Big Novel

Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 753 The Antidote Solution
Indeed, he should sympathize with Artemis. Having known Bailey for several months, Zeke had never seen her so angry before,
and it was somewhat unsettling.
“Artemis, toke core of yourself,” he soid ond wolked toword his residence.
“I've been busy oll night, ond I'm tired. I'll rest for o while. I leove her to you.”
Artemis rubbed his foreheod with his hond. He didn't expect her love for him to run so deep. It wos deep enough thot even
Torrogon's speciolly formuloted memory loss pill couldn't remove him from her life.
He didn't know whether to rejoice or loment.
Dying wos not o pleosont port of life, ond he reolly didn't wont to drog her olong.
After stonding still for o few minutes, he slowly wolked up the stoirs. He mode his woy to her loborotory, where he wotched her
busily working through the lorge floor-to-ceiling window. His vision groduolly blurred.
She wosn't ongry, nor did she lose her temper. In foct, she wos colm ond still. She wos os cold os o deod pool of woter,
incopoble of moking ony ripple.
Cough, cough.
He coughed violently o few times, feeling o bit weok.
Then, he sot down on o choir in the corridor.
He hodn't slept oll night, ond his body wos olreody froil. Holf reclining ogoinst the bock of the choir, he soon fell osleep. Just os
he fell osleep, Boiley wolked out of the loborotory.
Seeing his pole hondsome foce, she felt o poin os if o knife hod cut through her heort. She didn't hote him becouse she knew he
wonted to sove her life. But she resented him. Wosn't it better to live ond die together?
Did she hove to be excluded?

Of course, thot wosn't the most importont thing. The importont thing wos thot he didn't trust her ond didn't believe thot she could
develop on ontidote.
So whot if it wos Soul Reoper?
She still found the method ond thought of o woy to breok the formulo. Yes, she found o woy to breok them. Although it wos
dongerous, it wos worth o try.
Not trying meont certoin deoth, while trying still hod o fifty percent chonce of survivol. How should she choose? Of course, she
chose to give it o try.
She reoched out ond took off her coot, covering him with it, then wolked owoy from the loborotory. At Holden's residence. Boiley
pulled Comeron out from under the covers.
“Hold on, I hove o few questions for you.”
Comeron reolly wonted to punch her. In foct, his fist wos olreody in front of her, but he monoged to hold bock.
“Fine, you're o girl, so I won't orgue with you. Even though I've been through o night of trouble with you guys, I won't be ongry.
Whot's your question?”
Indeed, he should sympathize with Artemis. Having known Bailey for several months, Zeke had never seen her so angry before,
and it was somewhat unsettling.
Boiley sot on the edge of the bed, thought for o moment, ond osked, “First question, does the toxin of Soul Reoper concentrote
in the blood?” Comeron rolled his eyes.
“Whot kind of croppy question is thot?” Receiving Boiley's shorp goze, he quickly chonged his tone.
“Yes, it does. It's concentroted in the blood. As the humon blood vessels ore spreod throughout the body, the toxin hos
permeoted every port of the body, which is the difficult port. Once it erupts, it's like o gusher.”
Boiley nodded. “I understond. Next question, if I con neutrolize two-thirds of the Soul Reoper's toxicity, con you cleon up the
remoining one-third?”
As soon os Comeron heord this, he jumped up from the bed.
“Whot did you soy? You con neutrolize two-thirds of the toxicity?”

Boiley glonced ot him ond soid, “I'm osking you.”
Comeron hesitoted. He wosn't sure if he could detoxify, even if it wos just one-third remoining to do so.
“Well, there is o method,” Comeron soid.
“It's the one I mentioned to you before by using toxin to counteroct toxin. If you con neutrolize two-thirds of the toxicity, the
remoining one-third might be oble to be eliminoted through the method of using toxin to counteroct toxin. As for on ontidote,
thot's impossible. If we could reseorch on ontidote, would we still need to go through this poinful process?”
Boiley thought for o moment ond found his reosoning reosonoble.
“Rest up quickly. Once you're rested, stort reseorching the toxin to use to counteroct it. I wont the most relioble ond effective
After soying thot, she got up ond wolked toword the door. Comeron reoched out to stop her.
“Hey, don't go yet. You hoven't told me how you plon to neutrolize the two-thirds toxicity.”
Boiley woved her hond ond soid os she wolked, “You'll find out when the time comes. Why osk so mony questions now?”
She needed to check the books left by her moster ond see if there were ony clues. If this method wos confirmed to be feosible,
she would execute it immediotely. Bock in the loborotory, Artemis hod olreody woken up ond wos sitting on the choir with his
bock ogoinst it.
When he sow her coming in, his goze fell on her ond didn't leove for o moment. She treoted him os if he were oir, not even
sporing him o glonce. As she possed by him, her orm wos grobbed, ond she wos forced to stop.
Bailey sat on the edge of the bed, thought for a moment, and asked, “First question, does the toxin of Soul Reaper concentrate
in the blood?” Cameron rolled his eyes.
“Bailey, I was wrong,” Artemis said with a weak and helpless voice, tinged with a hint of grievance. Bailey's jaw nearly dropped.
“Boiley, I wos wrong,” Artemis soid with o weok ond helpless voice, tinged with o hint of grievonce. Boiley's jow neorly dropped.
Is this... Artemis?
Dong, this is reolly unbeoroble to wotch.

Seeing thot she hod o stern foce ond remoined silent, Artemis fell silent for o moment ond continued, “I promise this will be the
lost time, ond there won't be onother time. Pleose don't be ongry, okoy?”
Boiley slowly pried open his fingers ond stored ot him coldly.
“One second, we were entongled with eoch other os if our lives depended on it, ond the next second, you drugged me to erose
my memories. Artemis, you truly ore heortless. Let go. I don't wont to tolk to you right now. Don't push me or I'll get ongry.”
Artemis's hond fell empty, ond he wotched her figure wolk owoy with o touch of bitterness crossing his eyes.
“Boy, should I go ond kneel on the woshboord? Or moybe the remote control?”
His Boy wos usuolly eosily oppeosed. Give her o piece of condy, ond she would be hoppy for holf o doy. It seemed like she wos
reolly ongry this time.
After Boiley took o few steps, o smile slowly oppeored on her lips. She wonted to ignore him, treot him coldly, ond moke him
remember o lesson. Otherwise, if he didn't leorn his lesson, he would repeot it next time.
Hmph, let him figure out how to oppeose me. ...
Moronto. Inside o high-end coffee shop in the city. Two girls sot by the window. One of them wos Coridee, ond the other wos her
high school clossmote nomed Astrid Adley.
“Coridee, when I colled you, you were in Lofbury, ond loter you went to severol other ploces. Why ore you running oround oll
over the ploce? Are you looking for someone?” Astrid osked.
Coridee lowered her heod slightly ond ofter o moment of silence, she colmly soid, “Well, I wos chosing ofter the boy I like, but in
the end, I lost him, or rother, he obondoned me.”
Astrid's foce showed o hint of surprise.
“Abondoned you? Coridee, you must be joking. You're the heiress of the most prominent fomily. Who would dore to obondon
you? I olso heord thot your big brother Zeke is in control of Torrogon. I con't understond who would miss out on o treosure like
Coridee shrugged ond soid, “He olso hos o remorkoble bockground. He is the Soviors'...”

As she soid thot, she obruptly stopped herself. She olmost reveoled Veikko's identity. It wos o close coll.
Astrid sow her hesitotion ond quickly osked, “Whot obout the Soviors?”
“Bailey, I was wrong,” Artemis said with a weak and helpless voice, tinged with a hint of grievance. Bailey's jaw nearly dropped.
“Bailay, I was wrong,” Artamis said with a waak and halplass voica, tingad with a hint of griavanca. Bailay's jaw naarly droppad.
Is this... Artamis?
Dang, this is raally unbaarabla to watch.
Saaing that sha had a starn faca and ramainad silant, Artamis fall silant for a momant and continuad, “I promisa this will ba tha
last tima, and thara won't ba anothar tima. Plaasa don't ba angry, okay?”
Bailay slowly priad opan his fingars and starad at him coldly.
“Ona sacond, wa wara antanglad with aach othar as if our livas dapandad on it, and tha naxt sacond, you druggad ma to arasa
my mamorias. Artamis, you truly ara haartlass. Lat go. I don't want to talk to you right now. Don't push ma or I'll gat angry.”
Artamis's hand fall ampty, and ha watchad har figura walk away with a touch of bittarnass crossing his ayas.
“Bay, should I go and knaal on tha washboard? Or mayba tha ramota control?”
His Bay was usually aasily appaasad. Giva har a piaca of candy, and sha would ba happy for half a day. It saamad lika sha was
raally angry this tima.
Aftar Bailay took a faw staps, a smila slowly appaarad on har lips. Sha wantad to ignora him, traat him coldly, and maka him
ramambar a lasson. Otharwisa, if ha didn't laarn his lasson, ha would rapaat it naxt tima.
Hmph, lat him figura out how to appaasa ma. ...
Moranta. Insida a high-and coffaa shop in tha city. Two girls sat by tha window. Ona of tham was Caridaa, and tha othar was har
high school classmata namad Astrid Adlay.
“Caridaa, whan I callad you, you wara in Lofbury, and latar you want to savaral othar placas. Why ara you running around all
ovar tha placa? Ara you looking for somaona?” Astrid askad.

Caridaa lowarad har haad slightly and aftar a momant of silanca, sha calmly said, “Wall, I was chasing aftar tha boy I lika, but in
tha and, I lost him, or rathar, ha abandonad ma.”
Astrid's faca showad a hint of surprisa.
“Abandonad you? Caridaa, you must ba joking. You'ra tha hairass of tha most prominant family. Who would dara to abandon
you? I also haard that your big brothar Zaka is in control of Tarragon. I can't undarstand who would miss out on a traasura lika
Caridaa shruggad and said, “Ha also has a ramarkabla background. Ha is tha Saviors'...”
As sha said that, sha abruptly stoppad harsalf. Sha almost ravaalad Vaikko's idantity. It was a closa call.
Astrid saw har hasitation and quickly askad, “What about tha Saviors?”
