The CEO’s Hidden Love Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires

Chapter 439
Dorothy knew the answer was already within her heart, but she longed to hear what her son thought.
Langston furrowed his brow in contemplation, and after a moment, he pouted and exhaled deeply. “If he never bullied you, then I
like him! He’s nice to me! But... but if he bullied you, I can’t forgive him!”
She smiled gently. “He never bullied me, darling
“Then why did you guys split up?” Before meeting Everett, Langston had conjured an image of him as a playboy scion, a man
who had won his mother’s deep affection, fathered children with her only to carelessly indulge in his pleasures, leaving his
mother heartbroken.
However, since moving in with Everett, Langston found him to be nothing like the rogue he had imagined. Everett would come
home from work on time to cook dinner, postpone meetings to help him troubleshoot computer issues, and countless nights, he
would tuck Langston in, a gesture Langston was well aware of.
The more Everett showed his caring side, the more Langston couldn’t understand why he and his sister were taken away by their
He thought, if his sister were here too, Everett would surely shower her with love as well.
“Langston, Mommy and he are apart for various grown up reasons. You might not understand now, but remember your dad is a
very good man. He’s warm, thoughtful, and adores his children.”
“Can you just tell me? Mom, maybe I can help you!”
Flashes of a conversation with Kenneth crossed Dorothy’s mind. Kenneth had mentioned how skilled Langston was suggesting
that perhaps he could attempt to retrieve some vital evidence.
But after a moment’s hesitation, she chose to remain silent.
with computers.
Langston was already different from other kids his age, he was thoughtful and perceptive. Exposure to surveillance footage
depicting violence against his grandmother had the potential to leave lasting scars on him.

Dorothy didn’t want to seek vengeance for her mother at the expense of her son’s mental well–being
“Sweetheart, go to sleep. Mommy can handle it,” she soothed as she patted him gently, watching him drift off to sleep, his hand
still clinging to her sleeve.
When Everett entered the room, he found Dorothy asleep beside Langston’s bed.
The workload at the office had been heavy that day, and the recent emotional strain had taken its toll on her.
Quietly, Everett moved closer and scooped Dorothy up, laying her alongside Langston so she could rest more comfortably.
Everett then sat by Dorothy’s side, holding her hand, greedily soaking in her warmth as if only by touching her could he feel truly
grounded. He let out a long sigh, the comers of his lips curling slightly upward
Adjusting his position slightly. Everett unintentionally nudged Dorothy’s bag with his slipper. It tipped over, causing a cascade of
folders and brown paper bags to spill out. These contained new project documents sent by the company, materials Dorothy
planned to review at home.
Everett began to collect the items when he noticed a photograph face down on the floor. He paused, picked it up, and stared at
the image of Dorothy embracing two children, a boy and a girl, one on each side.
His gaze locked onto the little girl with two braids, and he froze, his breath catching.
That girl...
Wasn’t she the sweet child from Everglow City who had once pleaded with him to buy her candy?
Was she his daughter?!
