The CEO’s Hidden Love Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires

Karen couldn't tell if it was the pregnancy, but she sure was sleepy these days.
She slept like a log until the evening shadows stretched long and dark.
Opening her eyes, she caught snippets of conversation outside, and a man's voice at that! Instinctively, she furrowed her brow, straining to listen, half worried it might be her dad. But thankfully, it was just Kenneth.
Dorothy had flown back from abroad; it was a no-brainer that Kenneth would swing by. Karen could've bet on it.
"Hey, Kenneth, you made it." Stepping into the living room, Karen clocked the off look in Kenneth's eyes.
She glanced at Dorothy and asked, "Did you tell Kenneth?" Dorothy nodded. "Yeah, I told him about the breakup." So, the pregnancy was still under wraps.
Karen flashed a knowing smile and plopped down beside Dorothy. "Kenneth, I would have told you myself, but you've been down lately. I figured this news might just make things worse." "I knew it!" Kenneth scowled, his thick brows knitting together. "I always said that Jeffrey was bad news, but you wouldn't listen.
Now you've had a good cry and seen the light?" Karen stuck out her tongue. "I thought I'd give it a shot! He was sweet to me at first, but I guess..." "There's a lot you didn't see coming!" Kenneth's tone was stern. "Lucky for you, you didn't get engaged. Do you have any idea how that would've affected your future?" The difference between being a first-time bride and a second-time bride could scare off plenty of guys! She could date freely before marriage, have as many boyfriends as she liked. As long as she wasn't married, she was still 'Miss'.
But once it's on paper, everything changes.
Kenneth had been so mad when he found out Karen was thinking of getting engaged to Jeffrey that he wanted to give Jeffrey a piece of his mind, and Karen too, while he was at it! "I get it, Kenneth. Lay off, will you? Dorothy's here, save me some face," Karen pleaded, knowing he could go on a lecture marathon as a schoolteacher. She quickly nudged Dorothy to exit stage left.
Dorothy, catching Karen's drift, chimed in, "Okay, Kenneth, she gets it. She broke up with Jeffrey, didn't she? Her spirits are already down, so no need to scold her anymore." "You're always such a handful," Kenneth sighed, then turned to Dorothy, "About the lawyer thing..." "I'll find someone myself, see who can help. If it really comes down to it, I'll apply for legal aid." Dorothy had reached out to several law firms, but none wanted to cross the Lopez Corporation.
She knew the road ahead was tough, but she didn't expect to hit a roadblock right at the start.
"I'll keep looking too. We're bound to find someone." Dorothy nodded, her resolve unshaken.
The evidence Everett had given her was damning, so a lawyer was just a formality.
Worst comes to worst, she'd take the evidence to the police, and get the press involved! There had to be a way out.
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Kenneth rose from the couch and said, "It's getting late. I should head out. Karen, take care of Dorothy) Will you? Call me if you need anything." "Sure, bye, Kenneth!" Karen and Dorothy walked him out to the gate, watching his car fade into the night before heading back. The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!
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"Phew! Lucky you didn't mention the baby, or I'd have an earful!" Dorothy gave a helpless smile. "You hadn't so how could 1?" The said anything se breakup was bound to come out
sooner or later. It didn't matter much if she brought it up now or not. The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!
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Karen squinted into a smile, turning to head back in, when she spotted a
vaguely familiar figure in the Om distance at the Find_Nø website on Gøøgle to access chapters of novels early and in the
highest quality. The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!
