The CEO’s Hidden Love Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires

Chapter 405
Langston nearly dropped his fork in shock. “1... It’s my neighbor’s sister!”
Everett placed the dishes on the table and sat down in front of him.
“Langston, it’s not good for kids to lie all the time.”
“I’m not lying.”
“You have a sister. Your mom had two kids.” Everett’s words weren’t a question. They were a statement – a statement of
But that wasn’t the point. The real issue was the panic visible in Langston’s eyes after Everett spoke.
That meant Everett had hit the nail on the head. Even if it took a little cunning to draw it out
“I’m not hungry anymore!” Langston felt like everything was laid bare before Everett, and it was better to just avoid the topic
altogether. He tried to put down his fork and leave.
But Everett grabbed Langston’s wrist before he could pull away.
“You need to finish your dinner. Before that, you’re not going anywhere.”
“You’re trying to bully me! I’ll start crying, just you watch!”
Everett shrugged. “Go ahead and cry. No one else lives near the Bay Residence anyway.”
“I know that!” Langston was well aware because on his first day here, he’d scanned for electronic devices nearby and found very
few, a sure sign that it was sparsely populated.
Everett piled some meat and veggies onto Langston’s plate and ordered, “Eat up.”
Langston was actually hungry, especially after getting a taste of the food, which had whetted his appetite.
But he was still wary. “Then you can’t ask me any more questions! I won’t tell you anything!”
Everett smiled, then asked out of the blue, “Did your mom remarry and have another daughter after you?”

“My mom didn’t remarry! Uh... Langston realized his slip–up too late. “I’m done eating. I’m leaving!”
“Eat. I promise I won’t ask any more questions today
“But you just said you...”
“I didn’t make any promises before. It was you who spoke. Now I’m promising not to ask for the rest of today.”
Everett knew he couldn’t rush these things. There would be plenty of time later.
Today was a big win. He now knew he probably had not only a son but also a daughter!
Langston had blurted out that Dorothy hadn’t remarried, it likely wasn’t a lie. So, the sister Langston talked about could be his full
Twins, perhaps?
Surely it couldn’t be that he’d accidentally done it with other women twice without knowing!
“What?! I’m supposed to report to the Lopez Corporation?” Dorothy was flabbergasted when she got the call from HR.
Why would she, minding her own business, receive a call from the Lopez Corporation’s HR department? Could it be that Everett
was onto her?
“Yes, your company, East Star Enterprises, is now part of the Lopez Corpamtion, and your employment contract has been
transferred to the Lopez Corporation.”
“That’s impossible!” How could Lane sell the company to Everett? “I need to verify this.”
“Alright, you go and check.”
After hanging up, Dorothy dialed Lane’s cell phone Immediately.
It rang a few times before he picked up, his voice mspy with panic but trying to sound calm.
“Dorothy, what do you need?”

“What’s going on with the company? I just got a call from someone at the Lopez Corporation, telling me to come to work, saying
East Star Enterprises now belongs to them!”
“Dorothy, listen to me, you don’t have to worry about that right now! I’m working on getting East Star Enterprises back.”
Hearing this, Dorothy felt her heart sink
“So the Lopez Corporation acquiring East Star Enterprises is a fact!”
“Yeah... But don’t worry, I regain control of East Star as soon as I can! If money doesn’t do it, I’ll use public opinion to fight
Everett to the end!”
