Being inside Bianca was heaven and hell.
Her pussy gripped me like the tightest fist and had me almost coming before I even thrust. And when I pulled out to drive back in, all that suction made my eyes roll back, my body shudder. I knew sex with her would blow my mind. But I never imagined it to be like this. Delicious torture. Like I’d given her my goddamned soul, and I had no desire to get it back.
“Mine now.” I kept repeating those words as I drove inside her over and over. First slowly, and when she adjusted and put her heels over my ass, I sped up.
I entwined our fingers and slammed them on either side of her head and continued thrusting. Seeing her beneath me, her mouth open, eyes luminous with arousal, so reminiscent of all my tortured dreams about fucking Bianca, I needed to go deeper. So deep I’d rather drown in her beautiful eyes than wake up to any reality where she wasn’t mine.
“Mine now,” I repeated savagely. I shifted to my knees, surprising her when I tugged her whole body up with me while still embedded. Fingers gripping her sides, I lifted her and slammed her down on my cock. “No one else. No one else gets to be inside you like this.”
Her eyes flashed and her nails dug into my shoulders. She did a swivel with her hips, and I gritted my teeth against the pleasure, not wanting to come.
“You too,” she breathed. “You’re not going to be with anyone else but me.”
“I haven’t for years, Bianca.” Her eyes widened in surprise, but I was so stripped raw by that admission, I buried my nose in her throat and inhaled. Each time our bodies moved against each other, my cock swelled harder and harder.
Finally, I raised my gaze to her. She was looking at me like I could move mountains for her.
My wife.
“Fall back,” I whispered.
She shot me a sultry smile and leaned away. The shadows and light of the bedroom only emphasized the work of art that was Bianca’s body. I traced the curve of her torso with the tips of my fingers and outlined the full swell of a breast.
I yanked her back upright. “You’re so fucking beautiful, you have no idea.”
Then she did that thing with her hips again. I latched on to a nipple and she moaned so loud, I sucked harder while impaling her repeatedly on my cock. The temptation to flip her over and take her from behind was strong, but I fought against it. The first time I came inside her, I wanted to watch her face. I wanted to watch her fall apart.
But I was on the edge of exploding. I tipped us over so she was on her back again. And with the back of her knees under my elbows with my hands on either side of her, I powered inside her. Fast. Hard. Over and over. Bianca was sobbing and begging me not to stop. So I didn’t. Tenderness forgotten, I unleashed the wildness that had been fighting to break free. And the second she cried out and I felt her tight cunt ripple around my cock, I let myself go and emptied inside her.
I shuddered and groaned. I captured her lips for a brief kiss, but I was panting in such a way that I couldn’t catch my breath. I collapsed on top of her, but quickly rolled to her side. We were a tangle of limbs and bedsheets. Bianca burrowed into me and my arms came around her.
We stayed silent for a while.
“That was…” she breathed.
A side of my mouth curled up. “Yeah.”
“Oh my God, we finally did it.”
I let out a rough chuckle. “And we’re going to do it many more times.”
Bianca went up on an elbow and stared at me. “No regrets, right?”
“That’s my line,” I said. “No more pushing away. And no more running away either.”
“I wasn’t running away. I just wanted to see my family and help Divina.”
I pulled her into the circle of my arms with her head resting on my chest. “I meant when you disappeared for three months. Don’t ever do that again. Don’t ever hide from me.”
“I was tired of your hot-and-cold treatment. I wanted to move on.”
Long ago, the thought of Bianca moving on was a bitter resignation, but now it was like icy claws of fear digging into my chest. I circled the skin on her bicep. “I just…never thought I’d feel worthy of you.”
“Yet you couldn’t stand me with another man,” she finished. And as if that fired her up, she gave me a hard shove. “I’m getting pissed about that again…”
I grinned. “Angry sex is fantastic.”
“Don’t deflect. What do you mean you haven’t in years?”
My smile disappeared. “I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“Oh, no you don’t.” She extricated herself from my embrace and straddled my hips. I had to groan as my fucking cock jumped in response. She grabbed my jaw. “Tell me what you mean. You haven’t slept with anyone in years?”
I locked my jaw and tried to out-stare her, remaining silent, but her tits were distracting and it was only setting my blood on fire again. It was like once I yielded to the temptation of Bianca, my coping mechanisms crumbled.
“I find that hard to believe. Your office at the club is a revolving door of women.”
“That’s not true.”
“You always had a woman in there.”
“I was trying to discourage you from showing up at the club,” I growled. “But yeah, I told them I was trying to turn you off because you were wasting time on me, but they knew better. That’s the easiest two hundred bucks for fifteen minutes those women ever made. They didn’t have to do anything except keep their mouths shut about what was going on in that room.”
“What was going on in that room?”
“Nothing. They sat there and drank my whiskey. Some of them even tried to give me relationship advice.”
Her mouth twitched. “How long?”
I couldn’t stand the sweetness in her voice and eyes. “Since the day of the frat house.”
I could see her do a mental computation. “Four years? You were celibate for four years?”
“I,” I growled. “Couldn’t touch another woman when all I could see was your tight little body in your short skirt, your hot cunt grinding on my cock and those sinful lips on mine.”
“Our encounter in the car.”
“Yes,” I snapped. “I felt like I was cheating on you when I thought of having sex with another woman to rid myself of whatever witchcraft-hold you had on me.”
“You avoided me,” she whispered. “I thought I ruined us by coming on to you. Then all these mixed signals of one second being cold and then stalking me—”
Her eyes flashed with fury before she scrambled off the bed.
“Where are you going?” I stared at my erect cock, ready to go another round.
“Cleaning you off me,” she retorted.
Oh, hell no.
I sprang off the bed and stalked after her. She was running a towel under the faucet.
“Let me do that.”
She handed me the warm towel and I wrung out the remaining water. I crouched in front of her and wiped my cum off her.
“Why are you smiling?” she asked.
“Because cleaning you up is useless. I’m just going to dirty you up again.”
She gave a huff that was a mix of annoyance and mirth. “Caveman.”
I rose to my feet, tossed the towel in the sink, and trapped her against the counter. “Don’t hear that as real complaining, baby.”
“I just…” she whispered. “We wasted so much time.”
I sobered a bit because it was a time I didn’t want to revisit, but I felt this discussion was long overdue. “I don’t think so.”
“Easy for you to say. You’re not the one who kept on making a fool of herself.”
“Don’t say that.” I lowered my head and inched my face closer. “I didn’t want to destroy our history.”
She glanced away and fixed her stare on the right. “I don’t understand how you could stand me going out with other guys if you’ve felt that way since the frat party.” Her head dropped.
“Bianca, look at me,” I demanded.
When she finally gave me her eyes, I said, “It wasn’t easy. For the first six months, I was disgusted with myself for reacting to you that way. I struggled to wrap my mind around the idea that you were someone I could fuck and do all sorts of filthy fucked-up things with, because, baby, that night, I imagined you riding my cock. I tried to scald the image from my mind with the hottest shower of my life, but flashes of your panties and what it was covering just wouldn’t leave me at peace. I even imagined you bent over the car and fucking your c-…pussy and—”
Her brow rose. “Cunt, you can say it. You already did earlier.”
“Sunlight.” I gripped her jaw. “That’s exactly the war I’ve been waging inside me.”
Her lips rolled in an attempt to hide a smile. “Like you can’t decide whether to respect me or degrade me?”
“You know we girls discuss this.” She cupped my hand at her jaw. “Treat me like a whore in bed and treat me like a wife outside of it.”
“Never call yourself a whore,” I muttered.
“Sandro, you’re still not separating the young girl you cared about and the woman who’s your wife,” I chided. “You just railed me against the headboard, and I swear I could feel your cock in my throat.” She smirked while my dick jumped happily, eager for another round. “Now you’re backtracking again.”
I was. I released her jaw and held up my hands. “I’m still getting used to it, all right? These hands of mine—”
“Are steeped in blood.” She grabbed my hands and held them against her heart. “You’ve told me that so many times. I have always accepted that part of your life, and every time you bring it up, it sounds like an excuse. A broken record. And this made-guy stuff? I’m all in. And what you told me about Carmelo? I don’t care. It doesn’t factor in how I feel about you. What remains and what I can’t understand is how you can be so stalkerish and possessive and let me sleep with someone else?”
Rage shot up my head so fast, I twisted away from her and slammed my left fist into the tiles.
The tiles cracked.
“Ian Peterson. Dustin Lawrence,” I rasped. “Those are the men you slept with.”
I turned to face her.
She tried to grab my left hand, but I held it away. “Leave it.” It didn’t throb as much as the ugly jealousy pounding in my head and chest. The eye twitch that always accompanied the raging thoughts of another man fucking Bianca. “Even when you were away at Harvard, I knew. You dated them long enough for a semester but then broke up with them afterward. And the ones you fooled around with when you were in Manhattan like that Ethan guy…”
“You stalked and confronted us,” she said dryly.
“I tried to keep away. I told myself I deserved to suffer for the years you were jealous too.” I let out a derisive laugh. “But it was useless. You can ask Sticks how many times they had to replace or repair the drywall in the office at the club. I couldn’t help scaring your boyfriends away, even when I knew that was wrong and selfish. I kept telling myself they can’t protect you the way your family can.”
“Why did you fight it so much?” she said in a low raspy whisper I almost couldn’t hear.
“I’m nine years older than you, Bianca. And you know about my fucked-up origins. You deserved to experience college and the love you’ll never get from me.”
“And what kind of love is that?”
“The one that doesn’t live in shadows and death.” I swallowed. Because I was the grim reaper to some and Carmelo’s blood flowed inside me, but I’ve come to terms with these things now. “I wanted to wait until you were old enough to make up your mind. That being with me wasn’t a leftover adolescent crush or obsession. I feel ancient compared to you.” All the evil I’d seen. All the times I’d numb myself to feel mercy and sunk into a black, black hole. Bianca always brought me back to the light. I wondered if that was why I nurtured our friendship. She was that one pure thing. I finally tainted her, but I no longer felt guilt.
I was smug as fuck.
“And now?”
I gave her a feral smile. “And now I’m going to erase every man who came before me.”
I scooped her up and fucked her against the wall.