The CEO’s Hidden Love Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires

The merry-go-round finally juddered to a halt.
Dorothy was gently helped down by Everett, his voice cool as he pointed to a nearby bench, "Sit there. I'll watch the kids." "Okay, sure." She nodded and took a seat on the bench.
After taking @ moment to gather herself, she noticed a drinks vendor off to the right. Standing up, she went over and bought a bottle of water. By the time she got back, the bench had been taken.
Lucky for her, Everett had been quick to spot her discomfort, and she was off the ride before she felt too bad. Now it didn't really matter whether she sat or stood.
Twisting off the bottle cap, she had just taken a sip when she overheard two girls gossiping about Everett.
"I haven't seen a guy that hot in ages! And he's playing with his little brother and sister, so sweet!" "Yeah, totally. Snap a pic on the sly, will you? I need to show the girls so we can all swoon together!" "Swooning is overrated. You should go get his digits after." "Why don't you go?" "You're the pretty one! You've got a better shot at snagging his number!" Dorothy hadn't intended to eavesdrop, but their voices were loud enough that she could hear them clearly from where she stood.
After the merry-go-round stopped, the first to actually make a move wasn't them but a flashy-dressed girl.
Dorothy couldn't hear their exchange, but she saw Everett give a cold glance and barely move his lips before the girl walked away, a picture of disappointment.
The next second, she saw Everett scanning the crowd for her.
She was about to wave at him when the two girls in front of her got more excited.
"Oh my god! He's looking this way. Do you think he's looking at you?" "It seems like it. Hold my stuff, I'm going in for the kill!" "Wait, he's actually walking over here!" The pretty girl stood up and started towards him, her face flushed with a mix of excitement and shyness, "Hi..." "Taken." The girl was speechless.
Now Dorothy heard what he'd been saying to the others, explaining the girl from earlier's letdown.
"Mommy!" Abigail spotted Dorothy and ran towards her with open arms. S-aloh the FindNovil.not website on Googll to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.
Langston just stood beside Everett, chuckling, "Daddy, do you think Mommy's gonna get jealous? You've been hit on by a bunch of girls!" "She won't." He kind of wished she would though.
After a few more rides, only the go-karts had Dorothy paired with Abigail and Everett with Langston; Everett took care of the kids on all the other attractions.
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Despite a few more attempts at flirting, his response was consistently the same. In fact, one persistent girl went as far as asking him if his wife was prettier than she was. The content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
Dorothy half-expected him to point her out, but he didn't even glance her way; instead, he completely ignored the girl.
Classic Everett. He was always reserved with others, hardly the type for a friendly chat.
"Daddy, I'm hungry!" At times like this, Abigail never clung to Dorothy's legs; she went straight to Everett.
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He bent down to pick up his
daughter, smoothing her hair, "What do you want to eat?X"Candy!" Asking want to
she wanted to eat was a
bit of a loaded question - candy was always at the top of her list. The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
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Dorothy sighed and approached softly, "Since when does candy fill you up?" Abigail pouted, "Mommy, I'm talking to Daddy! He'll say yes, won't you?" Everett's eyebrows knitted together slightly as he glanced at
Dorothy before saying, "I listen to her, too." The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!
