The CEO’s Hidden Love Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires

Chapter 471
The nurse said with a smile, but when Dorothy heard her words, they twisted a knot in her stomach
Everett had been injured trying to save her, yet it was her he kept asking for in his heart.
“Don’t cry, honey,” the nurse blurted out, clearly flustered as she hurried to hand Dorothy a tissue.
Dorothy managed a weak smile. Thank you”
“You’re welcome! I’m just glad you could make it. Honestly, I think the first person Mr. Lopez would want to see when he wakes
up you?” The nurse’s face brightened with a relieved smile. “During the surgery, there was a moment I thought we’d lost him, but
it was your name that brought him back. It was like a miracle!”
Dorothy paused, a bit embarrassed, and asked, “You performed the surgery?”
Dorothy had mistaken her for a nurse. But the young doctor didn’t seem to mind. She laughed it off, “You think I’m too young to
be in OR, huh?
“Well, you do look very young. Now that Dorothy knew she was the surgeon, she eagerly asked about Everett’s condition.
After leaming that Everett was out of danger, Dorothy’s worry finally eased,
Outside the ICU, Amanda stormed in upon hearing that her husband had allowed Dorothy to visit their son without her consent
“How could you let her in to see our boy without asking me?”
“You and Heather went behind my back, too Jonathan retorted, his patience with his wife wearing thin. “I have my reasons for
doing this”
“You’re not seriously considering letting Dorothy into the Lopez family, are you?”
Jonathan frowned. “If Everett wakes up, the first person he’ll want to see is Dorothy Having her nearby will help him recover

For Jonathan, his son’s health was priority and now with the custody of his grandchildren secured, why not chase a little
happiness for
his son?
our home and never leave?
“Aren’t you afraid that Dorothy will just plant herself in o
Im not worried. She’s not that kind of person.”
Amanda huffed, clearly dissatisfied with her husband’s must in Dorothy.
“How well do you think you know her? What if she-
“if she was after money, she could’ve refused to divorce Everett years ago, and we wouldn’t have been able to do a thing. Plus, I
looked into it when she got pregnant and had the kids. She never ined to use them to get money from Everett. She kept them
Jonathan was shrewd in business, and his conclusions were always based on thorough investigations.
‘Maybe she’s playing the long game, Amanda persisted, her dislike for Dorothy unwavering.
But Jonathan cut through her objections, “It seems to me you’re the one who’s scared to face Dorothy
‘Scared? Of what? She’s not worth my time!”
Jonathan sighed. “Sometimes feel like I don’t even know you anymore. How could you change so much over Heather?”
Back in Eldonia City
it would take at least live working days for Kennellis passport to replace, even with a rush order. There was no other choice,
Karen suggested she would go first.
They couldn’t just leave Corothy alone abroad.
“Winght, you go ahead, and once I get my passport, Ill bring the kids over,” Kenneth said, concerned about Karen managing both
Dorothy and the children on her own.

Kenneth booked Karen’s Night, splurging on a first class ticket to ensure her comfort
As Karen settled into her seat on the plane, her neighbor was a man

bandage wupped around his head, currently dozing off.
His sharp features and handsome face caught Karen’s attention, and she couldn’t help but steal a few more glances his way
