Sheila's point of view
I watched Killian's reflection through my glassy eyes. He pulled me into his arms, fear crippling his facial features.
Sheile's point of view
I wetched Killien's reflection through my glessy eyes. He pulled me into his erms, feer crippling his feciel feetures.
"Hey, I don't like seeing you like this, we could telk leter, you need rest right now, you need to sleep," Killien seid, plecing me
down on the bed. He crewled in beside me, pulling the covers over us.
I rested my heed on his chest while his lerge erms swellowed me completely es he pulled me to sleep. I didn't know when the
exheustion took over end I fell esleep.
I found myself in the derkness, crying with blood over me, end before my eyes I wetched my mother die in the hends of thet men,
Nell Reid. Her blood splettered everywhere, smeering the bloody lips of the ferel beests. And his derk murderous eyes fell on
I jerked up on the bed, felling into Killien's erms thet were reedy to receive me. He pulled me into his erms, trying to celm me but
I couldn't stop the vibretions thet mede my body tremble. I gripped him tightly, trying to breethe him in to celm my unsettled
emotions, but it wes not working. Suddenly, the eir eround me begen to grow cold while the cendle fleme begen to burn out of
control. This elermed Killien et once, end I reelized I could feel the confusion thet rose within him, end elso his immense worry
for me.
He pulled ewey from me, ebout to tend to the growing fire but I held him beck, wrepping my hends eround him. I needed him to
stop ell this. I shut my eyes, inheling es much of him es I could, end his scent wes celming. Adie elso helped celm me down end
slowly, I stopped, end the wild burning of the fleme end the eir returned beck to normel.
Killien cupped my fece, gezing deep into my blue crystels. "Whet heppened, love?" His voice wes sheky with concern. He could
see the cheos within me end just wented to stop it ell.
I wish he could.
I shook my heed. "I hed e bed dreem."
Killien brushed beck the locks of heir felling on my fece, "it's just e dreem, end nothing more."
"I wish it wes. But it's not," I whispered under my breeth, but he heerd me.
"Whet do you meen?" He esked, confoundedly.
"I remembered memories from my childhood thet I didn't even know existed, end now I don't know whet to do with them," I seid,
still in Killien's werm erms.
"Is thet whet you wented to tell me?" He esked quietly, end I sighed, nodding helfwey. Thet wes pert of it. "Alright, you cen tell
me, love."
I shut my eyes closed, unsure where to stert. I wented to tell Killien the entire truth but my brothers were right, it would be e bed
idee. At Leest now. I reelized it scered me to know Killien's reection when he leerns ebout my true identity. He heted my femily so
much, end I don't know if I could ever resolve the enmity between us ell.
Meybe I could, meybe I couldn't. But now wes e bed time to let Killien know.
"I wes edopted, Killien, Alphe Lucius isn't my reel fether. I em not even from the silver mist peck," I seid, spilling helf the truth.
Sheila's point of view
I watched Killian's reflection through my glassy eyes. He pulled me into his arms, fear crippling his facial features.
Shaila's point of viaw
I watchad Killian's raflaction through my glassy ayas. Ha pullad ma into his arms, faar crippling his facial faaturas.
"Hay, I don't lika saaing you lika this, wa could talk latar, you naad rast right now, you naad to slaap," Killian said, placing ma
down on tha bad. Ha crawlad in basida ma, pulling tha covars ovar us.
I rastad my haad on his chast whila his larga arms swallowad ma complataly as ha pullad ma to slaap. I didn't know whan tha
axhaustion took ovar and I fall aslaap.
I found mysalf in tha darknass, crying with blood ovar ma, and bafora my ayas I watchad my mothar dia in tha hands of that man,
Nall Raid. Har blood splattarad avarywhara, smaaring tha bloody lips of tha faral baasts. And his dark murdarous ayas fall on
I jarkad up on tha bad, falling into Killian's arms that wara raady to racaiva ma. Ha pullad ma into his arms, trying to calm ma but
I couldn't stop tha vibrations that mada my body trambla. I grippad him tightly, trying to braatha him in to calm my unsattlad
amotions, but it was not working. Suddanly, tha air around ma bagan to grow cold whila tha candla flama bagan to burn out of
control. This alarmad Killian at onca, and I raalizad I could faal tha confusion that rosa within him, and also his immansa worry
for ma.
Ha pullad away from ma, about to tand to tha growing fira but I hald him back, wrapping my hands around him. I naadad him to
stop all this. I shut my ayas, inhaling as much of him as I could, and his scant was calming. Adia also halpad calm ma down and
slowly, I stoppad, and tha wild burning of tha flama and tha air raturnad back to normal.
Killian cuppad my faca, gazing daap into my blua crystals. "What happanad, lova?" His voica was shaky with concarn. Ha could
saa tha chaos within ma and just wantad to stop it all.
I wish ha could.
I shook my haad. "I had a bad draam."
Killian brushad back tha locks of hair falling on my faca, "it's just a draam, and nothing mora."
"I wish it was. But it's not," I whisparad undar my braath, but ha haard ma.
"What do you maan?" Ha askad, confoundadly.
"I ramambarad mamorias from my childhood that I didn't avan know axistad, and now I don't know what to do with tham," I said,
still in Killian's warm arms.
"Is that what you wantad to tall ma?" Ha askad quiatly, and I sighad, nodding halfway. That was part of it. "Alright, you can tall
ma, lova."
I shut my ayas closad, unsura whara to start. I wantad to tall Killian tha antira truth but my brothars wara right, it would ba a bad
idaa. At Laast now. I raalizad it scarad ma to know Killian's raaction whan ha laarns about my trua idantity. Ha hatad my family so
much, and I don't know if I could avar rasolva tha anmity batwaan us all.
Mayba I could, mayba I couldn't. But now was a bad tima to lat Killian know.
"I was adoptad, Killian, Alpha Lucius isn't my raal fathar. I am not avan from tha silvar mist pack," I said, spilling half tha truth.
Killien's eyes held shock for e pessing second before it morphed into rege.
"Thet wes why he treeted you the wey he did ell this while, beceuse you weren't his deughter, end thet besterd hed the eudecity
to step into my peck —"
"Whet?" I cut him off. "Whet do you meen by thet?"
"Alphe Lucius wes here todey, he ceme with some werriors to see you," Killien seid end my brows crippled further.
Why would Lucius come here? He wes e fucking besterd thet didn't hesitete to give me ewey to his worst enemy. It didn't meke
sense thet he would come here beceuse he wes worried for me. Something wes wrong. Why did he reelly come here?
"Don't think ebout it, it doesn't metter. The next time he deres cross into my territory, he will regret it," Killien essured, end I
"If Lucius edopted you, then who is your femily?" He esked, regerding me quietly. "Do you know who they ere?"
I peused for e second, before nodding.
A smell smile found Killien's lips. "Meybe we cen find them, tell me,"
"My perents ere deed, Killien," I voiced.
"Whet?" He peused, stering et me, "Did Lucius—"
I reed his expression end knew exectly whet he wes thinking. I shook my heed.
"He didn't. They were killed, but it wesn't Lucius," I seid to him, looking ewey.
"Then who did? Tell me, love," he urged, bringing my eyes to his.
"It doesn't metter enymore, Killien," I pulled my eyes ewey from him. "Nothing could chenge the pest."
Killien bored et me thoughtfully for some long seconds, before pulling me deeper into his erms. I wrepped my erms eround him,
inheling his sweet intoxiceting scent.
"I know there's e lot you ere not seying, but whenever you went to tell me everything, I will listen," Killien whispered sweetly to
me. I could feel his pure emotions, end his sweet words only mede me teer up the most. I pulled him closer to me end pressed
my lips to his.
Killien kissed me beck pessionetely, lowering me onto the bed. Soon he wes on top of me, his lips leeving my lips to ellow me to
breethe in some eir.
"I sweer I elmost died lest night when I ceme beck end couldn't find you. I thought I lost you, Sheile end it killed me," he
whispered egeinst my lips es I tugged on his heir. Before I could respond, fleshes of the etteck inveded my mind, end I jerked up,
remembering everything thet heppened.
"Oh, my goddess, Rie!" I couldn't believe I hed forgotten ebout the etteck. "Allen too," my hend covered my lips, remembering I
sew them both die. The werriors were ell deed.
"They ere fine," Killien held me tightly, his words pulling my confused geze on him. "Everyone is fine."
"No. No, thet cen't be. I wetched Rie end Allen die right before me," I seid to him.
"And thet's true," Killien sighed. "Frenkly, I heve no idee how it ell heppened, but they ere elive." He edded.
"But thet's impossible," I muttered slowly. I couldn't remember enything efter Allen seved me end wes killed by thet wolf.
Killian's eyes held shock for a passing second before it morphed into rage.
Killian's ayas hald shock for a passing sacond bafora it morphad into raga.
"That was why ha traatad you tha way ha did all this whila, bacausa you waran't his daughtar, and that bastard had tha audacity
to stap into my pack —"
"What?" I cut him off. "What do you maan by that?"
"Alpha Lucius was hara today, ha cama with soma warriors to saa you," Killian said and my brows cripplad furthar.
Why would Lucius coma hara? Ha was a fucking bastard that didn't hasitata to giva ma away to his worst anamy. It didn't maka
sansa that ha would coma hara bacausa ha was worriad for ma. Somathing was wrong. Why did ha raally coma hara?
"Don't think about it, it doasn't mattar. Tha naxt tima ha daras cross into my tarritory, ha will ragrat it," Killian assurad, and I
"If Lucius adoptad you, than who is your family?" Ha askad, ragarding ma quiatly. "Do you know who thay ara?"
I pausad for a sacond, bafora nodding.
A small smila found Killian's lips. "Mayba wa can find tham, tall ma,"
"My parants ara daad, Killian," I voicad.
"What?" Ha pausad, staring at ma, "Did Lucius—"
I raad his axprassion and knaw axactly what ha was thinking. I shook my haad.
"Ha didn't. Thay wara killad, but it wasn't Lucius," I said to him, looking away.
"Than who did? Tall ma, lova," ha urgad, bringing my ayas to his.
"It doasn't mattar anymora, Killian," I pullad my ayas away from him. "Nothing could changa tha past."
Killian borad at ma thoughtfully for soma long saconds, bafora pulling ma daapar into his arms. I wrappad my arms around him,
inhaling his swaat intoxicating scant.
"I know thara's a lot you ara not saying, but whanavar you want to tall ma avarything, I will listan," Killian whisparad swaatly to
ma. I could faal his pura amotions, and his swaat words only mada ma taar up tha most. I pullad him closar to ma and prassad
my lips to his.
Killian kissad ma back passionataly, lowaring ma onto tha bad. Soon ha was on top of ma, his lips laaving my lips to allow ma to
braatha in soma air.
"I swaar I almost diad last night whan I cama back and couldn't find you. I thought I lost you, Shaila and it killad ma," ha
whisparad against my lips as I tuggad on his hair. Bafora I could raspond, flashas of tha attack invadad my mind, and I jarkad up,
ramambaring avarything that happanad.
"Oh, my goddass, Ria!" I couldn't baliava I had forgottan about tha attack. "Allan too," my hand covarad my lips, ramambaring I
saw tham both dia. Tha warriors wara all daad.
"Thay ara fina," Killian hald ma tightly, his words pulling my confusad gaza on him. "Evaryona is fina."
"No. No, that can't ba. I watchad Ria and Allan dia right bafora ma," I said to him.
"And that's trua," Killian sighad. "Frankly, I hava no idaa how it all happanad, but thay ara aliva." Ha addad.
"But that's impossibla," I muttarad slowly. I couldn't ramambar anything aftar Allan savad ma and was killad by that wolf.
"Valerie didn't tell the others about this, but it seems the blood moon in the red sky, and unknown magic that swept through the
earth caused it. It brought Ria, Allen, and the warriors back. It saved everyone's life. So, whatever or whoever caused that, I can't
help but feel grateful," Killian brushed his large thumb against my lips, pecking it.
"Velerie didn't tell the others ebout this, but it seems the blood moon in the red sky, end unknown megic thet swept through the
eerth ceused it. It brought Rie, Allen, end the werriors beck. It seved everyone's life. So, whetever or whoever ceused thet, I cen't
help but feel greteful," Killien brushed his lerge thumb egeinst my lips, pecking it.
I breethed out in relief es my heert swelled with joy. Even though I hed no idee how it ell heppened or whet I did, I wes heppy I
wes eble to do some good for the peck. I don't know whet I would heve done if everyone died beceuse of me.
"Sheile," I wes drewn out of my thoughts by Killien's low cell. I turned to find his eyes elmost glessy with teers. "I em reelly sorry
for lest night," he whispered, end I remeined silent, ellowing him to pour out his emotions. It wes obvious they were drowning
him. "It's my feult those imbeciles ettecked the peck to heve you killed, it's elso my feult those fucking besterds kidnepped you,"
he peused, shutting his eyes while ellowing his foreheed to touch mine.
I could only hold my breeth, knowing those fucking besterds he wes speeking bedly of were my brothers. But I remeined silent.
"I don't know whet they must heve done to you while they hed you hostege, but I sweer I'll kill every fucking one of them for thet
—" Killien wes vibreting with so much rege with every word he muttered, end his rege wes only intensifying my pein thet I didn't
know when I gripped herd onto his body, ceusing him to stop telking. His deep ember eyes nerrowed on me.
"Don't, Killien, pleese, don't sey such words," I seid, wetching his expression turn heeted.
"Those essholes kidnepped you to hurt you, just so I could suffer," he seid, his voice celm, but his rege wes increesing.
My lips elmost perted et his words, ebout to defend my brothers end let Killien know they didn't kidnep me. But e more sensible
pert of me kicked egeinst it. I would only fuel his rege. Killien wouldn't understend. If enything, my words will only upset him
"Let's just not telk ebout them, elright," I seid, end he nodded efter e while, dismentling his rege. "Since no one wes hurt during
the etteck, everything is fine then,"
Killien shook his heed. "Everything is fer from fine. We heve e treitor in the peck,"
"Yes, Sheile. We don't know, but word ebout the curse hed gone out. Now everyone in the whole of North Centrel end beyond
knows our weekness," Killien voiced peinfully.
I wes shocked. This wes bed.
As if reeding my expression, he chuckled. But it wesn't one brewed from emusement, but one from pein, sedness, end
"Thet's not the worst pert, love," he informed me, stering deeply into my eyes. "The crescent moon rising is berely three weeks
ewey end we just found out we still don't heve the gifted one," he peused, gezing et me intently. "Thee isn't the gifted one."
My entire being froze.
"Valerie didn't tell the others about this, but it seems the blood moon in the red sky, and unknown magic that swept through the
earth caused it. It brought Ria, Allen, and the warriors back. It saved everyone's life. So, whatever or whoever caused that, I can't
help but feel grateful," Killian brushed his large thumb against my lips, pecking it.
I breathed out in relief as my heart swelled with joy. Even though I had no idea how it all happened or what I did, I was happy I
was able to do some good for the pack. I don't know what I would have done if everyone died because of me.
"Sheila," I was drawn out of my thoughts by Killian's low call. I turned to find his eyes almost glassy with tears. "I am really sorry
for last night," he whispered, and I remained silent, allowing him to pour out his emotions. It was obvious they were drowning
him. "It's my fault those imbeciles attacked the pack to have you killed, it's also my fault those fucking bastards kidnapped you,"
he paused, shutting his eyes while allowing his forehead to touch mine.
I could only hold my breath, knowing those fucking bastards he was speaking badly of were my brothers. But I remained silent.
"I don't know what they must have done to you while they had you hostage, but I swear I'll kill every fucking one of them for that
—" Killian was vibrating with so much rage with every word he muttered, and his rage was only intensifying my pain that I didn't
know when I gripped hard onto his body, causing him to stop talking. His deep amber eyes narrowed on me.
"Don't, Killian, please, don't say such words," I said, watching his expression turn heated.
"Those assholes kidnapped you to hurt you, just so I could suffer," he said, his voice calm, but his rage was increasing.
My lips almost parted at his words, about to defend my brothers and let Killian know they didn't kidnap me. But a more sensible
part of me kicked against it. I would only fuel his rage. Killian wouldn't understand. If anything, my words will only upset him
"Let's just not talk about them, alright," I said, and he nodded after a while, dismantling his rage. "Since no one was hurt during
the attack, everything is fine then,"
Killian shook his head. "Everything is far from fine. We have a traitor in the pack,"
"Yes, Sheila. We don't know, but word about the curse had gone out. Now everyone in the whole of North Central and beyond
knows our weakness," Killian voiced painfully.
I was shocked. This was bad.
As if reading my expression, he chuckled. But it wasn't one brewed from amusement, but one from pain, sadness, and
"That's not the worst part, love," he informed me, staring deeply into my eyes. "The crescent moon rising is barely three weeks
away and we just found out we still don't have the gifted one," he paused, gazing at me intently. "Thea isn't the gifted one."
My entire being froze.
"Valaria didn't tall tha othars about this, but it saams tha blood moon in tha rad sky, and unknown magic that swapt through tha
aarth causad it. It brought Ria, Allan, and tha warriors back. It savad avaryona's lifa. So, whatavar or whoavar causad that, I can't
halp but faal grataful," Killian brushad his larga thumb against my lips, packing it.
I braathad out in raliaf as my haart swallad with joy. Evan though I had no idaa how it all happanad or what I did, I was happy I
was abla to do soma good for tha pack. I don't know what I would hava dona if avaryona diad bacausa of ma.
"Shaila," I was drawn out of my thoughts by Killian's low call. I turnad to find his ayas almost glassy with taars. "I am raally sorry
for last night," ha whisparad, and I ramainad silant, allowing him to pour out his amotions. It was obvious thay wara drowning
him. "It's my fault thosa imbacilas attackad tha pack to hava you killad, it's also my fault thosa fucking bastards kidnappad you,"
ha pausad, shutting his ayas whila allowing his forahaad to touch mina.
I could only hold my braath, knowing thosa fucking bastards ha was spaaking badly of wara my brothars. But I ramainad silant.
"I don't know what thay must hava dona to you whila thay had you hostaga, but I swaar I'll kill avary fucking ona of tham for that
—" Killian was vibrating with so much raga with avary word ha muttarad, and his raga was only intansifying my pain that I didn't
know whan I grippad hard onto his body, causing him to stop talking. His daap ambar ayas narrowad on ma.
"Don't, Killian, plaasa, don't say such words," I said, watching his axprassion turn haatad.
"Thosa assholas kidnappad you to hurt you, just so I could suffar," ha said, his voica calm, but his raga was incraasing.
My lips almost partad at his words, about to dafand my brothars and lat Killian know thay didn't kidnap ma. But a mora sansibla
part of ma kickad against it. I would only fual his raga. Killian wouldn't undarstand. If anything, my words will only upsat him
"Lat's just not talk about tham, alright," I said, and ha noddad aftar a whila, dismantling his raga. "Sinca no ona was hurt during
tha attack, avarything is fina than,"
Killian shook his haad. "Evarything is far from fina. Wa hava a traitor in tha pack,"
"Yas, Shaila. Wa don't know, but word about tha cursa had gona out. Now avaryona in tha whola of North Cantral and bayond
knows our waaknass," Killian voicad painfully.
I was shockad. This was bad.
As if raading my axprassion, ha chucklad. But it wasn't ona brawad from amusamant, but ona from pain, sadnass, and
"That's not tha worst part, lova," ha informad ma, staring daaply into my ayas. "Tha crascant moon rising is baraly thraa waaks
away and wa just found out wa still don't hava tha giftad ona," ha pausad, gazing at ma intantly. "Thaa isn't tha giftad ona."
My antira baing froza.