and send this one for repairs.”
Serenity replied, “I prefer the car brand I have right now.”
It was discreet.
Zachary said, “I’ll take you to get a new car of the same brand tomorrow.”
She had a thing against showing off and parading her riches as the wife of the richest man. Zachary was happy to meet her
standard and lifestyle. He would do anything to please her so long as he was in the picture.swnovels
“Did you manage to get who is behind this?”
Zachary’s question was meant for his bodyguards.
“It’s Carrie,” Serenity answered.
Since everybody here had not met Carrie, they were unfamiliar with her voice. Nevertheless, Serenity had the pleasure of
meeting Carrie twice and got into arguments twice as well. Carrie’s arrogant and ear-piercing voice was imprinted in Serenity’s
As Carrie did not settle her outstanding payment with the thugs, the police could take over from here and locate Carrie in no
“Ms. Carrie of the Newman family?”
Zachary scowled. The Newman man sure had a way of raising his daughter.

He came a few days ago to apologize. Well, it did not take long for his daughter to hire thugs to barricade the road and bash the
car. It was the same stunt Noah pulled.
Serenity would have taken a beating before the bodyguards showed up if she did not know how to fight.
It was not a matter Zachary would dismiss.
Now that the police were here, the group went to the station to give their statements.
With the voice and dashcam recordings in hand, the thugs’ fates were sealed even if they were sent to the hospital. Serenity, as
the victim, was only acting out of self-defense.
The last time Serenity was here on a self-defense case left quite an impression on everyone at the station.
Several months passed, and they were brought back down memory lane.
While they did not recall who Serenity was, they remembered that Serenity was a young and beautiful girl. She was calm in the
face of armed hooligans and could turn the tables in the shortest amount of time.
Now that they found out that Serenity was Mrs. York, the police believed it really took some guts, skills, and something extra to
be able to secure the footing as the wife of the richest heir.
The voice recording and Serenity’s statement pointed the evidence to Carrie. Knowing that Carrie had not settled the final
payment with the thugs, the police set out to the Newmans’ residence that night itself to ask for Carrie’s cooperation in the
ongoing investigation.
Since the call history was still available on Carrie’s phone, there was no way Carrie could talk her way out of it.
