Married To My Ex-Husband’s Rival

Married to my Ex–Husband’s Rival

Chapter 120 (The True Villain)

Third–Person Pov


Helena stepped into Marlene’s bedroom, her demeanor respectful as she approached her hot– tempered boss With a gentle bow, she presented Marlene with the glass of water she had requested. Marlene accepted it with a brief nod of thanks, her eyes glinting with a coldness that sent a shiver down Helena’s spine. But she quickly calmed herself, not wanting to raise Marlene’s suspicion if she acted nervous.

With a swift motion, Marlene gulped down the water in one go, the sound of her swallowing echoing through the room. Setting the empty glass aside, Marlene turned to Helena and inquired, her voice laced with impatience, “Is my husband back, Helena?”

Helena’s response was swift and calm. “Yes, Mrs. Black. Mr. Black arrived only a few minutes ago, and he’s in his office,” she informed Marlene, her voice tinged with a sense of apprehension.

Without another word, Marlene rose from her bed and made her way to Kayden’s office. She didn’t bother to knock, the sense of entitlement evident in her demeanor as she barged in unannounced. Kayden was in the midst of a phone call, his brow furrowed in concentration, when Marlene strode into the room with a rather unusual look on her face.

Snatching the phone from his hand, Marlene flung it across the room with a force that made Kayden’s eyes widen in shock and anger. “What the hell are you doing, Marlene?” Kayden’s voice was sharp with disbelief as he watched her unexpected outburst.

Ignoring his question, Marlene raised her hand and delivered a resounding slap across Kayden’s face. The impact left Kayden reeling, his anger rising to the surface as he tried to make sense of her sudden assault. But before he could utter a word, Marlene struck him again, the force of her blow leaving his cheek stinging with pain.

Attempting to defend himself from her onslaught, Kayden caught her hand as she went to slap him fo the third time. Marlene’s eyes darkened with a mix of fury and satisfaction, and instead of striking him in the face as he expected, she lashed out with a vengeful stomp on his foot, causing Kayden to grimace in agony and release her hand.

Fury burned in Kayden’s eyes as he glared at Marlene, his voice filled with disbelief and outrage. “Have you gone crazy, Marlene?” he demanded, his tone laced with a mix of anger and confusion.







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Chapter 120 (The True Villain)

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With a cold smile playing on her lips, Marlene met his gaze with an unwavering stare. “That’s what you get, Kayden, for buying your lover a new house mere days after we lost our baby. You should be grateful that I’m keeping it this simple,” she sneered, her words dripping with contempt.

Kayden’s frown deepened his expression, a mix of shock and defiance. “How dare you hit me for buying a house for a woman who, in case you’ve forgotten, is also my employee? What does it have to do with you?” he retorted, the tension between them crackling in the air.

Marlene scoffed at his response, her eyes cold and calculating. “Don’t play dumb with me, Kayden. Drop the act unless you want to end up in a hospital because, trust me, I’m very capable of sending you to one,” she warned, her voice laced with a steely resolve that brooked no argument.

Kayden’s features were twisted in a blend of confusion and anger as he glared at Marlene, his frustration palpable. “Listen to me, you bitch; you’ve been getting on my last nerves lately, and if you don’t rein in that attitude of yours, you’re going to regret pushing me,” he growled, his voice dripping with barely–contained fury.

Marlene’s laughter sliced through the tension, a wicked gleam in her eyes as she met Kayden’s gaze head–on. “Oh Kayden, what are you going to do? Hit me?” she taunted, her tone daring him to make a move. “You’re the one who shouldn’t cross the line, because if you do, you’ll quickly find out that I’m not an easy target like all the other women in your life.”

An incredulous scoff escaped Kayden as b

folded his arms across his chest, his jaw set in defiance. “You’re getting cocky because I allowed you to marry me and bear my last name,” he retorted, the bitterness of their exchange evident.

Rolling her eyes in exasperation, Marlene shot back, her words cutting like a knife. “Oh, you mean the last name that belongs to your drug–addicted, woman–beating father? The same name that’s teetering on the brink of infamy now?” she retorted, her voice dripping with disdain.

Enraged beyond measure, Kayden’s hands shot out instinctively, wrapping around Marlene’s neck in a tight grip. The room filled with the sound of his labored breathing as he stared her down, the weight of his words heavy in the charged atmosphere. “Don’t forget, Marlene, you were a nobody before you married me, he hissed, the threat implicit in his words.

Despite the pressure on her throat, Marlene’s laughter rang out, echoing with a twisted amusement that sent chills down Kayden’s spine. “You’re not entirely wrong, Kayden,” she managed to chuckle, her eyes locking with his despite the grip around her neck. “But remember, you’re the one under my mercy now, not the other way around.”


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Chapter 120 (The True Villain)

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Confusion flickered in Kayden’s eyes as he released his hold on her, his grip slackening as he processed Marlene’s cryptic words. “What are you talking about, Marlene?” he demanded, his voice a mixture of anger and confusion.

Sighing heavily, Marlene’s expression softened slightly. “There’s a lot that needs to be said between us, Kayden. I’ve held back all this time because I was pregnant and didn’t have the strength to deal with your reaction when you find out just how fucked you are, thanks to me,” she confessed, her voice tinged with excitement.

Kayden’s frustration simmered beneath the surface, his patience wearing thin as he demanded, “Marlene, what the hell are you talking about?”

A satisfied smile crept across Marlene’s face, a glint of triumph in her eyes as she leaned closer to him. “Oh, Kayden, did you really think I wouldn’t figure out that you tried to drug me?” she taunted, her voice laced with a mix of accusation and amusement.

Feigning innocence, Kayden raised an eyebrow, his expression carefully neutral. “What are you talking about now, you crazy woman?” he retorted, playing dumb in an attempt to evade her accusations.

Marlene’s tone sharpened, her patience wearing thin. “Don’t try to play dumb with me again, Kayden. I’m warning you; it won’t end well for you if you keep it up,” she warned, the edge in her voice unmistakable. “And just so you know, I had a spy camera in Alison’s office; may her soul rest in peace, so I saw everything.”

Kayden’s eyes widened in surprise, a flicker of realization flashing across his features as Marlene’s words sank in. He struggled to compose himself, his mind racing to grasp the gravity of what she was revealing. “You… you saw what exactly?” he stammered, disbelief coloring his tone.

Chuckles of contempt escaped Marlene as she nodded, a dark amusement dancing in her eyes. “Everything, dear. I watched as you asked Alison to report back on my meetings with her and to also hand you the drugs to slow me down mentally,” she recounted, her voice chillingly calm.

Shocked and unsure of how to respond, Kayden furrowed his brow. “If you knew, why didn’t you confron me earlier?” he demanded, his voice tinged with disbelief.

Rolling her eyes in exasperation, Marlene exhaled heavily. “As I mentioned earlier, I didn’t confront you because I was pregnant, and I also needed time to gather all the evidence I could before I dealt with you,” she explained, her words cutting through the tense silence between them.


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Chapter 120 (The True Villain)


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She continued, her voice tinged with quiet resolve, “I wanted to make sure I had everything I needed to bring you to your knees if I had to. Just safety precautions, I suppose.”

Kayden’s laughter cut through the heaviness of the moment, his arrogance on full display as he scoffed “And how exactly do you plan to teach me a lesson, Marlene? You’re nothing without me, a nobody w needed my name to even have a semblance of importance.”

Marlene’s smile turned cold and twisted, a glint of malice in her eyes as she leaned in closer to

him. “Oh Kayden, do you remember that little prenuptial agreement you had me sign before we got married?” she asked, her voice dripping with a sickening sweetness.

Confusion clouded Kayden’s features as he furrowed his brows, trying to make sense of her sudden question. “Why are you bringing that up all of a sudden?” he questioned.

Marlene’s head shook in mock sadness, a twisted smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she gazed at Kayden with faux sympathy. “Oh, Kayden, you really didn’t realize, did you? You notarized the wrong prenup,” she revealed, her voice chilling.

Confusion clouded Kayden’s expression, a furrow forming between his brows as he struggled to comprehend Marlene’s words. “What do you mean? What did you do, Marlene?” he demanded, the ed panic creeping into his voice.

A sadistic laugh bubbled from Marlene’s throat, her amusement evident as she taunted, “You’re so cute when you’re nervous, Kayden. I love that look in your eyes.” She took a moment to relish the fear reflected in his gaze before continuing, “Now, let me enlighten you, darling. Our prenup becomes non– existent under three charming conditions. Would you like to hear them?”

Frustration and anger boiled in Kayden, his voice rising as he snapped, “Just tell me what you did, Marlene!”

With an innocent shrug, Marlene’s eyes danced with a wicked gleam. “Don’t be scared, Kayden. It’s quite simple, really,” she reassured before launching into the revelation of their altered prenuptial agreement.

“The first condition states that if you ever cheat on me and break your vows, the prenup becomes nul and void, and I could claim half of your property in a divorce,” she explained, the smugness evident in her tone. “And lucky for me, you’re not exactly known for your loyalty, are you?”

Dread washed over Kayden, his mind reeling at the implications of Marlene’s words, but he fought to Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org



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Chapter 120 (The True Villain

keep his composure. “What are the other conditions?” he gritted out, his jaw clenching in


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Marlene’s expression shifted to one of false sorrow before she divulged, “The second condition

mirrors the first; if you ever lay a hand on me, the prenup is worthless. I had to include that

clause, knowing about your childhood surrounded by violence thanks to your loose–lipped mother.”

A chill crept down Kayden’s spine at her words. His gaze locked with Marlene’s, a mixture of fear and disbelief flickering in his eyes.

Her smile widened suddenly, a sinister gleam in her gaze as she leaned in closer to him. “And now,

for the cherry on top, the third condition,” she whispered, her voice tinged with a cold

satisfaction. “Did you know that if you were to meet an untimely end during our marriage, I would be

entitled to more than half of your estate?”

Kayden’s breath caught in his throat, a sense of foreboding settling over him as he processed the

implications of Marlene’s words. The realization of the trap he found himself in sent a shiver down

his spine, the walls closing in around him with suffocating intensity.



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Savoring the moment, Marlene continued, her tone dripping with venomous delight. “All I would need to

do is paint you as an abusive, cheating husband. Accuse you of drugging me and causing harm to our

child, she detailed, each word calculated for maximum impact. “And then, Kayden,

everything–absolutely everything you own–would fall into my hands like the fruit of my labor.”


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Chapter 120 (The True Villain)

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Marlene fixed her gaze on Kayden, a steely glint in her eyes as she warned, “Be careful, Kayden. Don’t ever forget that I, too, can play dirty. I could make you disappear, and no one would ever suspect a thing. So if you think you can toy with me, then you’re sorely mistaken.”

Kayden’s previous anger and fear vanished as his laughter rang out, a mocking edge to his voice as he retorted, “You’re talking crazy, Marlene. You can’t kill me and get away with it.”

A knowing smile played on

chilling precision. “Oh, Kay Marlene’s lips as she moved an inch closer to him, her words dripping with

chilling precision. “Oh, Kayden, you underestimate just how diabolical I can be. To me, you’re

nothing but a means to an end. A stepping stone on my path to greatness. So if you ever try to eliminate me, rest assured, I’ll make sure you go down the rabbit hole with me.”

Shaking his head in disbelief, Kayden couldn’t help but marvel at the depth of Marlene’s craziness. “I definitely married a crazy woman,” he mused, a mix of fascination and amusement flickering in his eyes.

Marlene’s shrug was nonchalant as she reminded him, “You should have realized I was no ordinary woman when I started sleeping with you at 19, while you were married to Amber. No offense, but on

your end, it was kind of a rookie’s mistake to think that I wasn’t capable of trapping you. You knew I wasn’t normal, but you underestimated me too much. Tsk tsk tsk.”

A thrill surged through Kayden–a rush of exhilaration as he regarded Marlene with newfound admiration. For the first time, he had to admit defeat. She had played him very well, and he walked right into where she wanted him, thinking he was the one keeping her on a leash when it was vice


“This is exactly what I wanted–someone worthy to be my partner yet formidable as my opponent. This is exactly what I’ve needed,” he admitted, a dangerous glint in his eyes.

He had never considered anyone to be a threat to him. Not Richard, not Amber, and not even all the other enemies he had made through his numerous legal and illegal dealings. But in Marlene’s case, she was a threat–one he’d enjoy taming.

In a quick move, Kayden pulled Marlene closer, his desire evident as he kissed her with a hunger that matched the intensity of their twisted dynamic. Marlene responded in kind; the passion between then was a volatile mix of love and enmity.

As they broke apart, the lingering tension between them was thick with desire, but Marlene’s expression turned serious. “It’s time for you to make your move, Kayden,” she declared suddenly.



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, Chapter 120 (The True Villain)


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Kayden’s brow furrowed in confusion. “Make my move?” he questioned,

“Now that Anthony is going to be a problem, it’s time for you to get rid of him. You have to kill him the same way you had Alison taken out,” she stated, and Kayden could only stare at her with an amus

look on his face.

