The CEO’s Hidden Love Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires

Chapter 529
“What!” Dorothy shot up from her seat, her eyes wide with disbelief.
Everett’s heart sank, and without thinking, he glanced at Dorothy, knowing all too well what Karen meant to her. To mess with
Karen was like poking a bear, and Jeffrey had just jabbed at Dorothy’s sore spot!
Jeffrey, still feeling hard done by from the night before, protested, “I swear, it was all Karen! I mean, I just went along with it and
didn’t say no. If you don’t believe me, ask her!”
Dorothy didn’t want to hear his excuses; she reached for her phone, ready to call Karen to get the lowdown..
Everett stepped in, urging Dorothy to let Jeffrey finish his piece, and asked, “So, are you saying it was mutual?”
Jeffrey’s handsome face crumpled with frustration. “Of course! I’m not the type to force a woman, come on! After we left the
hospital yesterday, she said she needed to hit the supermarket, so I gave her a lift. Next thing I know, back at the hotel, she’s
asking if I’m up for it!”
Dorothy coughed pointedly, and Jeffrey hit the brakes on his story, sparing them the explicit details.
“And what are you planning to do? Why did you come here today asking about her flight?”
“She slept with me and didn’t even leave a number! What can I possibly do?” Jeffrey looked at Dorothy as if she were the judge
and jury. “You should be asking her what she wants, not me!”
Dorothy recalled Karen mentioning how Jeffrey was quite the looker. Could Karen really have taken a fancy to him?
“I haven’t reached out to Karen yet. She’s probably still asleep. I’ll get her side after we talk.”
“No way. Her room’s empty.”
Dorothy quickly dialed Karen’s number, and this time, someone picked up.
She should’ve called earlier; she had only held back to avoid waking Karen, never imagining she’d just take off!

Karen sounded like she was at the airport, with announcements blaring in the background.
“Why’d you leave without saying goodbye? Didn’t you see my message?”
“I did, but you know I can’t stand goodbyes! I’d turn into a blubbering mess, so I snuck away! Besides, we’ll see each other when
you’re back from your trip; it’s only a month!”
Dorothy glanced at Jeffrey and hesitated but decided against bringing him up. If Karen didn’t want to talk about it, she probably
intended to address it later or not at all. It would be too awkward to pry.
“So, you’re at the airport now?”
“Yeah! Don’t worry, Kenneth’s picking me up, and he’s bringing the kids along too. I’ve missed them!”
“Alright, take care then.”
After hanging up, Jeffrey fixed his gaze on Dorothy, “Where is Karen?”
“She’s gone. If she didn’t bother to inform you before leaving, it indicates she has no intention of keeping in touch. You should let
it go
Jeffrey’s anger flared. “Why does she get to take the lead, sleep with me, and then shirk responsibility? Does she think she can
just define our relationship however she wants?”
Dorothy crossed her arms. “Well, what do you want then?”
“She’s at the airport, right? Fine, I’ll go get some answers!”
As Jeffrey stormed off, Dorothy called after him, “You don’t even know what you want out of this! How is Karen supposed to
define it? Think it over before you go chasing after her!”
But he was already out the door, not looking back
