The CEO’s Hidden Love Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires

Chapter 452
Even now, after everything, she still wanted to marry Everett.
From the moment she first laid eyes on him, through all the trials and tribulations, Heather yearned to be Everett’s wife, if only for
a day....
Everett furrowed his brow, his eyes cold and calculating as if he were trying to figure out how to disarm her.
Seeing no immediate movement from him, Heather pressed the blade she held ever so slightly deeper into Dorothy’s neck.
“Ahh...” A sharp pain forced a cry from Dorothy, but she still managed to extend a trembling hand towards Everett, shaking her
head. “Don’t... Everett, please don’t...
“Don’t touch her, I’ll do as you say!” The sight of Dorothy’s blood sent Everett into action, casting aside all other concerns.
He dropped to one knee, his gaze lifting to meet Heather’s. “Are you satisfied now?”
“I told you to propose, not to beg! You haven’t even spoken yet, Heather twisted her face into a perverse semblance of joy “Say
it, ask me to marry you!”
Everett clenched his teeth, with a frosty glare in his eyes, “I ask you to marry me.”
But Heather laughed even more wildly “Lauder, I didn’t hear you and neither did Dorothy!”
“I ask you!” Everett raised his voice.
“I still didn’t hear you. Come closer, Heather toyed with him.
Everett started to rise, but she cut him off, “Don’t you stand. Crawl to me on your knees and then say you want to marry me!”
Everyone present was in sheer silence.
Dorothy strained to open her eyes, only to catch a blurred vision of the man who once stood so high above them, untouchable in
his dignity, now kneeling on the dirty ground before Heather.
Their eyes met, and he seemed to plead with her to hold on, just a little longer.

Gritting his teeth, Everett inched closer to Heather.
His bodyguards shuffled nervously behind him, worried she might harm Mr. Lopez.
“Get out, all of you, get out!” Heather suddenly screamed at them. “Everett, make them leaver”
“Everyone out,” Everett barked, desperate to prevent Heather from driving the knife deeper into Dorothy’s flesh. He would have
agreed to anything at that point, even a life for a life
Once the warehouse was left to just the three of them, Heather turned to Everett with a twisted smile. “Do you know how much I
love you? When I was saving your mother, it hurts like a torture. But all I could think of was that if I survived, your mother would
agree to let me marry you! Suddenly, the pain didn’t feel so bad anymore!”
Everett was speechless.
“I could have lived like royalty, you know. With that debt of gratitude, the Lopez family could have given me a life of splendor. I
knew all that! But what could I do? I just wanted to be your bride. Even if you weren’t Everett, even if you weren’t the heir to the
Lopez Corporation, I still would choose a life of hardship with you!”
Perhaps those were the truest words Heather ever spoke.
She had deceived many, but in this, she was sincere.
Yet as she poured out her love, his affectionate gaze remained fixed on Dorothy!
“Everett, come closer, and I’ll let Dorothy go.”
Everett moved without hesitation, but Dorothy, sensing the movement of Heather’s knife, screamed with all her might, “No,
don’t!” In the next instant, Heather’s blade plunged straight towards Evorolt.
