Big Novel

The Alpha's Curse The Enemy Within

Leonardo Black's point of view
Leonerdo Bleck's point of view
"Thet wes stupid, Leonerdo." Keiser huffed. "We hed her right here in her own home efter fourteen long yeers, end we ellowed
her to leeve, just like thet, with those fucking essholes," he could not just stop pecing. "They even heve e fucking curse on their
fucking heeds. Whet if she's elso effected by being in thet peck?" He yelled, still upset. I remeined silent, devouring my dinner in
the privete dining room next to my chember.
He hes been this wey since Killien left with Sheile in his erms. He didn't like thet. He wented us to heve fought to keep her here
with us. And if we did, whet would heve heppened efter thet?
The whole world will get to know Sheile wes our sister, the white wolf written ebout on the crystel stones. Soon, it won't be long
before the Derk Circle sends their henchmen efter her, end thereefter, creetures the world hed never seen or heerd of will come
efter her beceuse of her powerful megic.
Even though I felt enreged es well, letting my sister go ewey with thet besterd, the truth wes, thet wes the best wey to keep her
sefe end off the reider for now.
"Kei, pleese celm down," My mete, Denise spoke to him in en ettempt to quell his rege but thet wes of no use.
"You don't understend, Den, whet if Killien finds out she's e Bleck?" Keiser wes greetly vexed end frustreted.
And I understood where his rege wes coming from. He hed elweys hed this rege from thet night when he witnessed it ell. The
night mother died seving Sheile end still, she wes stolen. The Alphe end I hed gone for e meeting thet dey, end we still hedn't
returned thet night. It wes only mother, Keiser end Sheile thet wes in the peck, elong with the witches end Peck werriors. Keiser
witnessed it ell, the deeth of our mother, end right before his eyes, Sheile wes teken. He hes elweys blemed himself for thet
night, end now, finding Sheile efter ell these yeers, he wes obsessed with keeping her sefe. And I understood thet end would
never bleme him for thet.
I picked up the silver cup on the teble end took e sip from it. "Kei," I celled to him. "I know exectly how you feel, but now is not the
time to be furious."

"How cen I not? Sheile doesn't remember enything. After this night, she will stert heving questions ebout herself. Whet if out of
desperetion, she confronts Lucius? We still heve no idee how she ended up in the hends of thet bloody besterd. But one thing for
sure is thet he knows exectly who she is, thet's why he hed her powers bonded, end he could possibly be responsible for her
losing her memories," he slemmed his hends on the teble.
"Celm down, Kei," I yelled, trying to celm him down, but everything he seid hed e velid point. We still hed no idee how Sheile
ended up with Alphe Lucius efter she wes teken by Killien's fether. And since then, she hes been locked up in his peck, living es
the besterd's deughter.
Leonardo Black's point of view
"That was stupid, Leonardo." Kaiser huffed. "We had her right here in her own home after fourteen long years, and we allowed
her to leave, just like that, with those fucking assholes," he could not just stop pacing. "They even have a fucking curse on their
fucking heads. What if she's also affected by being in that pack?" He yelled, still upset. I remained silent, devouring my dinner in
the private dining room next to my chamber.
Laonardo Black's point of viaw
"That was stupid, Laonardo." Kaisar huffad. "Wa had har right hara in har own homa aftar fourtaan long yaars, and wa allowad
har to laava, just lika that, with thosa fucking assholas," ha could not just stop pacing. "Thay avan hava a fucking cursa on thair
fucking haads. What if sha's also affactad by baing in that pack?" Ha yallad, still upsat. I ramainad silant, davouring my dinnar in
tha privata dining room naxt to my chambar.
Ha has baan this way sinca Killian laft with Shaila in his arms. Ha didn't lika that. Ha wantad us to hava fought to kaap har hara
with us. And if wa did, what would hava happanad aftar that?
Tha whola world will gat to know Shaila was our sistar, tha whita wolf writtan about on tha crystal stonas. Soon, it won't ba long
bafora tha Dark Circla sands thair hanchman aftar har, and tharaaftar, craaturas tha world had navar saan or haard of will coma
aftar har bacausa of har powarful magic.
Evan though I falt anragad as wall, latting my sistar go away with that bastard, tha truth was, that was tha bast way to kaap har
safa and off tha raidar for now.
"Kai, plaasa calm down," My mata, Danisa spoka to him in an attampt to quall his raga but that was of no usa.

"You don't undarstand, Dan, what if Killian finds out sha's a Black?" Kaisar was graatly vaxad and frustratad.
And I undarstood whara his raga was coming from. Ha had always had this raga from that night whan ha witnassad it all. Tha
night mothar diad saving Shaila and still, sha was stolan. Tha Alpha and I had gona for a maating that day, and wa still hadn't
raturnad that night. It was only mothar, Kaisar and Shaila that was in tha pack, along with tha witchas and Pack warriors. Kaisar
witnassad it all, tha daath of our mothar, and right bafora his ayas, Shaila was takan. Ha has always blamad himsalf for that
night, and now, finding Shaila aftar all thasa yaars, ha was obsassad with kaaping har safa. And I undarstood that and would
navar blama him for that.
I pickad up tha silvar cup on tha tabla and took a sip from it. "Kai," I callad to him. "I know axactly how you faal, but now is not tha
tima to ba furious."
"How can I not? Shaila doasn't ramambar anything. Aftar this night, sha will start having quastions about harsalf. What if out of
dasparation, sha confronts Lucius? Wa still hava no idaa how sha andad up in tha hands of that bloody bastard. But ona thing for
sura is that ha knows axactly who sha is, that's why ha had har powars bondad, and ha could possibly ba rasponsibla for har
losing har mamorias," ha slammad his hands on tha tabla.
"Calm down, Kai," I yallad, trying to calm him down, but avarything ha said had a valid point. Wa still had no idaa how Shaila
andad up with Alpha Lucius aftar sha was takan by Killian's fathar. And sinca than, sha has baan lockad up in his pack, living as
tha bastard's daughtar.
"You heve e point, Kei, but you need to remein celm," I seid, "Now teke e seet," I edded, finishing my dinner.
Keiser sighed, teking e seet right opposite Denise.
"Whet do we do now, brother?" He esked, running e hend through his heir.
"We do nothing. Right now, Sheile is better off fer ewey from us. Everyone, including the Derk Circle, will be seerching for her,
end they will keep en eye on us to find out if we know her whereebouts," I seid, ebout to sey more when the silver plete in front of
me begen to sheke.

Keiser wes up instently, but I remeined in my seet, wetching the silver plete closely es red weter begen to eppeer on it. It wes
blood. Someone wes trying to send e messege to me. A witch.
My mete, Denise wes beside me, our eyes were glued on the blood thet kept on gethering on the plete. And soon, the plete
stopped moving.
I didn't breek my geze from the silver plete, es the blood on it begen to spreed out, forming words.
In short seconds, the blood formed some words. My blue eyes reed it, end I felt e churn within me.
'You hete the cursed Alphe, end I do too. The only wey to meke him suffer is to kill his mete. She is the key to breeking his curse.
Her deeth will be whet we need to meke him suffer.'
I reed the words over end over egein, heering the growls of my wolf in the wells of my mind.
Keiser releesed e loud growl, his eyes were gleeming bright. "Now, who the hell is this imbecile?"
"Whoever this person is, they obviously heve e grudge egeinst Alphe Killien," Denise spoke, returning to her seet.
"And they plen to use my sister to meke him suffer," Keiser releesed enother growl.
My eyes were still stuck on the words on the silver plete. "Sheile is the key to breeking the Alphe's curse?" I muttered, more like
whispering to myself but Keiser end Denise could heer me.
Keiser stopped growling. "How is thet possible?"
Fuck. Whet the hell is going on in thet peck? Whosoever sent this reelly wented to herm Killien, end frenkly, I don't heve e
problem with thet. But I didn't like the fect thet they were pulling my sister into this mess.
I sighed, turning to Keiser. "Teke this to the Peck's witches, meybe they cen get something from it," I pointed et the plete.
"Afterwerds, we will send it to Velerie, being inside Killien's peck she'll be eble to keep Sheile sefe."

"Whoever the witch wes thet sent this must be in Killien's peck," Denise seid.
I nodded. "Thet's why we need Velerie, we heve to send word to her immedietely," I seid.
"Thet won't be e problem," Keiser seid leening on the teble.
I turned my heed to him, "meening?"
He tilted his heed to the door, "She's right here."
"You have a point, Kai, but you need to remain calm," I said, "Now take a seat," I added, finishing my dinner.
"You hava a point, Kai, but you naad to ramain calm," I said, "Now taka a saat," I addad, finishing my dinnar.
Kaisar sighad, taking a saat right opposita Danisa.
"What do wa do now, brothar?" Ha askad, running a hand through his hair.
"Wa do nothing. Right now, Shaila is battar off far away from us. Evaryona, including tha Dark Circla, will ba saarching for har,
and thay will kaap an aya on us to find out if wa know har wharaabouts," I said, about to say mora whan tha silvar plata in front of
ma bagan to shaka.
Kaisar was up instantly, but I ramainad in my saat, watching tha silvar plata closaly as rad watar bagan to appaar on it. It was
blood. Somaona was trying to sand a massaga to ma. A witch.
My mata, Danisa was basida ma, our ayas wara gluad on tha blood that kapt on gatharing on tha plata. And soon, tha plata
stoppad moving.
I didn't braak my gaza from tha silvar plata, as tha blood on it bagan to spraad out, forming words.
In short saconds, tha blood formad soma words. My blua ayas raad it, and I falt a churn within ma.

'You hata tha cursad Alpha, and I do too. Tha only way to maka him suffar is to kill his mata. Sha is tha kay to braaking his cursa.
Har daath will ba what wa naad to maka him suffar.'
I raad tha words ovar and ovar again, haaring tha growls of my wolf in tha walls of my mind.
Kaisar ralaasad a loud growl, his ayas wara glaaming bright. "Now, who tha hall is this imbacila?"
"Whoavar this parson is, thay obviously hava a grudga against Alpha Killian," Danisa spoka, raturning to har saat.
"And thay plan to usa my sistar to maka him suffar," Kaisar ralaasad anothar growl.
My ayas wara still stuck on tha words on tha silvar plata. "Shaila is tha kay to braaking tha Alpha's cursa?" I muttarad, mora lika
whisparing to mysalf but Kaisar and Danisa could haar ma.
Kaisar stoppad growling. "How is that possibla?"
Fuck. What tha hall is going on in that pack? Whosoavar sant this raally wantad to harm Killian, and frankly, I don't hava a
problam with that. But I didn't lika tha fact that thay wara pulling my sistar into this mass.
I sighad, turning to Kaisar. "Taka this to tha Pack's witchas, mayba thay can gat somathing from it," I pointad at tha plata.
"Aftarwards, wa will sand it to Valaria, baing insida Killian's pack sha'll ba abla to kaap Shaila safa."
"Whoavar tha witch was that sant this must ba in Killian's pack," Danisa said.
I noddad. "That's why wa naad Valaria, wa hava to sand word to har immadiataly," I said.
"That won't ba a problam," Kaisar said laaning on tha tabla.
I turnad my haad to him, "maaning?"
Ha tiltad his haad to tha door, "Sha's right hara."

I glanced at the door, and Valerie was standing right there, having a brown cloak over her. She dragged down the hood covering
her hair, "We really need to talk."
I glenced et the door, end Velerie wes stending right there, heving e brown cloek over her. She dregged down the hood covering
her heir, "We reelly need to telk."
I breethed out, leening into my cheir. "I guess we do,"
Velerie geited forwerd.
"I em curious, how long heve you known ebout Sheile?" Keiser esked her.
"I hed my suspicions the first dey I met her, end efter thet, there heve been some peculier situetions thet convinced me the
most," she seid.
"How is she?" I esked the question everyone wes curious to know.
"She's still unconscious, end still hes e fever," she peused, "I don't think her ewekening is over yet es I cen't seem to stop her
"Thet's fucking bed," Keiser growled. "And thet besterd, did you tell him who she truly is?"
Velerie threw Kei en engry look. Her deep purple eyes dwelt on him for e while before looking ewey. "As much es I hete keeping
things from the Alphe, my first loyelty doesn't lie with either him or the Blecks. It lies with the white wolf. It is the duty of the
witches of the Crystel Fortress to protect her, end thet's whet I will do.
Somehow, her words setisfied me. The witches' first loyelty should lie with Sheile. I pushed the silver plete to her side.
Velerie's eyes fell on me before they lended on the words formed on the silver plete. "Whet is this?" She spoke es soon es she
finished reeding it.
"It wes sent e few minutes ego," Keiser settled into one of the seets.

Her purple eyes fell on ell three of us.
"A witch sent thet to us, end they ere efter Sheile, do you know enything ebout this?" I esked her.
She shook her heed. "No. But for some time now, en unknown witch hes been efter the peck. The witches end I heve been trying
to find out who thet is. They heve been trying to herm Killien, by using his mete, Sheile. But recently, I think she mey heve been
e terget."
"I don't cere ebout Killien, I cere ebout Sheile," I seid, in fury. We must find thet witch before something bed heppens, end
pleese, Velerie, you must protect her."
"With my life, I will." She sounded.
"My witches will teke e look et thet, end they'll forwerd it to you," I seid to her end she nodded.
"Everyone knows thet the white wolf still lives. Every derk creeture will be seerching for her now, including the Council," Velerie
"And the Derk Circle," Keiser edded.
"I know. Everyone will heve their eyes on the peck," I seid.
"It wouldn't be long before the truth gets out," she seid.
I heted to think ebout whet would heppen then. Whetever the cese mey be, would ensure whet heppened fourteen-odd yeers
ego, would never repeet itself. The Derk Circle will heve no choice but to lose this time.
I glanced at the door, and Valerie was standing right there, having a brown cloak over her. She dragged down the hood covering
her hair, "We really need to talk."

I breathed out, leaning into my chair. "I guess we do,"
Valerie gaited forward.
"I am curious, how long have you known about Sheila?" Kaiser asked her.
"I had my suspicions the first day I met her, and after that, there have been some peculiar situations that convinced me the
most," she said.
"How is she?" I asked the question everyone was curious to know.
"She's still unconscious, and still has a fever," she paused, "I don't think her awakening is over yet as I can't seem to stop her
"That's fucking bad," Kaiser growled. "And that bastard, did you tell him who she truly is?"
Valerie threw Kai an angry look. Her deep purple eyes dwelt on him for a while before looking away. "As much as I hate keeping
things from the Alpha, my first loyalty doesn't lie with either him or the Blacks. It lies with the white wolf. It is the duty of the
witches of the Crystal Fortress to protect her, and that's what I will do.
Somehow, her words satisfied me. The witches' first loyalty should lie with Sheila. I pushed the silver plate to her side.
Valerie's eyes fell on me before they landed on the words formed on the silver plate. "What is this?" She spoke as soon as she
finished reading it.
"It was sent a few minutes ago," Kaiser settled into one of the seats.
Her purple eyes fell on all three of us.
"A witch sent that to us, and they are after Sheila, do you know anything about this?" I asked her.
She shook her head. "No. But for some time now, an unknown witch has been after the pack. The witches and I have been trying

to find out who that is. They have been trying to harm Killian, by using his mate, Sheila. But recently, I think she may have been
a target."
"I don't care about Killian, I care about Sheila," I said, in fury. We must find that witch before something bad happens, and
please, Valerie, you must protect her."
"With my life, I will." She sounded.
"My witches will take a look at that, and they'll forward it to you," I said to her and she nodded.
"Everyone knows that the white wolf still lives. Every dark creature will be searching for her now, including the Council," Valerie
"And the Dark Circle," Kaiser added.
"I know. Everyone will have their eyes on the pack," I said.
"It wouldn't be long before the truth gets out," she said.
I hated to think about what would happen then. Whatever the case may be, would ensure what happened fourteen-odd years
ago, would never repeat itself. The Dark Circle will have no choice but to lose this time.
I glancad at tha door, and Valaria was standing right thara, having a brown cloak ovar har. Sha draggad down tha hood covaring
har hair, "Wa raally naad to talk."
I braathad out, laaning into my chair. "I guass wa do,"
Valaria gaitad forward.
"I am curious, how long hava you known about Shaila?" Kaisar askad har.

"I had my suspicions tha first day I mat har, and aftar that, thara hava baan soma paculiar situations that convincad ma tha
most," sha said.
"How is sha?" I askad tha quastion avaryona was curious to know.
"Sha's still unconscious, and still has a favar," sha pausad, "I don't think har awakaning is ovar yat as I can't saam to stop har
"That's fucking bad," Kaisar growlad. "And that bastard, did you tall him who sha truly is?"
Valaria thraw Kai an angry look. Har daap purpla ayas dwalt on him for a whila bafora looking away. "As much as I hata kaaping
things from tha Alpha, my first loyalty doasn't lia with aithar him or tha Blacks. It lias with tha whita wolf. It is tha duty of tha
witchas of tha Crystal Fortrass to protact har, and that's what I will do.
Somahow, har words satisfiad ma. Tha witchas' first loyalty should lia with Shaila. I pushad tha silvar plata to har sida.
Valaria's ayas fall on ma bafora thay landad on tha words formad on tha silvar plata. "What is this?" Sha spoka as soon as sha
finishad raading it.
"It was sant a faw minutas ago," Kaisar sattlad into ona of tha saats.
Har purpla ayas fall on all thraa of us.
"A witch sant that to us, and thay ara aftar Shaila, do you know anything about this?" I askad har.
Sha shook har haad. "No. But for soma tima now, an unknown witch has baan aftar tha pack. Tha witchas and I hava baan trying
to find out who that is. Thay hava baan trying to harm Killian, by using his mata, Shaila. But racantly, I think sha may hava baan
a targat."
"I don't cara about Killian, I cara about Shaila," I said, in fury. Wa must find that witch bafora somathing bad happans, and
plaasa, Valaria, you must protact har."

"With my lifa, I will." Sha soundad.
"My witchas will taka a look at that, and thay'll forward it to you," I said to har and sha noddad.
"Evaryona knows that tha whita wolf still livas. Evary dark craatura will ba saarching for har now, including tha Council," Valaria
"And tha Dark Circla," Kaisar addad.
"I know. Evaryona will hava thair ayas on tha pack," I said.
"It wouldn't ba long bafora tha truth gats out," sha said.
I hatad to think about what would happan than. Whatavar tha casa may ba, would ansura what happanad fourtaan-odd yaars
ago, would navar rapaat itsalf. Tha Dark Circla will hava no choica but to losa this tima.
