The CEO’s Hidden Love Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires

Chapter 401
Dorothy had finally decided to stay in Eldoria City. She had Karen bring Abigail along.
Although it was a risky move, as a mother, she couldn’t continue to leave Langston alone abroad any longer.
Kenneth, her trusted advisor, had his reservations, but in the end, he respected her decision and offered his full support.
As dusk settled over the city, Dorothy stood by the wincow of her hotel room, lost in thought as she watched the streetlights
flicker to life outside. She took a deep breath and dialed Lane’s number on her cell phone.
“Hey Lare, I’m gonna need you to pass off my project to someone else. I’m quitting.”
“Quitting?” Lane’s voice spiked with surprise. “Do you even know what you’re saying Dorothy?”
She had always been reliable, and the idea of her throwing in the towel was completely off the radar for Lane.
“I do, and I’m sorry for letting you down, but I can’t cortinue with my position right now Dorathy had no idea when she would be
able to retum, and with the fast paced nature of their work, even a few hours could mean a world of difference.
By bringing it up with Lane now, she hoped he’d find someone to fill her shoes without the company suffering any losses.
“I already agreed to give you a break. You can take as much time off as you want. Why do you want to resign? You promised to
stay until the end of the project!”
“Lane, as the head of the company, you should understand that my resignation from the project is the best course of action.”
His plea was personal
*I don’t see it that way! And I’m not accepting your resignation. The contract is clear, after your promotion to supervisor, you need
to give a so–month notice. Dorothy, I don’t think you’re someone who would breach a contract.”
“But I can’t contr bute anything to the company right now!!
“You can work remotely. With Austin’s help and me in the country, it’ll be manageable, Lane countered firmly, leaving no room for

Dorothy massaged her temples, feeling a headache coming on. She knew Lane’s game, he didnt want her leaving his company
and was willing to overlook profit losses to keep her
‘Lane, think it over. Illg ve up all my bonuses for the year”
“That won’t charge my mind, and I’m having your contract notarized for salekeeping”
Dorothy was speechless
“Get back to work soon. I’ll be waiting for you.”
Lane hung up, leaving Dorothy overwhelmed with frustration and a sense of powerlessness. Suddenly, there was a knock at the
She rushed to open it and found Kenneth, with excitement written all over his face. “I got in touch with Byte 71 He said he can
meet with you in three days to discuss the specifics!”
Meanwhile, Lane had already instructed his secretary to retrieve Dorothy’s contract. He was well aware that letting Dorothy go,
or her resignation, would be the best thing for the company at the moment. But if he did that, Dorothy would no longer be part of
East Star Enterprises.
That meant losing any pretext to see her again.
His secretary was efficient, having the contract notarced and a copy made in no time. Lane was about to commend him when his
phone rang
“Hello, this is the secretary to the president of the Lopez Corporation. Mr. Lopez is interested in acquiring East Star Enterprises,
Please, name your price.”
