Big Novel

Bella's silence and forbearance gnawed at Justin.
Arnold then approached with the test results in hand.
"I have the results."
The Thompsons rose to their feet. Bella was the first to rush to Arnold and get the test results from him.
"The substance is safe?!" Bella stared at the data in disbelief.
Arnold nodded somberly. "Unexpectedly, the medicine from Christopher is safe. In fact, the drug is Meridan's newly developed
drug for stroke patients. The effects are better than Aunt Mila's drugs." Amid the shock, everybody saw a glimmer of hope.
Justin was overjoyed and dejected. The guilt ate him up inside.
He hoped he could be the one to help Bella. Instead, the help from Christopher was a godsend.
"That's great!"
Axel exclaimed excitedly, "So Dad will get better if we can get him a supply of this medicine?"
Arnold frowned without a word.
Asher read his expression and drew close. "Is there a problem, Arnold?"
"It is a miracle drug in Meridan. The exorbitant price is not the issue. Production is scarce and only available to Meridan's elites
and royal family. Besides, the drug is aggressive, so I'm sure there are side effects. I can't say what the side effects will be,
The Thompsons were disheartened.
"Side effects? That won't do."
Mila was concerned. "The drug might relieve Wyatt's stroke symptoms, but he might suffer another manifestation."
The other wives had the same idea as Mila.

"Chairman Thompson isn't getting any younger, and he's lucky to still be alive despite the complexities of his health He needs to
regain consciousness as soon as possible. The prolonged coma will only do irreversible damage to his central nervous system."
Working in a profession dealing with multiple deaths, Arnold spoke with authority. "I am Chairman Thompson's attending doctor.
At least, I call the shots on his medical issues. use the drug on him later. If he wakes up tomorrow, his. recovery will head in a
good direction. Don't think too much about the side effects. Just focus on saving his life, and we will deal with the rest later. The
best scenario we can hope for is that the side effects aren't life-threatening."
Bella gritted her teeth and made up her mind. "We'll go with your suggestion, Dr. Larson. You can use the drug on Dad. We'll
figure the rest out later. Besides, Dad is a fighter. The illness can't defeat him." Even so, Justin could tell how much Bella was
She was forcing herself to be strong.
Ryan was worried upon learning of Wyatt's critical health.
However, as the date of his appointment Toomed, Ryan became consumed by work and multiple projects. He barely had time for
his wife. Hence, he tasked Yasmin to find medical help for Wyatt. Ryan would take an active role once his schedule calmed
That day, Ryan finally made time to visit Wyatt and meet with Justin and Bella.
He walked out of the office, only to receive a pressing call from Yasmin.
"Did something happen to Carrie?" Anxious, Ryan asked about Carrie.
