The CEO’s Hidden Love Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires

Chapter 395
“While we were at the office earlier, Jeffrey found out about this, and he urgently wanted to inform you. He must’ve been so
rushed that he didn’t pay attention to the traffic, leading to the accident! L.. I was afraid that the Tumers would blame me, so I
didn’t dare to tell them.”
Typically, Everett wouldn’t trust any of this, but then he recalled Jeffrey’s final words during their phone call.
It seemed like Jeffrey did want to tell him something about Heather.
But the claim that the child was hers seemed absurd!
“Heather, the only reason I chose not to interfere with you is because of my mother he retorted, trying to brush off any suggestion
of affection on his part.
At this point, Heather had no choice but to grit her teeth and double down, Tim not lying: you can do a DNA test if you want! This
was your parents idea. They were worried you’d never accept me, and that the Lopez family wouldn’t have an heir, so they took
our DNA and used a surrogate.”
With Jeffrey unable to speak for himself and only a handful of people who were in contact with Langston, she had free rein to
craft her story.
Everett furrowed his eyebrows and stayed silent.
Seeing this, Heather decided to go all in, “You don’t think that baby is Dorothy’s, do you? You’re not still hung up on her, are you?
She’s off making beautiful music with Kenneth. Why would she want to have your child? I’m the only one, sucker enough to give
up everything for you, even when your heart isnt with me, I still love you!”
“Enough” Everett cut her off, not willing to buy into her narrative, “You better think about how you’re going to explain this to the
Seeing him tum away from her, Heather felt a mix of frustration and anxiety.
Her only option now was to ask Amanda for help. After all, this monstrous lie could only be sold to Everett if his parents got

She didn’t plan for the lie to escalate to this extent, but having already said it, she had no choice but to cover it up with
more lies.
I wasn’t until the next morning that Jeffrey’s surgery was completed.
The Turners‘ parents were on vacation abroad and had not yet arrived, so Everett stayed by the door, waiting.
Exiting the room, the doctor removed this mask and sighed before saying. “The surgery was a success, and his life is no longer
at risk. However, whether he wakes up is in his hands.”
“You mean, he may end up in a vegetative state?!”
The doctor nodded, “Yes, brace yourself.”
Everett took a deep breath, his brow furrowed.
He knew the injuries would be severe, but he hadn’t expected it to be this bad!
Worried that Langston would be scared alone at home, Everett decided to go back to the Bay Residence after confirming with
the doctor that he couldn’t visit Jeffrey in the ICU just yet.
Expecting Langston to be asleep, Everett opened the door only to discover Langston standing in the hallway, gazing at him.
“Mr. Turner, is he okay?”
Everett was hit hard by the question. He gritted his teeth, trying to control his emotions, unwilling to face his son’s teary eyes.
Jeffrey had byen his friend for many years, and although he could be a bit offbeat at times, he had always been there for the
Lopez Corporation and for him.
“He’s fine just sleeping.”
“Really?” Langston sensed that something was all. He pondered for a moment before stepping forward and grabbing Everett’s
hand, “My mom used to say that when she was feeling down, holding my hand would make everything better. So, hold my hand
more, and Mr. Turner will get better.”
