Big Novel

After hanging up his boss’s phone call, Jack Li said to his subordinates, “No more autopsy center, go to the Joules’ group!”
His subordinates hurriedly asked “Inspector, what are you going to do at the Joules Group? It will soon hold a press conference.
Almost all the media in New York are there, you go there at this time.
It is not... Is not...”
As the subordinate tried to speak, he all of a sudden stuttered up, stammering and not saying anything in the follow-up.
Jack Li asked in a cold voice “What? You damn well say it!”
The subordinate could only pluck up courage, hardened his head and said, “Is it not the same as... throwing yourself into the
Jack Li gritted his teeth and cursed “Fuck you! I am a police officer, not a murderer, how can I be considered to throw myself into
the net?”
His subordinate said anxiously, “But the media are waiting to interview you...”
Jack Li knew that what his subordinate said was not wrong.
With so many major cases occurring in the city overnight and so many innocent deaths involved, the reporters in the city are now
most eager to interview the head of the police. The top has also long issued an order, without the permission of the top, no one is
allowed to accept media interviews privately.
The reason why the top is so afraid of interviews is because in this case, the police have long been the object of blame by the
media and the public. As long as they seize the opportunity, no matter who is interviewed, they will have to face all the possible
criticism. Therefore, the top is afraid that the police will be questioned by reporters and feel dumbfounded, with the red-faced
look, the media films this and broadcasts it to the country or even the world it will be a sight of embarrassment.
This is also why Jack Li lied to his superiors and said he was going to the autopsy center.
If he had said he wanted to go to the Joules’ group and meet Xion Banks, his boss would have cursed him on the spot and
forbade him. However, at the moment, Jack Li has no other way.

The only clue he could grasp was that Xion Banks had come to New York with Michaela, so to know whether the Dragon Temple
was behind this matter or not, Xion Banks was the only breakthrough. So, he ironically said to his subordinates “From now on do
not say anything, do not ask anything, what I tell you to do, you do as you are told to do, if the above blames, everything is on
The subordinate knows that Jack Li has made up his mind, so he wisely did not say any word and then immediately picked up
the intercom, said to the cars following behind him “Not going to the autopsy center, just follow me.”
At this moment. From eight o’clock, there are less than five minutes left.
The conference hall of the Joules Group is not only full, even the aisles are full of people. All kinds of media set up all kinds of
long guns, afraid to miss every shot and clip of the launch they are already there. In addition, many media outlets also carried out
simultaneous live broadcasts, which are broadcasted in real-time to the world through the dual platforms of cable TV and the
Because Patrick’s case has stirred the world, at this moment, not only the people of the United States are watching the
conference, but also people in other countries are watching the broadcast of the conference in different time zones, at different
times and through different network platforms.
