Big Novel

Moved with emotions, Steven and Amelia stared at Clarence's respectable face in shock.
Weighed down by their struggles, the couple was surprised to find a member of the Lovett family coming forward to help them
His help could not come in a timelier manner.
"Don't speak to your mother like that, Clarence!"
With Clarence's attitude rubbing him the wrong way, Neil got up and pointed at Clarence's stoic face. "Your mother has worked
herself to the bone to raise three children, only to be called a disappointment. You and Steve have pushed us too far."
Hunter tried to play the victim and made himself out to be the good guy. "See, Mom and Dad? They don't care about you. I'm the
only one on your side. They are ungrateful brats."
Humiliated by Steven and Clarence's relentless attacks in court, Hunter seethed with growing fury. "If you have a problem, take it
out on me, Clarence. You can come at me with everything you've got. Don't lash out at Mom. She has done nothing to deserve
Clarence stared at Hunter with a smirk, his eyes reflecting resentment and disdain. "Do you think I'm not after you? Do you think
you got away scot-free?"
Hunter was stunned.
"Do you think I'm oblivious to what you have done right under my nose? Do you think I'm blind to your atrocity on Steve?"
Clarence gasped sharply, feeling like he had been punched in the gut as guilt overcame him. "I regret not exposing you for the
vile human you are and not calling you out for your crimes. Maybe then, you'll know justice will be served."
"Clarence, you..." Hunter turned bright red.
Clarence was a man of few words, not one to show concern even at home. Yet now, he pulled a rug from under Hunter and
disgraced him.
Taken aback by Clarence's sudden outburst, Chelsea dropped her jaw and looked at Hunter in disbelief.
"What are you talking about? What crimes?"

Neil took a step forward, his eyes bulging. "Is that true, Hunter? What's going on?"
Clarence gave Hunter the side-eye.
"Ha! You still haven't told Mom and Dad. I thought you were the loyal son, but you kept everything from them anyway. It
explained why you stood there and gave your big speech. You probably have no idea that your attorneys blew the whistle on
you, accusing you of embezzling public funds, bribery, and money laundering. Your law firm has been suspended from operation
pending the outcome of the investigation."
"Suspended? Blew the whistle? Who?" Caught off guard, Hunter cried menacingly.
Then he felt a vibration from his phone.
Hunter took out his phone with shaky hands and felt another headache.
Clarence was not bluffing. Hunter's law firm was forced to shut down. He just received a photo from his assistant, showing a
notice on the front door about a cease-and-desist order.
