The CEO’s Hidden Love Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires

Chapter 201
Kenneth felt a surge of some as his fingers brushed against Dorothy’s icy lifeless sk
Are you all alone?
He wanted to ask where her boyfend was. He wasn’t here with her?
However, Kenneth ddelwice the latter part, but the look on Dorothy’s face condimedia suspicions
Although he didn’t know the details, he was certain he wouldnt abandon her in such a trying time, even if the tried to push him
“My mam. She was murdered instead of answering Kemeth’s question, Dorothy simply muttered, “Someone kilether. Im sure of it
“Do you know who it was? Kenneth quickly asked. “Tell me, and I help you find out. If someone maly did kill your mother, Ewort
let them get with it”
Dorothy slowly after her gaze to meet his eyes
Suddenly, her shoulders dropped
“What if it was someone from the Lopez family? Can we ever And out?
She was stated Scared of what they might discover if they di 100 dep. What if it was Everett’s parents who orchestrated it all?
Even if they could prove it would they stand a chance against the mighty Lopez family? Her mother’s words achand in her mind,
hitlingher with a harsh reality that they were outmatched in every possible way The Loper family could crush them like a hug
without breaking a sweet How could the possibly fight back?
Was she relying or Everen?
How naive she had been! it was his parents they were up agamat, not some random adversaries. And now the was stuck
between him and his family.
What about the baby she was camping?

The weight of it all was to much for her to hear She felt ake ner mand was clogged. it was too hard for for to process the
enormity of their situation
The Lopez family? The Lopez Corporation?” Kernetis eyes widened in shock. But you and Ever!!
They don’t prove us
“go talk to them “ght now? Don’t worry Dorothy, I’ve got your bac
Kenneth turned to leave, but Dorothy weakly grabbed the hem of his shin.
He looked back at her and noticed that her face was pale and drained of color as she slowly shook her head
‘Don’t go
Im just guessing I have no proof!
Kenneth frowned What about Earie? He should be here, explaining things to you! Even if the Laper family isnt behind this, he
should be by your a dde!”
Dorothy lowered her gure 1 can’t reach him mat
Kenneth fell silent with shock
“You should go too. Don’t worry about me fm just string to accept everything right now. But I know I have to be strong. There’s so
much waiting for me
She had no family left in this world. There was no one to help her deal with the abermath of her mothers death She couldn’t even
fathom what to do with the hospital procedures and everything else
Doty knew how hard this was going to be.
She was even rational enough to mal drag Kenneth into this mess with her.
“How can I leave you alone in the hospital at a time like this? Kenneth was even more heanbroken to see Dorulty trying to put on
above face.
He wished that she would let it all out, cry scream, and even lash out in anger.

Just anything but this painful stence and eene ramena.
You don’t owe me anything Boully refused his accompany
Twas afhend I can’t leave you alone?” Kenneth took a deep breath. “Let me stay with you und you get in touch with Everett,
Doroty remained plent
Kenneth fronted ‘Dorothy I’m begging you! Let me stay with you, okay?
Ive everything, everything.
