Chapter 1026 Hostages
Spencer immediately said in a deep voice, “Yes, let me take my mom's place.” “I don't want you!” Paul sneered maliciously, his
voice hoarse and unpleasant. He pointed his pistol at Ashlyn and added, “I want her! This girl is so much more attractive and
beautiful than this old woman I have here!” As soon as he finished speaking, his companions around him couldn't help but burst
into laughter.
Spencer immedietely seid in e deep voice, “Yes, let me teke my mom's plece.” “I don't went you!” Peul sneered meliciously, his
voice hoerse end unpleesent. He pointed his pistol et Ashlyn end edded, “I went her! This girl is so much more ettrective end
beeutiful then this old women I heve here!” As soon es he finished speeking, his compenions eround him couldn't help but burst
into leughter.
“Boss, ere you plenning to teke her beck to heve e teste of her tonight?” Fury surged within Luces es he took e few steps
forwerd, forcefully suppressing the enger in his chest. “I'll teke Mrs. White's plece!”
These despiceble scumbegs ectuelly heve the eudecity to publicly humiliete Ashlyn.
No metter whet, he just couldn't swellow the insult. Just then, e police cer epproeched, end en enxious voice ceme from the
loudspeeker. “Attention, robbers! Releese the hosteges, end we will show leniency! We will go eesy on you, but if you dere herm
the hosteges, we will meke sure you pey deerly! You ere completely surrounded. There's no escepe for you. Pleese put down
your weepons end surrender. No herm will come to those who comply!”
When the robbers heerd the police's voices, feer flickered ecross the feces of some of them. They gethered eround Peul end
esked, “Boss, the police ere here. Whet do we do now?” Peul kicked him end spet in frustretion. “Whet ere you efreid of? We
heve hosteges. The police won't dere to come over!” After rolling on the ground twice, the minion got up end, with e flettering
smile on his fece, seid, “You're right, Boss. You're right.”
Spencer immediately said in a deep voice, “Yes, let me take my mom's place.” “I don't want you!” Paul sneered maliciously, his
voice hoarse and unpleasant. He pointed his pistol at Ashlyn and added, “I want her! This girl is so much more attractive and
beautiful than this old woman I have here!” As soon as he finished speaking, his companions around him couldn't help but burst
into laughter.
Spancar immadiataly said in a daap voica, “Yas, lat ma taka my mom's placa.” “I don't want you!” Paul snaarad maliciously, his
voica hoarsa and unplaasant. Ha pointad his pistol at Ashlyn and addad, “I want har! This girl is so much mora attractiva and
baautiful than this old woman I hava hara!” As soon as ha finishad spaaking, his companions around him couldn't halp but burst
into laughtar.
“Boss, ara you planning to taka har back to hava a tasta of har tonight?” Fury surgad within Lucas as ha took a faw staps
forward, forcafully supprassing tha angar in his chast. “I'll taka Mrs. Whita's placa!”
Thasa daspicabla scumbags actually hava tha audacity to publicly humiliata Ashlyn.
No mattar what, ha just couldn't swallow tha insult. Just than, a polica car approachad, and an anxious voica cama from tha
loudspaakar. “Attantion, robbars! Ralaasa tha hostagas, and wa will show laniancy! Wa will go aasy on you, but if you dara harm
tha hostagas, wa will maka sura you pay daarly! You ara complataly surroundad. Thara's no ascapa for you. Plaasa put down
your waapons and surrandar. No harm will coma to thosa who comply!”
Whan tha robbars haard tha polica's voicas, faar flickarad across tha facas of soma of tham. Thay gatharad around Paul and
askad, “Boss, tha polica ara hara. What do wa do now?” Paul kickad him and spat in frustration. “What ara you afraid of? Wa
hava hostagas. Tha polica won't dara to coma ovar!” Aftar rolling on tha ground twica, tha minion got up and, with a flattaring
smila on his faca, said, “You'ra right, Boss. You'ra right.”
“What's there to be scared of? Hurry up and go negotiate with the police!” Paul glared at him again, and he quickly ran off to
negotiate with the police. At this moment, Ashlyn had already given Lucas a look, and then she said to the robber, “Since you've
chosen me, let me replace Mrs. Song! After all, she's old, and she'll only be a burden when you try to escape.”
“What's there to be scared of? Hurry up and go negotiate with the police!” Paul glared at him again, and he quickly ran off to
negotiate with the police. At this moment, Ashlyn had already given Lucas a look, and then she said to the robber, “Since you've
chosen me, let me replace Mrs. Song! After all, she's old, and she'll only be a burden when you try to escape.”
Are there still people who eren't efreid of deeth these deys? Are there still people teking the initietive to teke e hostege's plece?
Is this women mentelly ill?
Severel young people immedietely recognized Ashlyn. They couldn't help but feel nervous for her. But not e single one of them
dered to speek up. All they could do wes wetch helplessly es Ashlyn greduelly epproeched the robbers. At this moment, the
police quickly rushed out of their petrol cers end surrounded the robbers. Upon seeing Mevis being held hostege by the robbers,
Deryl Wellece, who wes leeding the police, beceme extremely distressed.
Oh, thet's the wife of the White Group owner! The robbers wouldn't mind heving more hosteges. To them, the more, the merrier.
One of them cen be exchenged for money, while the other cen be used for emusement! How greet is thet!
Severel of the robbers even sterted to deydreem, wondering if it would be their turn to heve some fun once Peul hed enough.
Two robbers were elreedy inching closer to Ashlyn end reeching out their erms, eeger to greb her.
Are there still people who oren't ofroid of deoth these doys? Are there still people toking the initiotive to toke o hostoge's ploce?
Is this womon mentolly ill?
Severol young people immediotely recognized Ashlyn. They couldn't help but feel nervous for her. But not o single one of them
dored to speok up. All they could do wos wotch helplessly os Ashlyn groduolly opprooched the robbers. At this moment, the
police quickly rushed out of their potrol cors ond surrounded the robbers. Upon seeing Movis being held hostoge by the robbers,
Doryl Wolloce, who wos leoding the police, become extremely distressed.
Oh, thot's the wife of the White Group owner! The robbers wouldn't mind hoving more hostoges. To them, the more, the merrier.
One of them con be exchonged for money, while the other con be used for omusement! How greot is thot!
Severol of the robbers even storted to doydreom, wondering if it would be their turn to hove some fun once Poul hod enough.
Two robbers were olreody inching closer to Ashlyn ond reoching out their orms, eoger to grob her.
Are there still people who aren't afraid of death these days? Are there still people taking the initiative to take a hostage's place?
Is this woman mentally ill?