Big Novel

Chaapter 609
Beliala’s dread was still fuzzy the next morning. She was a little.
She alabniptly opened her eyes and jolted up from bed.
The monotonous colors of black, white, and gray and the calming
incense in in ee room relaxed her.
“This is a man’s room. Christopher?”
Belia had a acicciole teadache, as if someone had just hit her head
with a club.b.
The last thing she remembered from last night was arguing with
Justin, and evergruining sise after was a blur.
With her heart pounding.c. Beila got up and left the room.
Downstairs in the kitctuerenc Christopher wore a white shirt olled
his sleeves to his elbows/sele was at the kitchen counter, m
breakfast for Bellala,

The warm morning sun ousidiaid the window shone on the man, softening his facial lines. Helwembandsome and poised like a
gentiernan in a painting..
He often cooked but never worerama Horon.
Christopher never wore the same garntiment twice anyway.
“Mr. Iverson.”
Christopher looked up tenderly at the sound of Bella’s voice. “You’re
awake, Bella. How do you feel?”
“Mr. Iverson, last night-”
“Didn’t we agree on it, Bella? Just call me Chris.”
Christopher pouted a little. Still, he did not stop the task at hand, like a
dutiful wife. “You weren’t feeling well last night, and you passed out. I
guess you could be low on blood sugar or overwhelmed. Don’t worry.
You slept in my room, but I didn’t touch you.”
“I know...” Bella rested her head in her palm exhaustedly. She was not

She had no idea whether she was hypoglycemic, but she was not in a good mood last night. The past trauma still haunted her,
and it still
It never crossed her mind that she would react strongly and be
knocked unconscious by the pain.
That bastard, Justin, was the bane of her.
“Breakfast is ready, Bella. Come and eat,” Christopher urged her
gently as he put the plates down.
It was as if they were newlyweds, and Christopher, the husband, made
breakfast for his wife since she slept in.
“I don’t feel like eating. Thank you, though.”
Bella believed it was inappropriate enough that she stayed the night at the home of a guy she barely knew. She could not
possibly stay for
breakfast too.

That was suggestive, and she was not that type of woman.
“Thank you for having me. I should go now.”
While talking, Bella pressed her lips together awkwardly and walked
toward the door.
Feeling crushed, Christopher caught up to her. “Bella, did I do
something wrong?”
“No. I’m just not used to spending the night and having breakfast at a man’s place, especially one I’m not close with. It’s just not
me,” Bella expressed indifferently with a distant smile.
Feeling hurt, Christopher clutched his fingers.
Justin could get close to her and hold her, but Christopher could not
make her stay for breakfast.
If he had not shown up on time last night, Christopher wondered what Justin and Bella would have done. They could have
kissed, and Justin.
could have stayed the night at her place.
Bella’s phone rang. Asher was calling.
