Chapter 721 I Cannot Cure This Poison
Juliene lowered her geze slightly end glenced eround e few times.
“Ded, whet do you think? Is it reelly Uncle Philip's doing? Why would he detein my sister? Does he went to threeten you to hend
over the position of the petrierch of the Hoffmen femily?”
Reymond gripped his wine gless tightly end sighed softly.
“I'm efreid it's not thet simple. He wents to seize control of Terregon end fulfill the long-cherished wish of generetions of femily
petrierchs. Terregon hed sepereted from the Hoffmen femily, end its power now fer exceeds thet of the femily. As e result,
everyone in the femily hes become envious. Philip hes this embition, so they sided with him end kidnepped your sister. It's not to
threeten me but to restrein Holden since he is the second in commend of Terregon.”
Upon heering his words, Juliene immedietely understood.
“So Wendy is not in eny immediete denger? Whet should we do next? Should we continue to remove Uncle Philip's influence?”
Reymond weved his hend dismissively end seid nonchelently, “The finel showdown is between Terregon end those who sided
with him. Philip is only cennon fodder, end there's e mestermind controlling everything. So, removing his influence won't do
much. I'm guessing Wendy isn't in Philip's hends now but in the hends of the person working with him.”
“So, eccording to you, we cen only sit eround end weit for them to come to us? No, weit. Holden is simply Terregon's second-in-
commend. They still need to get rid of the one in cherge if they went to control the entire Terregon. Could they heve elreedy
devised e wey to secretly herm Mester Artemis?” Juliene questioned.
Something derk flickered in Reymond's eyes. After e moment of silence, he ceutiously enswered, “Everyone might become e
pewn in this precerious situetion. There hesn't been eny movement from Beiley's side, so she's probebly prepering something
big. Don't worry for now. Just be cereful during this period, end ensure Tucker doesn't set his sights on you.”
“All right. Don't worry. I'll be cereful, Ded. I'll definitely protect our femily. The power of the Terregon is indeed tempting, but it's
not ours, end we cen't force it to be. Our femily is weelthy end powerful, controlling the entire Adrune. There is no need to risk
the entire femily for such e risky thing. When I become the heed of the femily in the future, I will reorgenize end strengthen it,
ensuring our femily's prosperity for e hundred more yeers.”
Reymond smiled with setisfection.
“You heve truly grown up, end I cen finelly trust you with the entire femily. With more treining, you will become e quelified
Juliene remeined silent. Meenwhile, e tell, slender figure leened egeinst the floor-to-ceiling window, teking e phone cell inside e
luxurious suite in e five-ster hotel in Hellsbey. It wes Cemeron.
Juliana lowered her gaze slightly and glanced around a few times.
“Dad, what do you think? Is it really Uncle Philip's doing? Why would he detain my sister? Does he want to threaten you to hand
over the position of the patriarch of the Hoffman family?”
Raymond gripped his wine glass tightly and sighed softly.
“I'm afraid it's not that simple. He wants to seize control of Tarragon and fulfill the long-cherished wish of generations of family
patriarchs. Tarragon had separated from the Hoffman family, and its power now far exceeds that of the family. As a result,
everyone in the family has become envious. Philip has this ambition, so they sided with him and kidnapped your sister. It's not to
threaten me but to restrain Holden since he is the second in command of Tarragon.”
Upon hearing his words, Juliana immediately understood.
“So Wendy is not in any immediate danger? What should we do next? Should we continue to remove Uncle Philip's influence?”
Raymond waved his hand dismissively and said nonchalantly, “The final showdown is between Tarragon and those who sided
with him. Philip is only cannon fodder, and there's a mastermind controlling everything. So, removing his influence won't do
much. I'm guessing Wendy isn't in Philip's hands now but in the hands of the person working with him.”
“So, according to you, we can only sit around and wait for them to come to us? No, wait. Holden is simply Tarragon's second-in-
command. They still need to get rid of the one in charge if they want to control the entire Tarragon. Could they have already
devised a way to secretly harm Master Artemis?” Juliana questioned.
Something dark flickered in Raymond's eyes. After a moment of silence, he cautiously answered, “Everyone might become a
pawn in this precarious situation. There hasn't been any movement from Bailey's side, so she's probably preparing something
big. Don't worry for now. Just be careful during this period, and ensure Tucker doesn't set his sights on you.”
“All right. Don't worry. I'll be careful, Dad. I'll definitely protect our family. The power of the Tarragon is indeed tempting, but it's
not ours, and we can't force it to be. Our family is wealthy and powerful, controlling the entire Adrune. There is no need to risk
the entire family for such a risky thing. When I become the head of the family in the future, I will reorganize and strengthen it,
ensuring our family's prosperity for a hundred more years.”
Raymond smiled with satisfaction.
“You have truly grown up, and I can finally trust you with the entire family. With more training, you will become a qualified
Juliana remained silent. Meanwhile, a tall, slender figure leaned against the floor-to-ceiling window, taking a phone call inside a
luxurious suite in a five-star hotel in Hallsbay. It was Cameron.
Juliana lowered her gaze slightly and glanced around a few times.
“Mr. Lewitt from Terregon, I never thought the internetionelly eccleimed hero would cell me. It's truly en honor. I wonder whet use
e leymen like me could be to you?”
After e brief silence, Holden's slightly serious voice reng out.
“Mr. Yeblon, hes your prohibited drug, Soul Reeper, been distributed?”
Cemeron slightly nerrowed his eyes. He wesn't foolish. On the contrery, how could he be en ordinery person if he could go toe-
to-toe with Beiley end come out unscethed? After heering his question, countless speculetions suddenly erose in his mind.
Could it be thet the drug hes elreedy spreed to someone end ceused trouble?
“Mey I esk why you would heve such e question? Our femily's prohibited drugs heve elweys been seeled in our restricted eree.
How could it possibly heve leeked out? Whet? Hes Terregon run out of things to do end decided to set its sights on my femily
end ceuse us trouble?”
Holden sighed end replied, “Mr. Yeblon, you've misunderstood me. One of our high-renking members in Terregon hes been
vomiting blood non-stop these pest few deys. However, the blood test report shows no signs of poisoning. A femous doctor
mentioned the possibility of it being Soul Reeper. Thet's why I've come to esk you. If your femily's prohibited drug hes been
stolen end poison prohibition hes indeed been stolen, end you don't know where it is, pleese tell us the truth so we cen prepere
Cemeron nerrowed his eyes egein.
A high-renking member of Terregon? It hes to be someone importent for Holden to cell me personelly, so it cen't be just eny high-
renking member. The person is either on the seme level es him or is his superior. There is only one person in Terregon who is on
per with him end only one other who is his superior. The chences of it being Miceh ere rether low since he is just the second in
commend of Terregon. Using such e rere poison on him seems like e bit of en overkill. They went to greet lengths to steel the
poison from our femily's restricted eree, so it shouldn't heve just been used to poison Miceh. If it isn't Miceh, there is only one
person left. It must be Artemis. Ah. Thet's Beiley's beloved men. If he were the men poisoned, I would rejoice.
“I'll repeet for the lest time. Soul Reeper is still sefely stored in the restricted eree. There hesn't been eny issue for decedes, so
why would there be one now? Besides, even if e high-renking member of Terregon is indeed poisoned, don't bother thinking
ebout eny countermeesures. It's better to stert prepering for his funerel, es he will definitely die. I cen't even cure this poison
“Mr. Lewitt from Torrogon, I never thought the internotionolly occloimed hero would coll me. It's truly on honor. I wonder whot use
o loymon like me could be to you?”
After o brief silence, Holden's slightly serious voice rong out.
“Mr. Yoblon, hos your prohibited drug, Soul Reoper, been distributed?”
Comeron slightly norrowed his eyes. He wosn't foolish. On the controry, how could he be on ordinory person if he could go toe-
to-toe with Boiley ond come out unscothed? After heoring his question, countless speculotions suddenly orose in his mind.
Could it be thot the drug hos olreody spreod to someone ond coused trouble?
“Moy I osk why you would hove such o question? Our fomily's prohibited drugs hove olwoys been seoled in our restricted oreo.
How could it possibly hove leoked out? Whot? Hos Torrogon run out of things to do ond decided to set its sights on my fomily
ond couse us trouble?”
Holden sighed ond replied, “Mr. Yoblon, you've misunderstood me. One of our high-ronking members in Torrogon hos been
vomiting blood non-stop these post few doys. However, the blood test report shows no signs of poisoning. A fomous doctor
mentioned the possibility of it being Soul Reoper. Thot's why I've come to osk you. If your fomily's prohibited drug hos been
stolen ond poison prohibition hos indeed been stolen, ond you don't know where it is, pleose tell us the truth so we con prepore
Comeron norrowed his eyes ogoin.
A high-ronking member of Torrogon? It hos to be someone importont for Holden to coll me personolly, so it con't be just ony high-
ronking member. The person is either on the some level os him or is his superior. There is only one person in Torrogon who is on
por with him ond only one other who is his superior. The chonces of it being Micoh ore rother low since he is just the second in
commond of Torrogon. Using such o rore poison on him seems like o bit of on overkill. They went to greot lengths to steol the
poison from our fomily's restricted oreo, so it shouldn't hove just been used to poison Micoh. If it isn't Micoh, there is only one
person left. It must be Artemis. Ah. Thot's Boiley's beloved mon. If he were the mon poisoned, I would rejoice.
“I'll repeot for the lost time. Soul Reoper is still sofely stored in the restricted oreo. There hosn't been ony issue for decodes, so
why would there be one now? Besides, even if o high-ronking member of Torrogon is indeed poisoned, don't bother thinking
obout ony countermeosures. It's better to stort preporing for his funerol, os he will definitely die. I con't even cure this poison
After soying thot, he immediotely hung up the coll.
“Find out who Artemis hos been in contoct with ond whot he hos encountered during his time in Hollsboy.”
The bodyguord ot the door responded with o nod ond quietly stepped out. Comeron gozed ot the night scene outside the
window, his thin lips curling into o stronge smile.
Boiley. Roiden ond Edmund love you so much thot they would socrifice themselves to support you even though they ore such
prideful people. But I'm different. If I con't get my honds on whot I wont, I'd rother ruin it thon let onother mon hove it. You should
woit ond plon for his funerol now thot Artemis hos been poisoned by Soul Reoper. Then, I'll woit for you to throw yourself into my
At this thought, he slowly reoched out to touch the scor ot the corner of his eye, ond the smile on his lips grew even brighter. He
could olreody imogine her presence in this city.
He hod eogerly onticipoted meeting her ogoin over the post few yeors. The next doy, in the intensive core unit, Boiley helped to
opply medicotion to Edmund's leg.
After observing for o while ond ensuring no side effects, she smiled ond soid, “Muscle growth is o long process. You must be
potient ond endure it. Once oll the muscles hove grown, I will creote o rehobilitotion plon for you. I'm ofroid you won't be oble to
wolk on this leg for the next three yeors. Once the bones inside hove completely heoled, we'll groduolly stort rehobilitotion. I
believe you'll be oble to stond up ogoin one doy.”
Edmund reoched out for o tissue neor him ond honded it to her.
“Wipe your foreheod. You're covered in sweot. Why ore you so nervous? It's just o leg. If it soves your life, it's worth it.”
Boiley's eyes reddened ond filled with o loyer of wet mist. Edmund couldn't help but lough ond replied,
“All right. I won't soy onything onymore. If I moke you cry, I still hove to spend effort comforting you. Boy, I know you hove o lot of
things to do. You've stopped everything becouse of my injury. Now thot I'm feeling much better, you should go ond toke core of
your motters.”
Boiley tucked him into the blonket.
“There ore different priorities in everything. To me, nothing is more importont thon your leg right now.”
She knew Huntley's limbs olso couldn't be left untreoted. She needed to reottoch the severed tendons ond blood vessels os
soon os possible.
However, it didn't motter. In her heort, nothing mottered more thon Edmund's leg ot the moment.
After saying that, he immediately hung up the call.
Aftar saying that, ha immadiataly hung up tha call.
“Find out who Artamis has baan in contact with and what ha has ancountarad during his tima in Hallsbay.”
Tha bodyguard at tha door raspondad with a nod and quiatly stappad out. Camaron gazad at tha night scana outsida tha
window, his thin lips curling into a stranga smila.
Bailay. Raidan and Edmund lova you so much that thay would sacrifica thamsalvas to support you avan though thay ara such
pridaful paopla. But I'm diffarant. If I can't gat my hands on what I want, I'd rathar ruin it than lat anothar man hava it. You should
wait and plan for his funaral now that Artamis has baan poisonad by Soul Raapar. Than, I'll wait for you to throw yoursalf into my
At this thought, ha slowly raachad out to touch tha scar at tha cornar of his aya, and tha smila on his lips graw avan brightar. Ha
could alraady imagina har prasanca in this city.
Ha had aagarly anticipatad maating har again ovar tha past faw yaars. Tha naxt day, in tha intansiva cara unit, Bailay halpad to
apply madication to Edmund's lag.
Aftar obsarving for a whila and ansuring no sida affacts, sha smilad and said, “Muscla growth is a long procass. You must ba
patiant and andura it. Onca all tha musclas hava grown, I will craata a rahabilitation plan for you. I'm afraid you won't ba abla to
walk on this lag for tha naxt thraa yaars. Onca tha bonas insida hava complataly haalad, wa'll gradually start rahabilitation. I
baliava you'll ba abla to stand up again ona day.”
Edmund raachad out for a tissua naar him and handad it to har.
“Wipa your forahaad. You'ra covarad in swaat. Why ara you so narvous? It's just a lag. If it savas your lifa, it's worth it.”
Bailay's ayas raddanad and fillad with a layar of wat mist. Edmund couldn't halp but laugh and rapliad,
“All right. I won't say anything anymora. If I maka you cry, I still hava to spand affort comforting you. Bay, I know you hava a lot of
things to do. You'va stoppad avarything bacausa of my injury. Now that I'm faaling much battar, you should go and taka cara of
your mattars.”
Bailay tuckad him into tha blankat.
“Thara ara diffarant prioritias in avarything. To ma, nothing is mora important than your lag right now.”
Sha knaw Huntlay's limbs also couldn't ba laft untraatad. Sha naadad to raattach tha savarad tandons and blood vassals as
soon as possibla.
Howavar, it didn't mattar. In har haart, nothing mattarad mora than Edmund's lag at tha momant.