The CEO’s Hidden Love Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires

Chapter 294
At this moment, Everett felt as if someone had abruptly squeezed his heart. He felt a mix of nervousness, excitement, and, more
than anything, a sense of overwhelming confusion.
Yes, the president of the all–powerful Lopez Corporation, at this moment, felt as helpless as a schoolboy who had unexpectedly
received a message from his crush.
in four years, this was the first time he had received a message from Dorothy
He had totally forgotten that he had purchased the chauffeur’s WhatsApp.
After not receiving a reply, Dorothy sent another message.
Snapping back to reality, Everett’s slender fingers promptly began to type I’m here
Perhaps realizing that his response was a bit too characteristic of his usual style and fearing that Dorothy might recognize him,
he added a smiley emoji. When he saw the typing” notification, Everett decided to wait He gave was intensely focused on the
Soon, a transfer retification came through
This is the remaining money. Could you check if it’s night?)
Everett didn’t care about the money. Without ever check rg, he responded, [right]
[Alright then. (Smiley face))
Everett had never needed to learn how to continue a conversation because others always made an effort to chat with him. He
didn’t need to acquire that skill.
So he just waited for her to say something else. But after a while. Dorothy didn’t reply.
Frowning, he tried sending another emoji, but this time he found that Dorothy had deleted him from her WhatsApp.

She deleted him?! Just like that?
Everett’s handsome face stiffened as he stated at the screen.
It was the same scenario from years ago when he woke up the morning after their first night together and tried to message her,
only to be greeted by her deleting him. Now, years later, the same thing happened.
Dorothy hadn’t changed a bit..
Everett hescaled for a moment before, as it possessed, he sent a friend request.
Dorothy accepted almost instantly and then send a message.
Hello, is there anything else?
He stared at the screen for a while before coming up with a lame excuse. Ji need the original copy of this receipt; is that okay?
[Of course! Where in Everglow City are you?ll bring it to you
Despite the inconvenience caused by their car accident, Darathy felt that the driver had been very sincere in his apology and
compensation. She didn’t hold a grudge. As for deleting his contact, she didnt think they would need to keep in touch.
She didn’t like keeping strangers on her phone
Everett thought for a while before replying. [I’m not in Everglow City at the mument, is it okay if I contact you when I return!]
After nearly a minute, Dorothy hadn’t replied.
Fearing he might be deleted again, he quickly sent another message.
Don’t delete me yet.]
Ms. Sanchez?)
Dorothy still didn’t reply, so Everett casually opened her Twitter.
It was filed with promotional posts about her company’s projects. She was clearly passionate about her career. He had to scroll
way down to find a non–work–related picture.

He saw a child’s hand.
It looked soft and chubby, so it was probably a girfu, judging by the star stickers on the nals as well.
