bright sumadaa
Time stupni queth batutan. then fingers, what harking, they 1-
Callum, artered the hunte
The pasti
Weil of rourna – mah Mam Mysal Di
sampe (sas) Thar the Truka hommaall wright! Take up bak
Com han some True torna recently and though
Callum, the man she saw at a nobre figure was baking pastries. 1
Howdyt {ex blinkadt a few times and sand
These pastries may be exquisite but they së hot
mac Nubat the mention of Melton food. Txactly One of the reasons i kom. Melfort
sheniać probabis triake another trip to Melfort and while I’m there
Paval, has senten, ‘W bul) are understood. Callum wanted to go to Melfort large
Witt: that thought Lima) forget all about her previous plans and asked sterrey Callum, awhat
reunded Pease don’t interfere with their lives okay
you want exactly‘ Kalala
alum night in the heart. His good mood vanished, and he angrily swept the pastries off the table. He grabbed | ketom Foac. Why
di you have to bring up Natalia? Why?
was riding with that bastard. Magnus
Dit be a nerve is that why you he kë
during the far mani pus ineed together. Why Lant you understand that
allum was furious. He fell like strai jing Lex in bront of him. He krabe all these things, bu
LEA MAI Equili, stubDGIT, Loving someone who doesn 1. kone you baci Stop bothering Natalia and pursue your own ide. You’re
outstanding tim
No Dont say d: They re nut
He mulch echoed those of Nalala
been; the alitual crazed Callum. Lex fel a
Then th
Face the mail; halata has her
the tum if you keep
rily tha mand was dominutes by
saping anything
fying tu bereak fine fun
ter the matted to see if she would still side with Magis
suto clearly few. the hardkor hum Calluneta kand
ah Lallum warded was tu hugh the
The texturn of her ups. the motily basheegi batangat
he wai