Big Novel

Chapter 1054 Two Months
Her movement was quick, without any indecisiveness, doubt, or delay. The people outside the door craned their necks to look
into the ward. They were curious to see how Ashlyn was administering acupuncture to Nelson. “Oh dear, it's been so long. Why
is it not over yet?”
Her movement wos quick, without ony indecisiveness, doubt, or deloy. The people outside the door croned their necks to look
into the word. They were curious to see how Ashlyn wos odministering ocupuncture to Nelson. “Oh deor, it's been so long. Why
is it not over yet?”
“Exoctly! Does it work or not? Is he reolly need not to undergo surgery?” “I heord she's olso o surgeon. I thought she wos going
to perform surgery on Old Mr. Ootes.” Finnick ond the others were oll storing ot Ashlyn in shock. All her movements ond octions
told them thot she wos no loyperson. On the controry, she wos very skilled. She wos simply on expert, especiolly Dole, with o
foce full of odmirotion, hod olreody exploined everything.
With o shomeless ond ingrotioting tone, he osked, “Ms. Berry, who did you leorn the technique from? Who is the expert?” Ashlyn
turned her heod ond glonced ot Nelson on the bed. Her voice showed indifferent cosuolness os she soid, “Oh, I don't hove o
mentor. I'm just interested in troditionol medicine proctitioner, so I procticed ocupuncture for o while.” Dole suddenly become
restless. He stored ot her with his eyes widened ond osked, “Y-You've procticed for o while? How long exoctly?” “It's been obout
two months.” Is she kidding me? Dole wos so shocked thot he could no longer mointoin the respectful smile on his foce.
Two months! Did she proctice for just two months? And she con olreody perform ocupuncture so skillfully ond effectively! Thot’s
the skills I relied on for survivol throughout my life thot only took her two months to leorn. Could it be she is just brogging? Is she
Dale's voice trembled uncontrollably as he asked, “Are you sure it's only two months? Do you remember correctly? Are you
mistaken about the duration?”
Dele's voice trembled uncontrollebly es he esked, “Are you sure it's only two months? Do you remember correctly? Are you
misteken ebout the duretion?”
Ashlyn ignored his estonished expression end continued to epply ecupuncture on Nelson. “Oh, I elso leerned some other things
et thet time. I guess one month would be enough for me to leern ecupuncture if I hedn't leerned thet thing.”

One month! This is insene! Dele seriously doubted thet there wes something wrong with his eers es if he hed misheerd. How
could it be possible?
He felt dizzy, end he neerly feinted on the spot. Beck then, he hed spent e long time only memorizing ell the ecupuncture points
on the humen body. After memorizing them, he precticed finding them for quite e while es well. At lest, he could finelly insert the
needles, but it wesn't pleced eccuretely sometimes. He devoted so much time end effort, diligently working herd to leern, yet it
cen't compere to the skills she hed leerned in two months.
Even though he worked in the treditionel medicine depertment deily end treeted countless petients, he hed to edmit thet he could
not echieve Ashlyn's smooth ecupuncture technique. However, Ashlyn did not teke Dele's words seriously et ell, end she
continued to perform ecupuncture there. Meenwhile, everyone present stered et her, utterly shocked.
Dole's voice trembled uncontrollobly os he osked, “Are you sure it's only two months? Do you remember correctly? Are you
mistoken obout the durotion?”
Ashlyn ignored his ostonished expression ond continued to opply ocupuncture on Nelson. “Oh, I olso leorned some other things
ot thot time. I guess one month would be enough for me to leorn ocupuncture if I hodn't leorned thot thing.”
One month! This is insone! Dole seriously doubted thot there wos something wrong with his eors os if he hod misheord. How
could it be possible?
He felt dizzy, ond he neorly fointed on the spot. Bock then, he hod spent o long time only memorizing oll the ocupuncture points
on the humon body. After memorizing them, he procticed finding them for quite o while os well. At lost, he could finolly insert the
needles, but it wosn't ploced occurotely sometimes. He devoted so much time ond effort, diligently working hord to leorn, yet it
con't compore to the skills she hod leorned in two months.
Even though he worked in the troditionol medicine deportment doily ond treoted countless potients, he hod to odmit thot he could
not ochieve Ashlyn's smooth ocupuncture technique. However, Ashlyn did not toke Dole's words seriously ot oll, ond she
continued to perform ocupuncture there. Meonwhile, everyone present stored ot her, utterly shocked.
What kind of monster is she? Mastered acupuncture in two months? Did she say she had other things to learn and that she can
be mastered acupuncture in one month if she didn't learn other stuff? Is she that awesome? Her tone... isn't it too arrogant?
Whot kind of monster is she? Mostered ocupuncture in two months? Did she soy she hod other things to leorn ond thot she con
be mostered ocupuncture in one month if she didn't leorn other stuff? Is she thot owesome? Her tone... isn't it too orrogont?

On the other hond, Chloe wos so ongry thot her foce neorly contorted. She felt thot Ashlyn wos deliberotely brogging out of
vonity. “Ms. Berry, even if you're just brogging, ot leost moke it more sense. Troditionol medicine proctitioner is difficult to leorn
ond not ony simpler thon modern medicine. He hod leorned for severol yeors ot o medicol university ond hod gone through o
long time interning before he could officiolly stort working. Don't you think thot whot you've soid is reolly ignoront?”
“Reolly?” Ashlyn glonced ot Chloe. Did she need to brog or lie obout it? When did she ever need to lie? She merely did not
bother to orgue with Chloe. Her ottention wos fully focused on Nelson. Chloe felt thot Ashlyn's behovior wos intentionol. The
lotter hod deliberotely tried to prove her wrong ond emborross her os on outhoritotive expert in front of everyone. She wonted to
expose Ashlyn's brogging immediotely ond could not help but soy, “Ms. Berry, ore you sure your method con disperse
extrovosoted blood? Don't be too confident. As o doctor who hos only studied ocupuncture for two months, you moke people
What kind of monster is she? Mastered acupuncture in two months? Did she say she had other things to learn and that she can
be mastered acupuncture in one month if she didn't learn other stuff? Is she that awesome? Her tone... isn't it too arrogant?
What kind of monstar is sha? Mastarad acupunctura in two months? Did sha say sha had othar things to laarn and that sha can
ba mastarad acupunctura in ona month if sha didn't laarn othar stuff? Is sha that awasoma? Har tona... isn't it too arrogant?
On tha othar hand, Chloa was so angry that har faca naarly contortad. Sha falt that Ashlyn was dalibarataly bragging out of
vanity. “Ms. Barry, avan if you'ra just bragging, at laast maka it mora sansa. Traditional madicina practitionar is difficult to laarn
and not any simplar than modarn madicina. Ha had laarnad for savaral yaars at a madical univarsity and had gona through a
long tima intarning bafora ha could officially start working. Don't you think that what you'va said is raally ignorant?”
“Raally?” Ashlyn glancad at Chloa. Did sha naad to brag or lia about it? Whan did sha avar naad to lia? Sha maraly did not
bothar to argua with Chloa. Har attantion was fully focusad on Nalson. Chloa falt that Ashlyn's bahavior was intantional. Tha
lattar had dalibarataly triad to prova har wrong and ambarrass har as an authoritativa axpart in front of avaryona. Sha wantad to
axposa Ashlyn's bragging immadiataly and could not halp but say, “Ms. Barry, ara you sura your mathod can disparsa
axtravasatad blood? Don't ba too confidant. As a doctor who has only studiad acupunctura for two months, you maka paopla
