Married To My Ex-Husband’s Rival

Chapter Eighty Eight

Third Person POV.

“You can think I’m afraid of him, Elena. But I’m not afraid of that idiot, and he has no power over me.

I hate him for what he did to me and Giorgia, and I’ll make him pay for everything. It’s that simple.” Richard retorted, struggling to sound confident with his words.

“Giorgia…another root cause of evil,” Elena blurted out, causing both Bianca, Richard, and Amber to

stare at her with confused looks on their faces.

“You better not speak ill of Giorgia, Elena. She’s a no–go area,” Richard warned.

“She’s a no–go area? And why’s that? Because she’s dead? So, because she killed herself, I’m not allowed to talk about it as freely as I want to?” Elena retorted.

Bianca hissed back in response. “She’s your youngest sister, Elena. Just leave her out of this conversation. Aren’t you tired?”

“Point of correction: she was my sister, Bianca. Now she’s dead, and forgive me if, unlike you guys, I don’t blame myself for what happened to her,” Elena fired back at her with a nonchalant look on her


She knew they’d most likely think she was crazy with how she spoke about Giorgia, her own sister, but she just couldn’t bring herself to care any longer for Giorgia’s death. She had seen how Giorgia’s death had ruined her family even more, so she could no longer bring herself to live in the shadow of

her late sister’s death.

“Well, you’re not to blame. I am at fault for what happened to her. But regardless, stop talking about her like she wasn’t someone important in our lives. Respect her memories at the very least,” Richard quickly defended.

Elena’s scoff echoed through the room, a sharp sound that cut through the heavy silence like a blade.. She stared at Richard with a skeptical gaze, her expression a mix of incredulity and frustration as she challenged his line of thinking. “And just what makes you believe that I’m interested in still being stuck on Giorgia’s decision? Also, why do you always insist on taking the blame for something that was never yours to carry?” she demanded.

Richard bristled at Elena’s dism Ad skipped

the surface as he met her

gaze with a steely resolve. “Because I know, Elena. I know that if it weren’t for Kayden’s attempt to




Chapter Eighty Light

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mess with me by inserting himself into Giorgia’s life in the first place, she would never have had to endure the torment that pushed her to such a drastic end,” he retorted.

Elena’s expression hardened at Richard’s self–accusation, the expression on her mask of disbelief and disapproval. “You can’t keep attributing everything to Kayden, Richard. You’re allowing your anger and

hurt to cloud your judgment. Giorgia’s choices were her own, and she died because she consciously made the wrong decisions,” she said.

Richard’s jaw clenched as he fought to contain the surge of emotions roiling in him. “You don’t understand, Elena. Kayden’s manipulation, his intention to hurt me by hurting those close to me. is the reason why she ended up dead. It played a part in Giorgia’s death, and I can’t ignore that,” he


Elena’s gaze hardened, annoyance crossing her features as she regarded her brother with a mix of irritation and frustration. “Richard, you need to stop shouldering the blame for things beyond your control. Giorgia chose to fall in love with the enemy, and that’s on her, not you,” she reasoned.

Richard’s frustration flared at Elena’s words, his temper rising as he struggled to make her understand. “How can you say that, Elena? Giorgia was your sister, so how can you be so callous towards her memory? She was young and vulnerable, and Kayden took advantage of that to further hi own twisted agenda,” he lashed out, his voice tinged with a raw emotion that laid bare his anguish.

Elena’s eyes darkened at Richard’s words, a flicker of hurt crossing her features before being replaced by a steely resolve. “I’m not being callous, Richard. I’m being realistic. Giorgia knew the risks of entangling herself with someone from the Black family, and yet she chose to do so. She made her own choices, and we can’t absolve her of the consequences that followed,” she replied.

Richard’s frustration boiled over, the weight of the conversation pressing down on him. With a sharp. retort, he declared, “I’ve heard just enough,” before pushing back his chair and striding out of the dining room, his footsteps echoing in the tense silence that lingered in his wake.

Amber’s concern flared as she moved to follow him, her footsteps faltering as Elena’s voice halted her in her tracks. “Amber, wait. Let’s talk for a bit.” Elena’s tone held a hint of urgency, stopping

Amber in her tracks.

Surprised by Elena’s interruption, Amber turned back to face her, her brows furrowed in confusion. “What is it, ma’am? Why did you stop me?”

Elena sighed, her expression a mix of contemplation and concern, as she met Amber’s gaze. “I can tell that you must be thinking that I’m losing my mind.” Elena began. “I’m just a bit thrown off by your approach, ma’am. So, what’s this all about? Why’d you stop me?” she asked, her voice laced with

15:44 Mon, 4 Mar BGG.

Chapter Eighty Fight


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that you must be thinking that I’m losing my mind,” Elena began. “I’m just a bit thrown off by your approach, ma’am. So, what’s this all about? Why’d you stop me?” she asked, her voice laced with uncertainty.

Elena sighed again before broaching a question that caught Amber off guard. “Amber, have you fallen in love with Richard?” Elena’s query hung in the air, a weighty pause following in its wake.

Taken aback by the sudden turn in the conversation, Amber’s thoughts whirled as she searched for the right words. With a furrowed brow, she finally responded, “I… I can’t say for certain if it’s love, but I care about Richard deeply, and he means more to me than anything else in my life.”

Elena’s reaction was swift, a scoff escaping her lips as she regarded Amber with a critical eye.

“Caring is a different thing. Amber. But you know what? That’s not the only reason I stopped you. My

advice to you is that before you let yourself get swept away, you need to understand who Richard Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

really is. Look beyond the surface and delve deep into him if you’re ever going to give your heart to


Confusion clouded Amber’s features as she processed Elena’s advice, her heart and mind at odds with

the sudden advice. “What do you mean, ma’am? Why are you telling me this?” she questioned.

“Just so, as I say, Amber. Take your time to unravel the layers of Richard’s personality before you

commit yourself to him. It’s for both your sakes, Elena answered.

With a nod of understanding. Amber rose from her seat, the weight of Elena’s words heavy on her mind. I’ll keep it in mind,” she murmured before excusing herself, her steps quick as she made her way out. of the dining room in search of Richard.

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